See also: Neodymium Neurodivergent
1. A remarkable difference has been observed between the structure of the luminal surface of the excretory ducts of the studied basal Neodermatan groups and B
2. This "Neodermatan-type" spermiogenesis is considered a synapomorphy for the taxon Revertospermata, including Neodermata and parasitic "turbellarians" Fecampiida and Urastomidae (Kornakova, Joffe
Neodermatan, Neodermata
3. In a recent study assessing the phylogenetic performance of mt protein-coding genes from 11 Neodermatan (parasitic platyhelminth) mt genomes (Hardman and …
4. Position of the monophyletic Neodermata (=Trematoda + Cercomeromorpha) within the rhabditophoran flatworms is discussed, with two major alternative hypotheses about the Neodermatan sister-group relationships (viz., the "neoophoran" and "revertospermatan").
Neodermata, Neodermatan, Neoophoran
5. Here we review information on the organization of the cytoskeleton and associated motor proteins of schistosomes, with particular reference to the organization of the syncytial tegument, a unique cellular adaptation of these and other Neodermatan flatworms.
6. Although gene order within Neodermatan (i.e. parasitic flatworms) mt genomes is assumed to be remarkably conserved [ 16, 19, 20 ], several exceptions have been reported, including African/Indian schistosomes [ 19, 21 ], polyopisthocotylids [ 16, 22, 23] and a single monopisthocotylid [ …
7. Answer to Which of the following would be considered a Neodermatan?a
8. The singular origin of Neodermatan worms represents one of the most successful evolutionary transitions to parasitism seen in the animal kingdom [1–3].
9. We examined the ability of all protein‐coding genes of 11 Neodermatan mitochondrial genomes to recover the phylogeny of their combination
10. Comparison of the phylogenetic performance of Neodermatan mitochondrial protein-coding genes.Zoologica Scripta, Vol
11. Morphological traits that have evolved include the loss of eye cups (e), gain of Neodermatan syncytial epithelia (f), loss of gut (g), segmentation of …
12. However, one taxon, the genus Genostoma, a parasite of the leptostracan crustacean Nebalia, rests uneasily within its current classification within the fecampiid family Genostomatidae; ultrastructural investigations on this taxon have uncovered a spermatogenesis reminiscent of Kalyptorhynchia, and a dorsal syncytium resembling the Neodermatan
Nebalia, Neodermatan
13. All terminal taxa (turbellarian orders, Neodermatan classes, and outgroup clades) are shown with equilateral triangles log-scaled in proportion to described species number (largely following [Martín-Durán and Egger, 2012]).Clades deemed to have equivocal or only preliminary support in these analyses are shown with a dashed subtending branch.
Neodermatan, Number
14. A phylogenomic analysis was carried out with 10 Neodermatan genomes, comprising 5 tapeworm species to represent strobilated platyhelmiths (E
15. A Review and Synthesis of Ultrastructure and Development of Embryonic Structures in Parasitic Neodermatan Flatworms David Bruce Conn, Zdzisław Świderski, and Daniel Młocicki Berry College, Mount Berry, GA, U.S.A
16. Chondrial genomes of three Neodermatan groups (Ces-toda, Trematoda, and Monogenea)
17. Ultrastructural patterns of the excretory ducts of basal Neodermatan groups (Platyhelminthes) and ne Show all
Neodermatan, Ne
18. This type of spermiogenesis has previously been found only in Neodermatan platyhelminths, and these findings suggest that Urastoma may be part of the lineage leading to the major parasitic flatworm taxa (Neodermata)
Neodermatan, Neodermata
19. Tion of the Neodermatan sister-group, and whether or not the Monogenea are monophyletic
Neodermatan, Not
20. There was, however, also an indication of a partly convergent history of homeobox gene family losses in the three Neodermatan lineages
21. Finally, all Neodermatan flatworms have one or more larval stages, but these larvae are probably adaptations to their parasitic life style and not homologous to the polyclads' larvae [2, 112]
Neodermatan, Not
22. With about 1530 described species, Rhabdocoela is one of the most species-rich taxa of non-Neodermatan flatworms
Non, Neodermatan
23. Comparison of the phylogenetic performance of Neodermatan mitochondrial protein-coding genes more
24. We examined the ability of all protein-coding genes of 11 Neodermatan mitochondrial genomes to recover the phylogeny of their combination
25. The technique requires standard glassware, few reagents and simple equipment such as needles; it can also be used on other Neodermatan flatworms.
Needles, Neodermatan
26. The reconstructed trees show that the Platyhelminthes are a monophyletic group most closely related to the phylum Gastrotricha; they reveal the earliest branching, free-living orders within the phylum and identify that the closest free-living relative of the medically important parasitic group of Neodermatan flatworms is the single species
27. (C) Phylogenomic analysis of 27 flatworm species (21 free-living and 6 Neodermatan) using >100,000 aligned amino acids
28. Additional collections representing the Amphilinidea, Caryophyllidea, and Gyrocotylidea were combined with published gene sequences to construct data sets of complete 18S (110 taxa) and partial (D1-D3) 28S (107 taxa) rDNA sequences, including 8 Neodermatan outgroup taxa.
29. Many species of intermediate hosts from diverse animal phyla) are infected by at least one Neodermatan flatworm (Poulin and Morand, 2000; Littlewood, 2006), sometimes with startling host specificity (particularly in monogenean trematodes).
30. It has been suggested that mesozoans are derived from the parasitic Neodermatan flatworms
31. The Monogenea diverged from the other Neodermatan classes 441 mya (95% HPD: 420–547) coinciding with the appearance of fish in the fossil record
32. Hundreds of species of non-Neodermatan flatworms in 35 families live in symbiosis with other organisms, ranging from commensalism to obligate parasitism
Non, Neodermatan
33. Non-Neodermatan flatworms) in terms of species richness
Non, Neodermatan
34. The phylogeny of the various Neodermatan subgroups may have to be revised on the basis of studies using mitochondrial…
35. The position of the monophyletic Neodermata (Trematoda + Cercomeromorpha) within the rhabditophoran flatworms is discussed, with two major alternative hypotheses about the Neodermatan sister-group relationships (viz., the "neoophoran" and "revertospermatan").
Neodermata, Neodermatan, Neoophoran