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See also: Nether Netherworld Netherlands Nethinims Nethermost Nonetheless Nevertheless Netherite Netherrack

1. What does Netherlandophone mean? A batavophone


2. (noun) Words near Netherlandophone in the Dictionary

Noun, Near, Netherlandophone

3. (rare) Alternative form of Netherlandophone Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary


4. What does Netherlandophones mean? Plural form of Netherlandophone

Netherlandophones, Netherlandophone

5. Plural of Netherlandophone Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary


6. The term Netherlandophone’, similar to néerlandophone in French, has the same disadvantage as the word ‘Netherlands’, which is less widely used than ‘Holland’, and doesn’t have adjectives like ‘Netherlandic’ in common use

Netherlandophone, Netherlands, Netherlandic

7. However, nowadays Noord-Brabant, Zeeland and northern Limburg have been heavily influenced by Holland (the nothern Netherlands) and their speech is getting closer and closer to the standard, while Netherlandophone Belgium has gone its own way and developed into “Flanders” (historically only West Flanders and East Flanders were considered

Nowadays, Noord, Northern, Nothern, Netherlands, Netherlandophone

8. 에서 한국어 내부, 우리는 어떻게 설명 할Netherlandophone영어 단어 그것은? Netherlandophone영어 단어는 다음과 같은 의미를 한국어 :A batavophone


9. Meaning of Netherlandophone for the defined word


10. 문법적으로, 이 워드 "Netherlandophone" 는 명사, 좀 더 구체적으로, 셀 수 있는 명사.


11. Нидерландофоны (Netherlandophone, Dutchophone) Нидерландцы (Голландцы) Фламандцы; Англо-фризские народы


12. It’s easy to invent these words, but some of them are bound to remain oddities, like “Netherlandophone.” The simple phrase “Dutch speaker” does the job very well


13. Wikipedia's Afrikaner article quotes figures of twenty-five thousand Afrikaners in the Netherlands and another fifteen thousand in Belgium, and presumably there are other South Africans, but yet there doesn't seem to be a significant concentration of South Africans in Netherlandophone Europe

Netherlands, Netherlandophone

14. But even early on it seems that Maximilian had ambitions of bringing the Flemings and Dutch closer together into a single Netherlandophone state—one in which the Walloons would be unwelcome squatters.


15. Netherlands nethermind netherminds nethermore nethermost nether portion Netherlandophone netherhairs netherhair nether cheeks nether cheek nether

Netherlands, Nethermind, Netherminds, Nethermore, Nethermost, Nether, Netherlandophone, Netherhairs, Netherhair

16. Antonym de Netherlandophones Netherlandophones Idioma


17. A Netherlandophone minority is likely to persist in Brussels, if only because of population exchange with Brussels’ hinterland in Flanders, but true Dutch-French bilingualism is likely impossible thanks to the choice and timing of the various language policies employed by Belgium and its constituent units for the past century and three-quarters.


18. Bedrijf gespecialiseerd in het beheer van IT Park, outsourcing, onderhoud en consulting streeft naar versterking van zijn teams een IT support niveau 1 Netherlandophone

Naar, Niveau, Netherlandophone

19. Käännös sanalle Netherlandophone englannista suomeksi

Nn, Netherlandophone

20. Batavophoneを解説文に含む見出し語の英和和英辞典の検索結果です。語源Netherland +‎ -o- +‎ -phone名詞Netherlandophone (複数形 Netherlandophones)A speaker of the

Netherland, Netherlandophone, Netherlandophones

21. 영어 단어 Netherlandophone를 스크래블 무엇을 알고 싶으십니까? 종료 영어 단어? 당신은 스크래블, Netherlandophone 시작 또는 단어의 모든 종류의 엔드로 내부에 영어 단어와 다양한 조합의 그녀 철저한 목록을 Wordow 찾을 수 있습니다.


22. Wikipedia's Afrikaner article quotes figures of twenty-five thousand Afrikaners in the Netherlands and another fifteen thousand in Belgium, and presumably there are other South Africans, but yet there doesn't seem to be a significant concentration of South Africans in Netherlandophone Europe

Netherlands, Netherlandophone

23. Нидерландофоны (Netherlandophone, Dutchophone) Нидерландцы ( Голландцы ) Фризы — сближаются с нидерландцами


24. Нидерландофонаш (Netherlandophone, Dutchophone) Нидерландаш (Голландаш) Фламандаш; Ингалс-Фризийн къаьмнаш


25. Bedrijf gespecialiseerd in het beheer van IT Park, outsourcing, onderhoud en consulting streeft naar versterking van zijn teams een IT support niveau 1 Netherlandophone

Naar, Niveau, Netherlandophone

26. Netherlandophone - Wiktionary英語版 語源Netherland +‎ -o- +‎ -phone名詞Netherlandophone (複数形 Netherland ophones)A speaker of the New Netherland - Wiktionary英語版

Netherlandophone, Netherland, New

27. The language map of Belgium has been traditionally divided between Netherlandophone Flanders in the north, Francophone Wallonia in the south (this region including, in turn, the German-speaking Eastern Cantons), and a nominally bilingual but actually Francophone-majority national capital of Brussels in the middle

Netherlandophone, North, Nominally, National

28. France was allowed to annex the Francophone provinces of the southern half of Belgium and western Flanders; the remainder of Belgium, with an overwhelmingly Netherlandophone population, was transferred to the Kingdom of the Netherlands, as "compensation" for the loss of the eastern half of the Dutch East Indies to the German Empire.

Netherlandophone, Netherlands





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