See also: Neodymium Neurodivergent
1. The Neodermata, or the Neodermata plus some of the parasitic turbellarians, are the sister group of a very large taxon, including most Turbellaria, with which they share a common ancestor. This means that the parasitic groups evolved very early in evolutionary history.
2. The Neodermata, or the Neodermata plus some of the parasitic turbellarians, are the sister group of a very large taxon, including most Turbellaria, with which they share a common ancestor. This means that the parasitic groups evolved very early in evolutionary history.
3. Classification The classification used here is a compromise between the more traditional taxonomy of Neodermata vs
4. Yet it reflects the fact that Neodermata is within free-living flatworms (i.e
5. Neodermata is a monophyletic group of Platyhelminthes and
6. Neodermata A taxonomic subclass within the class Neoophora – parasitic flatworms.
Neodermata, Neoophora
7. It is generally agreed that the Neodermata are a sub-group a few levels down in the "family tree" of the Rhabditophora. Hence the traditional sub-phylum " Turbellaria " is paraphyletic, since it does not include the Neodermata although these are descendants of a sub-group of "turbellarians".
Neodermata, Not
8. Neodermata These animals are flatworms, but Platyhelminthes is their phylum, not their subphylum (Neodermata).
Neodermata, Not
9. The Neodermata were resolved as monophyletic with Monogenea paraphyletic but with poor support (Monopisthocotylea most basal) and Cestoda sister group to the Trematoda
10. The sister group to the Neodermata was the R(K,T,P) clade, or unresolved
11. Phylogenetic analysis of the superfamily Hemiuroidea (Platyhelminthes, Neodermata: Trematoda) based on partial 28S rDNA sequences - Volume 146 Issue 5 - Sergey G
12. Neodermata je podkmen, do něhož se řadí prakticky všichni ploštěnci (Platyhelminthes) vyjma ploštěnek (Turbellaria)
Neodermata, Nci, Nek
13. Mezi Neodermata tedy patří motolice (Trematoda), jednorodí (Monogenea) a tasemnice (Cestoda)
14. Recent mitogenomic studies have exposed a gene order (GO) shared by two classes, four orders and 31 species ('common GO') within the flatworm subphylum Neodermata
15. The position of the major parasitic taxa (the other classes in the traditional system), encompassed now in the taxon Neodermata, is shown as proposed by cladistic systems based on morphological characters (see Baguñà and Riutort, 2004, for summary of other proposed positions of the Neodermata)
Now, Neodermata
16. In Neodermata, the brain consists of paired ganglia (right and left lateral lobes), connected by the brain commissure; paired anterior nerves and two posterior main nerve cords extending from the lobes and the commissure. The brain is composed of numerous serotoninergic, peptidergic, and cholinergic neurons.
Neodermata, Nerves, Nerve, Numerous, Neurons
17. Neodermata: UKSI Download child taxa of Neodermata Download species of Neodermata Search for child taxa of Neodermata Classification unranked Biota kingdom Animalia phylum Platyhelminthes subphylum Neodermata class Monogenea View list of all occurrence records for this
18. Neodermata Taxonomic Serial No.: 914169 (Download Help) Neodermata TSN 914169 Taxonomy and Nomenclature Kingdom: Animalia : Taxonomic Rank: Subphylum : Synonym(s): Common Name(s): Taxonomic Status: Current Standing: valid Data Quality Indicators: Record Credibility Rating:
Neodermata, No, Nomenclature, Name
19. Abstract The epidermis of members of the major parasitic taxon Neodermata is distinctive among flatworms, being a syncytial, insunk, non-ciliated epidermis that develops through a wholesale replacement of larval epidermis at metamorphosis when the larva attacks a host.
Neodermata, Non
20. This distinctive tegumental plan is the basis for uniting trematodes, monogeneans, and cestodes in a taxon known as Neodermata
21. The presence of RHEs may have contributed to the high gene order rearrangement rate observed in the two mitogenomes, including the first report of a transposition of rRNA genes within the Neodermata
22. The parasitic Platyhelminthes (Neodermata) contains three parasitic groups of flatworms, each having a unique morphology, and life style: Monogenea (primarily ectoparasitic), Trematoda (endoparasitic flukes), and Cestoda (endoparasitic tapeworms).
