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See also: Neogenesis Neogov Neogaea Neogender

1. The Neognathae -- a group defined on the basis of palate structure, with a mobile palate and some bones reduced -- contains the vast majority of living birds.


2. Neognathae are birds in the subclass Neornithes. The Neognathae include almost all living birds: their sister taxon Palaeognathae has just the tinamou and the flightless ratites

Neognathae, Neornithes

3. Animalia / Bilateria / Deuterostomes / phylum Chordata / subphylum Vertebrata / Tetrapoda / class Aves / Neognathae / Neoaves Aptenodytes is a genus of penguins that include the two largest species of penguins: emperor penguins (A

Neognathae, Neoaves

4. Neognaths (Neognathae) are birds within the subclass Neornithes of the class Aves

Neognaths, Neognathae, Neornithes

5. The Neognathae include virtually all living birds; their sister taxon Paleognathae contains the tinamous - their only order capable of flight - as well as the flightless ratites.


6. Neognaths (Neognathae) are birds within the subclass Neornithes of the class Aves.The Neognathae include virtually all living birds; exceptions being their sister taxon (Palaeognathae), which contains the tinamous and the flightless ratites

Neognaths, Neognathae, Neornithes

7. Neognaths (Neognathae) are birds within the subclass Neornithes o the class Aves.The Neognathae include virtually aw livin birds; exceptions bein thair sister taxon (Palaeognathae), which contains the tinamous an the flichtless ratites.

Neognaths, Neognathae, Neornithes

8. Neognathae definition is - a superorder of Neornithes that includes most existing birds and that is characterized by reduction of the median bones of the palate.

Neognathae, Neornithes

9. The Neognathae include virtually all living birds; exceptions being their sister taxon , which contains the tinamous and the flightless ratites


10. For faster navigation, this Iframe is preloading the Wikiwand page for Neognathae .

Navigation, Neognathae

11. Neognathaeneognath birds(Also: "modern palate" birds)


12. Neognaths (Neognathae) are birds within the subclass Neornithes of the class Aves. The Neognathae include virtually all living birds; exceptions being their sister taxon (Palaeognathae), which contains the tinamous and the flightless ratites

Neognaths, Neognathae, Neornithes

13. 新顎類 (しんがくるい、 Neognathae) は、鳥類分類の1グループである。 階級は新顎上目とすることが多い。新口蓋上目とも訳す 。


14. Neognath (Neognathae) adalah burung-burung dalam subkelas Neornithe dari kelas Aves.Neognathae mencakup hampir semua burung yang masih ada, kecuali takson saudaranya (Palaeognathae), yang meliputi tinamus dan ratite yang tidak dapat terbang.

Neognath, Neognathae, Neornithe

15. Neognathae Almost all living, flying birds A taxonomic superorder within the infraclass Neornithes

Neognathae, Neornithes

16. The earliest divergence within Neornithes is between Paleognathae (ratites and tinamous) and Neognathae which includes the two primary taxa Galloanserae and Neoaves (see Groth and Barrowclough 1999, Garcia-Moreno et al

Neornithes, Neognathae, Neoaves

17. Neognathae: taxonomy/phylogenetic: TreeBase: Wikipedia: taxonomy/phylogenetic: iPhylo: Notes: Groups interested in participating in the LinkOut program should visit the LinkOut home page

Neognathae, Notes

18. What does Neognathae mean? A taxonomic superorder within the infraclass Neornithes — almost all living birds

Neognathae, Neornithes

19. The Neognathae include virtually all living birds; exceptions being their sister …


20. Definition of Neognathae in the dictionary

Neognathae, Net

21. What does Neognathae mean? Information and translations of Neognathae in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.


22. Neognathae one of the two major groups of living birds, including the flying forms


23. Neognathae one of the two major groups of living birds, including the flying forms


24. The Palaeognathae with a rigid palate and the Neognathae with an intrapterygoidal joint in the palate are today hypothesized as the highest ranking sister groups of the recent Ayes 14.The accepted names, however, are not well chosen; the palaeognathic skull apparently represents an apomorphy within the birds, whereas the neognathic skull was adopted from the stem lineage of the Ayes

Neognathae, Names, Not, Neognathic

25. The Neognathae are characterized as flying birds with the absence of teeth in both jaws, fully developed wings, keeled bony sternum, strong synsacrum fused with the pelvic girdle, and caudal vertebrae fused into a pygostyle; modifications in these conditions occurred in secondary flightless birds.


26. Subclass Neognathae neognath birds

Neognathae, Neognath

27. Neognathae: pictures (2045) Neognathae: specimens (28) Neognathae: sounds (143) Order Anseriformes ducks, geese, and swans


28. Looking for Neognathae? Find out information about Neognathae


29. A superorder of the avian subclass Neornithes, characterized as flying birds with fully developed wings and sternum with a keel, fused caudal vertebrae, and Explanation of Neognathae

Neornithes, Neognathae

30. Neognathae: Taxonomy navigation › Aves All lower taxonomy nodes (17,134) Common name i-Synonym i-Rank i: INFRACLASS: Lineage i › cellular organisms › Eukaryota › Opisthokonta

Neognathae, Navigation, Nodes, Name

31. What Neognathae means in Hindi, Neognathae meaning in Hindi, Neognathae definition, explanation, pronunciations and examples of Neognathae in Hindi


32. Pages in category "Neognathae" The following 2 pages are in this category, out of 2 total


33. Suliformes; Media in category "Neognathae" The following 2 files are in this category, out of 2 total


34. Superorder Neognathae or Carinatae: 1


35. The Neognathae have undergoneadaptive radiation to produce the staggering diversity of form (especially of the bill and feet), function, and behaviour that are seen today


36. The orders comprising the Neognathae are: Anseriformes—waterfowl


37. Mites of the subfamily Harpirhynchinae (Acariformes: Cheyletoidea: Harpirhynchidae) associated with neognathous birds (Aves: Neognathae) in the New World are revised

Neognathous, Neognathae, New

38. The Palaeognathae or paleognaths are one of the two living superorders of birds.The other living superorder is Neognathae.Together these two clades form the subclass Neornithes.

Neognathae, Neornithes

39. Modern birds include both flightless _____ and all other birds, the Neognathae


40. This indicates a greater diversity within Neognathae and suggests a more complex scenario for the evolution of the avian ankle




Frequently Asked Questions

What does neognaths mean?

Neognaths are birds within the subclass Neornithes of the class Aves. The Neognathae include virtually all living birds; exceptions being their sister taxon, which contains the tinamous and the flightless ratites. If you know the Translate of this word, share it.

What kind of bird is a neognath bird?

Neognaths ( Neognathae / niːˈɒɡnəθiː /, from Ancient Greek neo- "new" + gnáthos “jaw”) are birds within the subclass Neornithes of the class Aves. The Neognathae include virtually all living birds; exceptions being their sister taxon ( Palaeognathae ), which contains the tinamous and the flightless ratites.

How many species of neognaths are there in the world?

Neognaths (Neognathae) (from Ancient Greek neo- "new" + gnáthos “jaw”) are birds within the subclass Neornithes of the class Aves. The Neognathae include virtually all living birds; exceptions being their sister taxon (Palaeognathae), which contains the tinamous and the flightless ratites. There are nearly 10,000 species of neognaths.

What does Palaeognathae mean?

: a superorder of Neornithes that includes most existing birds and that is characterized by reduction of the median bones of the palate — see palaeognathae.

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