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See also: Nidicolous Nidi Nidifugous

1. Nidicolous definition is - reared for a time in a nest.

Nidicolous, Nest

2. Word Origin for Nidicolous C19: from Latin nīdus nest + colere to inhabit Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co

Nidicolous, Nest

3. 1. Nidicolous - (of birds) remaining in the nest for a time after hatching nidifugous - (of birds) leaving the nest shortly after hatching Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection

Nidicolous, Nest, Nidifugous

4. Nidicolous (of young birds) hatching in a relatively undeveloped stage and remaining in the nest for the fledging period.

Nidicolous, Nest

5. Of course this doubleheaded condition is the more primitive, and as such exists in most nidifugous birds, but in many of these, as well as in many nidicolous birds, either the caudal or the iliac head is absent, …

Nidifugous, Nidi

6. Nidicolous Nidicolous animals are those that stay at their nest or birthplace for a long time after birth, due to their dependence on the parents for feeding, protection and learning survival skills. It is the opposite of nidifugous where the animal is able to leave the nest very quickly.

Nidicolous, Nest, Nidifugous

7. Etymologically speaking, the word Nidicolous refers to birds that stay in the nest due to their dependence on the parents for food and protection. But there’s no reason you couldn’t apply it to other species

Nidicolous, Nest, No

8. Nidicolously synonyms, Nidicolously pronunciation, Nidicolously translation, English dictionary definition of Nidicolously


9. Sharing the nest of another species of animal: Nidicolous

Nest, Nidicolous

10. Nidicolous (of young birds) hatching in a relatively undeveloped stage and remaining in the nest for the fledging period.

Nidicolous, Nest

11. …parental care—and they are also Nidicolous—that is, they remain in the nest for some time after hatching

Nidicolous, Nest

12. All things you should know about Nidicolous birds and nidifugous birds

Nidicolous, Nidifugous

13. The terms nidifugous and Nidicolous by Lorenz Oken in 1816,Lorenz Oken (1 August 1779 – 11 August 1851) was a German naturalist, botanist, biologist, and ornithologist

Nidifugous, Nidicolous, Naturalist

14. The difference between Nidicolous birds and nidifugous birds are:

Nidicolous, Nidifugous

15. Nidicolous (comparative more Nidicolous, superlative most Nidicolous) (zoology) Tending to stay at the nest or birthplace for a long time after birth, due to dependence on the parents for feeding and protection.

Nidicolous, Nest

16. Take the ridiculous "Nidicolous": Isn't there a better way of saying that chicks remain in the nest after hatching? (These Orange-breasted Falcon chicks - faintly ridiculous themselves - are just one

Nidicolous, Nest

17. Dictionary entry overview: What does Nidicolous mean? • Nidicolous (adjective) The adjective Nidicolous has 1 sense:


18. (of birds) remaining in the nest for a time after hatching Familiarity information: Nidicolous used as an adjective is very rare.

Nest, Nidicolous

19. Nidicolous: reared in a nest; sharing a nest nidificate: to construct a nest nidifugous: leaving the nest soon after hatching nidify: to build a nest nidology: study of nests nidor: strong smell or fume of animal cooking nidulation: nest-building nidus: place where something originates or develops; nest niello

Nidicolous, Nest, Nidificate, Nidifugous, Nidify, Nidology, Nests, Nidor, Nidulation, Nidus, Niello

20. In general, Nidicolous ticks respond to the same spectrum of host-originated stimuli as non-Nidicolous ticks, e.g., CO 2 body heat, and various odors

Nidicolous, Non

21. However, the range at which these stimuli are perceived is considerably shorter than in non-Nidicolous ticks.

Non, Nidicolous

22. (2018) demonstrates that some of these Nidicolous tick species are found to bite humans more often then previously suspected.