23. The basal position of the Monogenea within the Neodermata implies that the endoparasitism of Cestoda and Trematoda is a monophyletic but derived lifestyle within Platyhelminthes and that the ectoparasitism in Monogenea represents the plesiomorphic state of parasitism in Neodermata.
24. Media in category "Neodermata" This category contains only the following file.
25. The sister-group to the Neodermata is likely to be a large clade of neoophoran turbellarians, based on combined evidence, or a clade consisting of the Fecampiid+Urastomid turbellarians, based on
Neodermata, Neoophoran
26. Phylogenetic analysis of the superfamily Hemiuroidea (Platyhelminthes, Neodermata: Trematoda) based on partial 28S rDNA sequences.
27. Neodermata: Clade: Trematoda Rudolphi, 1808: Subclasses Aspidogastrea; Digenea; They are internal parasites of molluscs and vertebrates
28. The three taxa (Neodermata, Urastoma and Kronborgia) also lack the dense bodies found in the sperm of most “turbellarian” taxa, and have in common a protonephridial flame bulb architecture involving two cells, with filtration ribs unsupported by microtubules.
29. The rearrangement of rRNA genes is the first reported within the subphylum Neodermata
30. In all other Neodermatans, these two genes are located between cox1 and cox2 genes , but in the two newly-sequenced Thaparocleidus species, they are translocated to the position between nad5 and cox3, together with several tRNA genes .
Neodermatans, Newly
31. Cestode parasites (Neodermata, Platyhelminthes) from Malaysian birds, with description of five new species Jean MARIAUX 1,* & Boyko B
Neodermata, New
32. Our results accommodate all previously proposed sister taxa to the Neodermata in a single clade in which ((Dalyelliidae + Temnocephalida) Typhloplanidae) is the sister group of ((Fecampiidae + Urastoma) (Udonella ((Aspidogastrea + Digenea) (Monogenea (Gyrocotylidea (Amphilinidea + Eucestoda)))))).
33. Flatworms in the subphylum Neodermata have a _____ lifestyle and posses an outer surface, known as the _____, which is resistant to digestive enzymes and the immune defense of animals
34. The origin and early evolution of Neodermata (Platyhelminthes): on the possible turbellarian roots of the group — morphological approach Item Preview remove-circle Share or …
35. With analysis of vitelline structure in the Neodermata].
36. The parasitic platyhelminths (the Neodermata) are a diverse and species-rich group, with over 15,ûûû species having been described, and rnany potential hosts remaining unsampled
37. Neodermis je označení pro syncytiální pokožkový kryt organismů ze skupiny Neodermata.Vzniká po odloučení primární pokožky prvního larválního stádia při kontaktu s mezihostitelem
Neodermis, Neodermata
38. In fact, the complete absence of spiral cleavage is a shared trait for the clade Neodermata-Rhabdocoela-Adiaphanida (the Eulecithophora sensu de Beauchamp ) and also by the Bothrioplanida, which might thus be explained by a single evolutionary event at the base of this group
39. The acquisition of new microhabitats was accompanied by the development of morphological diversity in Neodermata especially in a structure of attachment and genital organs
New, Neodermata
40. Phylogenetic systematic assessment of the Aspidobothrea (Platyhelminthes, Neodermata, Trematoda) David Zamparo
41. Neodermata: parasitic Class Trematoda – “flukes” o all endoparasitic (endo = within), living within host tissues o outer body
42. Sition in terms of the evolution of the Neodermata (Xy-lander 2001, 2005, Poddubnaya et al
43. Ecological approach to the problem of monophyly of Neodermata (Platyhelminthes) by Timofeeva, T
44. Question: All Members Of The Flatworm Clade Neodermata Select All Correct Answers
45. All members of the flatworm clade Neodermata.
Neodermata is a clade of rhabditophoran flatworms containing the parasitic groups Trematoda, Monogenea and Cestoda . All neodermatans are parasites, in many groups having a free-swimming larval stage.
As characteristic of Neodermata, all receptors have electron-dense collars. One type is uniciliate, the cilium containing many irregulary arranged microtubule doublets and located in a deep tegumental pit, with a long non-striated rootlet (Figure 27C, D ).
The eggs of trematodes are excreted from their main hosts, whereas adult cestodes generate vast numbers of hermaphroditic, segment-like proglottids that detach when mature, are excreted, and then release eggs. Unlike the other parasitic groups, the monogeneans are external parasites infesting aquatic animals,...