See also: Nerdy Needle Nurdle Needly Nerds Nerdish Nerdowell Nerd Nerdcore Nerdom A The Tech
1. Nerdly is our software-defined staffing platform, propelled by our custom AWS Machine Learning software
2. Nerdly will be a resource for AWS professionals to find new job (h)opportunities, a platform for employers to find top AWS talents to fill needed gaps on their team for hourly, contract, or full-time hire, and a space where AWS professionals can connect and collaborate in the NerdBurrow.
Nerdly, New, Needed, Nerdburrow
3. Today, we’re excited to launch Nerdly (@thatsNerdly), a new account dedicated to exploring the latest and relevant news, rumors, releases, cool findings and more in Nerd Culture from around the globe
Nerdly, New, News, Nerd
4. Another week, another episode of the Pop Addled podcast, part of the ever-growing podcast roster here on Nerdly! Pop Addled is a pop culture podcast with nerd 0 Comm
Nerdly, Nerd
5. He was dressed soooo Nerdly! by kleme October 26, 2003 Get a Nerdly mug for your cousin James.
6. The Nerdly Code is a code of conduct that all campers abide by, regardless of whether you’re in-person at Camp or participating in Nerdly spaces online.
7. There are 135451 Nerdly for sale on Etsy, and they cost $15.79 on average
8. The most common Nerdly material is porcelain & ceramic
9. is the UK’s home for all your geek and nerd needs.
Nerdly, Nerd, Needs
10. 2) come with the imprimatur of all that is Nerdly
11. Go Forth and Be Nerdly In this episode, we chat about Spider-Man No Way Home, Rubber Ross World in Super Mario Maker 2,…
Nerdly, No
12. Tommy-Wan, I mean, Williamson, started BrickNerd and built its iconic Nerdly brick
13. Complete with taped glasses, the Nerdly has been customized from its humble 2x2 red brick origins to just about every character and theme you can imagine
14. As the public release of Nerdly quickly approaches, we felt it would be important to give our future Nerds some guidance on best practices for building their profiles.As the NerdRabbit Project Manager, I will walk you through what type of information you should share about yourself on your Nerdly profile, what format will generate the most attention, and how you can show …
Nerdly, Nerds, Nerdrabbit
15. Nerdly Royalty AQWorlds Wiki » Items » Armors » Nerdly Royalty Location: Zack's Shop - Battleon Price: 5,000 Gold Sellback: 1,250 Gold Rarity: Rare Rarity Description: Wear the armor of Zach Storch to show your support for him as he competes to become King of the Nerds! Notes: Also see: Bright Knight
Nerdly, Nerds, Notes
16. Nerdly Geeky Goods Edmonds, Washington
17. Build a Nerdly—any scale, any theme, physical or digital
18. Make a small one, big one, and theme it however you like! You can check out our first Nerdly Contest from seven years ago for inspiration
19. Nerdly is not a Tomatometer-approved publication
Nerdly, Not
20. High quality Nerdly gifts and merchandise
21. Nerdly BEAUTIFUL FOOD, Lifestyle Priscilla Ikhena March 07, 2021
22. The Department of Nerdly Affairs is a bi-weekly talk podcast dedicated to exploring different aspects of Nerdly arts and culture
23. I’m no artist, BUT I wanna see YOUR #Nerdly Drawings! 🤓💚 Tag me! #JustDoodleIt #featureme
No, Nerdly
24. Choose your favorite Nerdly shirt style: v-neck or crew neckline; short, baseball or long sleeve; slim or relaxed fit; light, mid, or heavy fabric weight
Nerdly, Neck, Neckline
25. Drawing on works of fantasy and science fiction as diverse as books, TV, films, and video games, Nerdly Wisdom provides insights and practical advice on how you can improve your life, live fully in your community, and change the world.
26. Check out Mortimer-Nerdly's art on DeviantArt
27. Nerdly Beach Party Spring 2008 Report The first Nerdly Beach Party was in the spring of 2007, which I wasn't able to attend
28. Nerdly Beach Party Fall 2013 Report This was the first Nerdly Beach Party gathering after a long break, organized by Joshua Bishop-Roby
: an unstylish, unattractive, or socially inept person especially : one slavishly devoted to intellectual or academic pursuits computer nerds … single-minded math and science nerds … — Anna Quindlen. Other Words from nerd Synonyms Of Nerds, Geeks, and Dorks More Example Sentences Learn More about nerd.
Jump to navigation Jump to search. Descriptive term, often used pejoratively, indicating that a person is overly intellectual, obsessive, or socially impaired. A nerd is a person seen as overly intellectual, obsessive, introverted or lacking social skills.
: an unstylish, unattractive, or socially inept person especially : one slavishly devoted to intellectual or academic pursuits computer nerds … single-minded math and science nerds … — Anna Quindlen.
Of Nerds, Geeks, and Dorks. Dork, when used to refer to a socially awkward or inept person, is a relatively recent word: our records indicate that it first appeared in writing in the 1960s. Two of its synonyms in this sense are likewise of fairly recent vintage. Nerd (typically used of a studious species of dork) dates from the 1950s;