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See also: Neonates Neonatal Neonate Neon Neonatology Neonatologist Neonicotinoid Lights Eyes

1. This guidance is intended to inform healthcare providers in the United States about the diagnosis, evaluation, infection prevention and control practices, and disposition of Neonates (≤28 days old) with suspected or confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection or known SARS-CoV-2 exposure, including birth to a mother with suspected or confirmed COVID-19.


2. Neonates are clearly in transition in their immunologic development as they move from a sterile environment enveloped in the placenta, through the birth canal, into a world with vast numbers of environmental and microbial exposures. From: Infectious Diseases of the Fetus and Newborn (Seventh Edition), 2011

Neonates, Numbers, Newborn

3. Neonates have a lower muscle mass per kilogram body weight, maturation of neuromuscular transmission occurs in the 2 months after full-term birth [94,95], and the “margin of safety” for neuromuscular transmission (that is the fraction of receptors that must be occupied before neuromuscular block can be detected) is reduced in infants under 12 weeks of age.

Neonates, Neuromuscular

4. Neonates were tested for SARS-CoV-2 by use of real-time PCR on nasopharyngeal swabs taken at 24 h, 5-7 days, and 14 days of life, and were clinically evaluated by telemedicine at 1 month of age

Neonates, Nasopharyngeal

5. Neonates who required temporary separation from mothers, either for maternal or neonatal reasons, were placed in dedicated rooms in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU)

Neonates, Neonatal, Nicu

6. On day 7 of life, Neonates underwent a second nasopharyngeal swab and were discharged from the hospital if they were in good clinical condition.

Neonates, Nasopharyngeal

7. Note: In Neonates, lipid formulations of amphotericin have limited penetration into the central nervous system, kidneys, urinary tract, and eyes than conventional amphotericin and are not preferred in most cases Ampicillin 100mg/kg/dose IV ≤29 wks PMA: q12h (≤28d), q8h (>28d) 30-34 wks PMA: q12h(≤14d), q8h (>14d) ≥35 wks PMA: q8h

Note, Neonates, Nervous, Not

8. Methods: Between March 8, 2020, and May 26, 2020, the data of 503 Neonates born to 497 mothers diagnosed with COVID-19 during pregnancy or at the time of delivery were collected by 79 hospitals throughout Spain


9. The neutral thermal environment (thermoneutrality) is the optimal temperature zone for Neonates; it is defined as the environmental temperature at which metabolic demands (and thus caloric expenditure) to maintain body temperature in the normal range (36.5 to 37.5° C rectal) are lowest.

Neutral, Neonates, Normal

10. Hemodynamic instability is a common problem in Neonates and has important implications for long-term outcomes


11. Online ahead of print.ABSTRACTBACKGROUND: Limited evidence exists on perinatal transmission and outcomes of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection in Neonates.OBJECTIVE: To describe clinical outcomes and risk factors for transmission in Neonates born to mothers with perinatal SARS-CoV-2 infection.DESIGN


12. Neonates was founded in October 2014


13. Pure passion for rock music is all we have, and that's how the name 'Neonates' arose.

Name, Neonates

14. Fetuses, and Neonates in Research Page 1 of 7 October 2011




16. This guidance document is intended for researchers planning to involve pregnant women, fetuses, and/or Neonates as research subjects


17. In Neonates, the extracellular fluid (ECF) constitutes up to 45% of total body weight, requiring relatively larger doses of certain antibiotics (eg, aminoglycosides) compared with adults


18. The UKOSS initiative has already published their findings showing the relatively low rate of positive tests (5%) in Neonates born to women who were SARS-CoV-2 positive


19. Half of Neonates had a documented contact with the infected mother and one out of three infected Neonates was admitted from home


20. One out of four Neonates was asymptomatic, and the remaining showed mild symptoms typical of acute respiratory infections and/or gastrointestinal symptoms.


