Use Nicopyrite in a sentence

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See also: Nicotine Nicole Nicoise Nicolaitans Nico Nicolaus Nicomachean Nicholas Nicotinic

1. Nicopyrite mineral data, information about Nicopyrite, its properties and worldwide locations.


2. Cite this entry as: (2009) Nicopyrite


3. The results show that: (1) in the oxidative leaching system, nickel can be leached completely as Ni 2+ or NiSO 4 (aq.)from nickel sulfide concentration in theory; (2) the Nicopyrite can not exist steadily in the persulfate acid leaching system, but Ni 2+ can

Nickel, Ni, Niso, Nicopyrite, Not

4. Meanwhile, sulfur may be existed steadily in the leaching process; (3) Nicopyrite with


5. Minerals, such as magnetite, pyrrhotine, Nicopyrite, chalcopyrite, pyrite and some PGM, et al


6. Human translations with examples: pyrite, pyrites, bereet!, mr berrit, mr perret, Nicopyrite, mr barrett, tin


7. The results show that: (1) in the oxidative leaching system, nickel can be leached completely as Ni2+ or NiSO4(aq.)from nickel sulfide concentration in theory; (2) the Nicopyrite can not exist

Nickel, Nicopyrite, Not

8. Nicopyrite to length ——— ^ t gers and of h W t nume 3yrlt)le

Nicopyrite, Nume

9. Nicopyrite \ni.ko.pi.ʁit\ féminin (Minéralogie) Ancien nom de la pentlandite

Nicopyrite, Ni, Nom

10. Nicopyrite Last Update: 2019-01-30 Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: Reference: Drkhateeb: 10


11. These sulfides generally exist separately but may react metasomatically with Nicopyrite, molybdenite, or Cu to form co-occurring structures.


12. Nicopyrite : nicopirita (min) = pentlandita (min) nieve penitente : nieve penitente, pilares de hielo y nieve de unos 5-6 m

Nicopyrite, Nicopirita, Nieve

13. L’équipe de Royal Nickel s’est concentrée sur trois minéraux : la pentlandite (ou Nicopyrite) et le disulfure de trinickel (ou heazlewoodite), tous deux des sulfures, et l’awaruite, du

Nickel, Nicopyrite

14. L’équipe de Royal Nickel s’est concentrée sur trois minéraux : la pentlandite (ou Nicopyrite) et le disulfure de trinickel (ou heazlewoodite), tous deux des sulfures, et l’awaruite, du

Nickel, Nicopyrite

15. 23, The ore is composed of 30 kinds of minerals, the nickel mineral is mainly Nicopyrite and the gangue minerals are chlorite, talc and so on

Nickel, Nicopyrite

16. Nicopyrite [MIN.] der Pentlandit Pl.: die Pentlandite iron nickel pyrites [MIN.] der Pentlandit Pl.: die Pentlandite cobalt pentlandite - it is the cobalt analogue of pentlandite [MIN.] der Kobaltpentlandit Pl.: die Kobaltpentlandite

Nicopyrite, Nickel

17. [2]各种化石的名称,如三叶虫trilobite、菊石ammonite、箭石belemnite、葵盘石receptaculite、笔石graptolite;各种矿产名称,比如菱锌矿smithsonite、蓝椎矿benitoite、镍黄铁矿Nicopyrite、亚历山大石Alexandrite、虎纹石tigerite;各种玉石名称,比如软玉nephrite、硬玉jadeite、绿 …

Nicopyrite, Nephrite

18. (Folgerite, Lillhammerite, Nicopyrite) Medio Ambiente Geolgico: rocas bsicas y ultrabsicas gneas intrusivas Reflexin Color: crema ligera Reflexiones internas: Reflectancia [%]: 51.64 (48.55 rhodian) Anisotropa: isotrpico pleocrosmo: Bireflectance: Ulvoespinela (Ulvoespinela, ulvoespinela) Formula quimica: TiFe2+2O4


19. Thiobacillus ferrooxidans are used to leach ni from Nicopyrite: 5

Ni, Nicopyrite


NICOPYRITE [ˈkäpēˌrīt]

Frequently Asked Questions

Which definition of copyright is correct?

The creator's exclusive right to reproduce or sell an artistic work -is a correct definition of copyright.

What does copyright entail?

Definition of copyright.: the exclusive legal right to reproduce, publish, sell, or distribute the matter and form of something (such as a literary, musical, or artistic work) His family still holds the copyright to his songs.

What are the different types of copyright?

The Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 (the CDPA) sets out a list of eight different types of work protected by copyright (s.1). These are: – original literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works (s.1(1)(a)) – sound recordings, films and broadcasts (s.1(1)(b))

What is a simple explanation of copyright?

Copyright refers to the legal right of the owner of intellectual property. In simpler terms, copyright is the right to copy. This means that the original creators of products and anyone they give authorization to are the only ones with the exclusive right to reproduce the work.

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