23. Nidicolous: 1 adj (of birds) remaining in the nest for a time after hatching Antonyms: nidifugous (of birds) leaving the nest shortly after hatching

Nidicolous, Nest, Nidifugous

24. Bunnies are born blind and helpless, so they are also Nidicolous


25. Because Nidicolous ticks either are attached to mammalian hosts during feeding or spend non-feeding periods in host nest sites, standard methods of flagging litter and vegetation may overlook the majority of these ticks in an ecosystem

Nidicolous, Non, Nest

26. In the present study, most Nidicolous ticks were removed directly from small mammals.


27. Soft ticks are generally Nidicolous, being found in animal burrows or dens, bird nests, bat caves, dilapidated or poor-quality human dwellings (huts, cabins, and so forth), or animal rearing shelters

Nidicolous, Nests

28. Nidicolous definition: (of young birds ) remaining in the nest for some time after hatching Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

Nidicolous, Nest

29. A Nidicolous animal (from Latin nidus "nest" and -colus "inhabiting") is an animal that stays at its birthplace for a long time because it depends on the parents for food, protection, and the learning of survival skills.wikipedia

Nidicolous, Nidus, Nest

30. Nidicolous young need lots of parental care, often for long periods of time

Nidicolous, Need

31. Animal babies Apodidae are generally classified as altricial or Nidicolous with regard to their post-embryonic development (Chantler and Driessens, 1995).


32. Nidicolous is an adjective according to parts of speech


33. Synonyms for Nidicolously in Free Thesaurus


34. 1 antonym for Nidicolous: nidifugous

Nidicolous, Nidifugous

35. What are synonyms for Nidicolously?


36. Nidicolous SpringerLink Altricial


37. Curiously, English has another pair of terms which form an equivalent pair to Nidicolous and nidifugous

Nidicolous, Nidifugous

38. Nidicolous - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums


39. Nidicolous Camp Electronic · 2015 Preview SONG TIME And I'll Wait for You


40. In consequence, they attract a specialized arthropod community considered as Nidicolous, which includes species only found in bird nests (strictly Nidicolous) or sometimes found in bird nests (facultatively Nidicolous).

Nidicolous, Nests

41. Nidicolous definition: (of young birds ) remaining in the nest for some time after hatching Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

Nidicolous, Nest

42. Nidicolous: Remaining in the nest after hatching until grown or nearly grown

Nidicolous, Nest, Nearly

43. Nidicolous Applied to a young bird that stays in the nest until it is able to fly

Nidicolous, Nest

44. Nidicolous young are usually naked and incapable of locomotion

Nidicolous, Naked

45. Source for information on Nidicolous: A Dictionary of Ecology dictionary.


46. Nidicolous, adjective: an animal that stays at its birthplace for a long time because it depends on its family for food, protection, and the learning of survival skills


47. Nidicolous tadpoles rather than direct development in Malagasy frogs of the genus Gephyromantis


48. 1 day ago · Nidicolous [nahy-dik-uh-luh s] (adjective) remaining in the nest for a period after hatching.

Nbsp, Nidicolous, Nahy, Nest

49. 1 day ago · Nidicolous [nahy-dik-uh-luh s] (adjective) remaining in the nest for a period after hatching

Nbsp, Nidicolous, Nahy, Nest


NIDICOLOUS [nīˈdikələs]

Frequently Asked Questions

What does nidicolous mean?

Definition of nidicolous 1 : reared for a time in a nest 2 : living in a nest especially : sharing the nest of another kind of animal

What does nidifugous mean?

nidicolous - (of birds) remaining in the nest for a time after hatching. nidifugous - (of birds) leaving the nest shortly after hatching.

Are nidifugous birds precocial?

While all nidifugous birds are also necessarily precocial, some nidicolous birds are also precocial—that is, they are capable of leaving the nest soon after hatching, but instead they stick around. Other nidicolous birds are altricial, which is to say they are hatched in a very immature and helpless condition and require care for some time.

What are nidicolous species?

Records of nidicolous species were noted for the following genera: Calliopum Strand, Lyciella Collin, Minettia Robineau-Desvoidy, Poecilominettia Hendel, Pseudocalliope Malloch and Sapromyza Fallen. Dictionary browser ? Full browser ?

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