21. The treatment of candidal infections in Neonates is based on the type and severity of infection, as discussed in the following sections


22. There are two broad categories of candidal infections in Neonates: Noninvasive mucocutaneous candidiasis (eg, thrush, diaper dermatitis) (see 'Mucocutaneous candidiasis' below)

Neonates, Noninvasive

23. Penic preterm Neonates, 25–38% will have blood platelet counts less than 50,000/µl (i.e., severe thrombocytopenia) and will probably receive PTXs [3–5]


24. Thus, between 2 and 8% of all preterm Neonates admitted to an NICU will receive a PTX [5], with extremely low birthweight Neonates given PTX much more frequently (45% in one report [3]).

Neonates, Nicu

25. Neonates may develop disseminated HSV


26. Primary varicella infection in Neonates has a high mortality rate of 25%


27. Neonates (newborn animals that are breathing): Maturation of nociceptors and the development of excitatory and inhibitory receptor systems occur during the period just prior to birth and into the second week of postnatal life.10-14 Resistance to hypoxia at this

Neonates, Newborn, Nociceptors

28. Neonates with UTI should be evaluated for associated systemic infection, and anatomic or functional abnormalities of the kidneys and urinary tract


29. The epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical features, diagnosis, and management of UTIs in Neonates will be reviewed here


30. "By eliminating wired connections, these platforms also facilitate therapeutic skin-to-skin contact between Neonates and parents, which is known to stabilize vital signs, reduce morbidity, and promote parental bonding," lead author Ha Uk Chung of the University of Illinois …


31. Peterm Neonates are especially vulnerable to intravenr - tricular hemorrhage (iVh) primarily because of the vul-nerability of the germinal matrix

Neonates, Nerability

32. The measurement site was 1 cm and 2 cm below the proximal end of the tibia for Neonates and infants respectively, because, it was not possible to visualize the tibial tuberosity or epiphyseal plate in Neonates and infants in these X-rays (Fig

Neonates, Not

33. Human Neonates and adults in the present study also showed relatively high connectivity to anterior OTC, but only Neonates showed high connectivity with posterior OTC


34. Although one analysis of computed tomographic images of Neonates predicted overcompression or lack of adequate residual chest depth in 49 of 54 patients with 1/2 AP compression depth but not in

Neonates, Not

35. Objective To describe the outcomes of Neonates born to mothers with perinatal SARS-CoV-2 infection and the IP&C practices associated with these outcomes


36. Design, Setting, and Participants This retrospective cohort analysis reviewed the medical records for maternal and newborn data for all 101 Neonates born to 100 mothers positive for or with

Newborn, Neonates

37. -For Neonates unable to tolerate oral drugs, the IV dose should be 75% of the oral dose, using the same dosing interval.-The simplified weight band dosing provides about 4 mg/kg orally twice a day.-Current guidelines should be consulted for additional information


38. We recruited 7 Neonates ≥36 weeks’ gestational age diagnosed with moderate-to …


39. In this report, we present two seriously ill Neonates who were born from mothers with stablished COVID-19 pneumonia.




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Frequently Asked Questions

What does the name neonate mean?

ne·o·nate. (nē'ə-nāt') n. A newborn infant, especially one less than four weeks old. [ neo- + Latin nātus, past participle of nāscī, to be born; see genə- in Indo-European roots .] American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition.

What does neonate mean in medical dictionary?

neonate. ( ˈniːəʊˌneɪt) n. (Medicine) a newborn child, esp in the first week of life and up to four weeks old. Collins English Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014.

What is considered neonate?

neonate - a baby from birth to four weeks. newborn, newborn baby, newborn infant. babe, baby, infant - a very young child (birth to 1 year) who has not yet begun to walk or talk; "the baby began to cry again"; "she held the baby in her arms"; "it sounds simple, but when you have your own baby it is all so different".

What is the difference between newborn and neonatal?

As adjectives the difference between newborn and neonatal is that newborn is recently born while neonatal is of or pertaining to the period of time immediately following birth, or to the newborn.

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