See also: Nether Netherworld Netherlands Nethinims Nethermost Nonetheless Nevertheless Netherite Netherrack
1. What does Netherlandophones mean? Plural form of netherlandophone
Netherlandophones, Netherlandophone
2. Netherlandophone (plural Netherlandophones) (rare) Alternative form of Netherlandophone
Netherlandophone, Netherlandophones
3. Netherlandophones definition: Noun 1
Netherlandophones, Noun
4. Netherlandophones in English translation and definition "Netherlandophones", Dictionary English-English online
5. En.wiktionary.2016 [noun] plural of [i]netherlandophone[/i] Example sentences with "Netherlandophones", translation memory
Noun, Netherlandophone, Netherlandophones
6. Found 0 sentences matching phrase "Netherlandophones".Found in
7. Как определить слово Netherlandophones? Определение Netherlandophones в Wordow словарь как: plural of netherlandophone
Netherlandophones, Netherlandophone
8. Meaning of Netherlandophones for the defined word
9. Грамматически, это слово "Netherlandophones" является Существительные, более конкретно, Именные формы.
10. Netherlandophones tanımını öğrenin
11. Ayrıca İngilizce deki Netherlandophones kullanılışını örnekleriyle inceleyin.
Ngilizce, Netherlandophones
12. 에서 한국어 내부, 우리는 어떻게 설명 할Netherlandophones영어 단어 그것은? Netherlandophones영어 단어는 다음과 같은 의미를 한국어 :plural of netherlandophone
Netherlandophones, Netherlandophone
13. Meaning of Netherlandophones for the defined word
14. 문법적으로, 이 워드 "Netherlandophones" 는 명사, 좀 더 구체적으로, 명사 형태.
15. Sinônimo de Netherlandophones
Nimo, Netherlandophones
16. Antonym de Netherlandophones Netherlandophones Idioma
17. Käännös sanalle Netherlandophones englannista suomeksi
Nn, Netherlandophones
18. Garten’s Dutch immigrants tended to be equally divided between Netherlandophones and Teutophones, and to be concentrated in agricultural settlements in Nordgarten.
Netherlandophones, Nordgarten
19. Marianne Thyssen, an ally of Leterme, has spoken of a “{pax Belgica durable},” yet acknowledges that for the federal Belgian government “{[o]pposer systématiquement francophones et néerlandophones n’a aucun sens politique}” (“to oppose systematically francophones and Netherlandophones has no political sense”).[[Damien Gérard
Netherlandophones, No
20. Arguably, there could well be shared discursive fields as between Francophones and Allemannophones in Switzerland or Francophones and Netherlandophones in Belgium
21. 語源Netherland + -o- + -phone名詞Netherlandophone (複数形 Netherlandophones)A speaker of the Speakerphone - マイクロソフト用語 対訳 スピーカーフォン解説The name of a device profile that is activated when the device is used as a speaker pho
Netherland, Netherlandophone, Netherlandophones, Name
22. Again, compare this to Brussels, where Netherlandophones have lacked such a majority for a century
23. Arguably, there could well be shared discursive fields as between Francophones and Allemannophones in Switzerland or Francophones and Netherlandophones in Belgium