See also: Nephroma Neuromas Nephrons Nephromegaly Nephrostomy Nephrosis Nephrosclerosis Neuromuscular Nephroscopy Nephrostogram Nephrology Nephew Nephilim Nephron Nephrolithiasis Nephritis Nephrologist Nephrectomy Nephropathy Nephrotic Nephrotoxicity Nephesh
1. Embryonal Nephromas (syn.: nephroblastomas, Wilms’ tumors) are comparatively common tumors in Oryctolagus rabbits and have been reported on many occasions (see Table 16.3)
Nephromas, Nephroblastomas
2. Cystic Nephromas are rare, multiloculated cysts on the kidneys that occur mostly in early childhood
3. In childhood cancers, ETV6-NTRK3 fusions are found in the majority of infantile fibrosarcomas and congenital mesoblastic Nephromas
4. The nurse is teaching a student nurse about the incidence and etiology of Nephromas
Nurse, Nephromas
5. D) Some Nephromas have a hereditary risk factor.
6. Multilocular cystic Nephromas are benign tumors made up of cysts and are most common in infants, young children, and adult women
7. These congenital mesoblastic Nephromas are cured by surgery alone
8. Cases 1 to 4 are cellular congenital mesoblastic Nephromas (CMNs), with Case 3 representing the cellular CMN with prominent rhabdoid features illustrated in Figure 2
9. Pediatric kidney tumors fall into four primary categories: Wilms tumors (~85% of all cases), clear cell sarcomas of the kidney (~5%), congenital mesoblastic Nephromas (~4%), and …
10. Abstract Cystic Nephromas (CNs) are uncommon benign renal neoplasms that present with a bimodal age distribution, affecting either infants/young children or adult females
Nephromas, Neoplasms
11. Deleterious missense DICER1 mutations affecting one of the six amino-acid hotspots were seen in 18/20 (90%) cystic Nephromas and 0/6 cystic …
12. Etiology: Embryonal Nephromas are believed to arise from the metanephric blastema [3]
13. We report the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings in 2 patients with multilocular cystic Nephromas
14. In a series of 889 Wilms' tumours we found 29 pure mesoblastic Nephromas
15. Comments: Three morphologic patterns have been described in mesoblastic Nephromas - classic pattern (about 25% of cases); cellular (atypical) pattern (about 65% of cases); and mixed pattern (about 10% of cases).In its classic form, the tumor consists of a proliferation of spindle cells with features of fibroblasts, myofibroblasts, and smooth muscle cells.
16. Multilocular Cystic Nephromas Materials and Methods Literature Search A systematic literature review was performed by two physician research assistants who were be - ing supervised by an abdominal imaging radiolo-gist with more than 20 years of experience
17. Mesoblastic Nephromas are more likely to occur in patients under: A) one year of age B) 5 years of age C) 10 years of age D) 18 years of age
18. Our findings and a review of the literature lead us to believe that cystic Nephromas are real neoplasms, and that they probably represent the differentiated counterpart of nephroblastoma.
Nephromas, Neoplasms, Nephroblastoma
19. Pediatric cystic Nephromas: distinctive features and frequent DICER1 mutations
20. All congenital mesoblastic Nephromas, metanephric stromal tumors, primitive neuroectodermal tumors, desmoplastic small round blue cell tumors, most rhabdoid tumors, and synovial sarcomas were negative for Pax8
Nephromas, Neuroectodermal, Negative
21. In childhood cancers, ETV6-NTRK3 fusions are found in the majority of infantile fibrosarcomas and congenital mesoblastic Nephromas
22. 50% cystic Nephromas and 50% CPDN (see below) Females more frequently in adulthood (>30) Clinical Findings
23. Multilocular cystic Nephromas could be both congenital, affecting predominantly infant males, as well as acquired affecting predominantly postmenopausal females
24. 50% cystic Nephromas and 50% CPDN (see below) Females more frequently in adulthood (>30) Clinical Findings
25. Other kidney tumors include clear cell sarcoma of the kidney, malignant rhabdoid tumor, and mesoblastic Nephromas.
26. Morphologically, cystic Nephromas are composed of encapsulated, noncommunicating cysts with thin septations
Nephromas, Noncommunicating
27. By definition, cystic Nephromas are characterized by the absence of a solid component or necrosis
Nephromas, Necrosis
28. Adult cystic Nephromas are localized, well-circumscribed, multilocular tumours with non-communicating cysts lined by hobnail columnar or flattened epithelium
Nephromas, Non
29. DICER1 syndrome, formerly known as pleuropulmonary blastoma (PPB) familial tumor and dysplasia syndrome, causes many different types of tumors including pleuropulmonary blastomas, cystic Nephromas, ovarian Sertoli-Leydig type tumors and infrequently other tumor types
30. Nevertheless, the following factors have been suggested for cystic Nephromas: Hormonal therapy in women; Hormonal therapy in men for prostate cancer; It is important to note that having a risk factor does not mean that one will get the condition.
Nevertheless, Nephromas, Note, Not
31. We present a rare case of bilateral renal cystic tumours in an 18-month-old female child, which proved to be cystic Nephromas on imaging and histopathology
32. Although unilateral cystic Nephromas are known in children; the occurrence of bilateral tumours is rare.