Use Neofiscalism in a sentence

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See also: Neofascism

1. Neofiscalism involves federal government once again assuming greater responsibility for managing economic cycles, chiefly through fiscal policy. This future has three key implications for


2. Neofiscalism, by which we mean a regime under which governments take a more direct and proactive role in economic policy and management – largely through fiscal policy – …


3. Neofiscalism involves federal government once again assuming greater responsibility for managing economic cycles, chiefly through fiscal policy.


4. Neofiscalism, by which we mean a regime under which governments take a more direct and proactive role in economic policy and management – largely through fiscal policy – could be the way forward


5. The team has adopted a term, Neofiscalism, to define the era which has begun to emerge, under which governments take a more direct and proactive role in economic policy and management through fiscal policy.


6. Big government ‘Neofiscalism’ is coming and investors need to prepare for it now

Neofiscalism, Need, Now

7. Neofiscalism is a fundamentally (small-c) conservative position. I think it is no accident that it took a Conservative government to implement neofiscalist policies.

Neofiscalism, No, Neofiscalist

8. These are the last days of small government and investors need to prepare for ‘Neofiscalism’ Government is going to take a bigger role in the economy and that will affect your investment decisions.

Need, Neofiscalism

9. We are potentially shifting from the post-1970s central bank-dominated “neoliberal consensus” to what we are tentatively calling “Neofiscalism.” It casts the role of …

Neoliberal, Neofiscalism

10. "With monetary policy reaching its limits as a policy tool, it is our belief that developed economies have now entered a period we are calling Neofiscalism, whereby governments run highly

Now, Neofiscalism

11. Lumpencapitalist, apoi regimul de Neofiscalism crâncen, cu care va lupta Eminescu, gânditorul care a şi reuşit cel dintâi să ne ofere explicaţia acestui tip de opresiune fiscală prin teoria păturii suprepuse7, în fine, după un intermezzo de echlibrare şi de pace de la Marea Unire până în 1945,

Neofiscalism, Ncen, Nditorul, Ne

12. This new ‘Neofiscalism’ would mean that the neo-liberal paradigm, with smaller government involvement in the economy, might be under threat and it would remain in stark contrast to the current regime under which central banks were largely making monetary policy decisions without political interference, the manager said.

New, Neofiscalism, Neo

13. Neofiscalism involves federal government once again assuming greater responsibility for managing economic cycles, chiefly through fiscal policy. This future has three key implications for investors


14. The team has adopted a term, ‘Neofiscalism’, to define the era which has begun to emerge, under which governments take a more direct and proactive role …


15. The team has coined a new term, ‘Neofiscalism’, to define the era which has begun to emerge, under which governments take a more direct and

New, Neofiscalism

16. Louis D'Anella, CFA, Senior Product Specialist, shares his thoughts on the prospect of ‘Neofiscalism’, a new economic consensus taking hold, in which… Liked by Amol Chitgopker, CFA "Almost 200

Neofiscalism, New

17. Atâta măsoară ciclul acestui lung război cu cele patru sisteme de opresiune fiscală, începând cu cel fanariot, căruia i-a urmat cel fiscal-mercantil periferial 6 , lumpencapitalist, apoi regimul de Neofiscalism crâncen, cu care va lupta Eminescu, gânditorul care a şi reuşit cel …

Ncep, Nd, Neofiscalism, Ncen, Nditorul

18. The team has adopted a term, ‘Neofiscalism’, to define the era which has begun to emerge, under which governments take a more direct and proactive role in economic policy and management through


19. 11:42a Updated These are the last days of small government and investors need to prepare for ‘Neofiscalism

Need, Neofiscalism

20. Atâta măsoară ciclul acestui lung război cu cele patru sisteme de opresiune fiscală, începând cu cel fanariot, căruia i-a urmat cel fiscal-mercantil periferial 6 , lumpencapitalist, apoi regimul de Neofiscalism crâncen, cu care va lupta Eminescu, gânditorul care a şi reuşit cel …

Ncep, Nd, Neofiscalism, Ncen, Nditorul

21. Neofiscalism therefore may not be desirable in less-transparent democracies or non-democracies

Neofiscalism, Not, Non

22. Neofiscalism involves federal government once again assuming greater responsibility for managing economic cycles, chiefly through fiscal policy


23. The team has adopted a term, 'Neofiscalism', to define the era which has begun to emerge, under which governments take a more direct and proactive role in economic policy and management through fiscal policy


24. More:These are the last days of small government and investors need to prepare for ‘Neofiscalism’ Also read: Biden’s campaign manager called Mitch McConnell ‘terrible’ and Republicans something worse — but believes bipartisanship is possible

Need, Neofiscalism

25. Atâta măsoară ciclul acestui lung război cu cele patru sisteme de opresiune fiscală, începând cu cel fanariot, căruia i-a urmat cel fiscal-mercantil periferial 6 , lumpencapitalist, apoi regimul deNeofiscalism crâncen, cu care va lupta Eminescu, gânditorul care a şi reuşit cel …

Ncep, Nd, Ncen, Nditorul

26. The team has adopted a term, ‘Neofiscalism’, to define the era which has begun to emerge, under which governments take a more direct and proactive role …


27. The team has coined a new term, ‘Neofiscalism’, to define the era which has begun to

New, Neofiscalism



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