See also: Nectaries Nectarous Nectareous Nectar Nectarine Nectarean Next Nect/o
1. Nectarius (Greek: Nechtarios), Patriarch of Constantinople, (381-397), d
Nectarius, Nechtarios
2. His elevation came about after his name found its way onto a list submitted to the emperor, who picked Nectarius, despite the fact that Nectarius was married and had not yet even been baptized.
Name, Nectarius, Not
3. Our father among the saints Nectarius was the Archbishop of Constantinople from 381 to 397
4. Although an unbaptized layman, Nectarius was elected by the people, the clergy, and emperor Theodosius to succeed Gregory as the bishop of Constantinople
5. Nectarius's occupancy of the episcopal chair between two such men would have required extraordinary merit to make him conspicuous
6. But, in truth, though he does not seem to merit the epithet applied to him by Gibbon; "the indolent Nectarius," the fact of his having been appointed at all is the most remarkable feature in his personal history.
Not, Nectarius
7. What does Nectarius mean? Nectarius as a boys' name is of Greek derivation, and the meaning of Nectarius is "of nectar". Nectarius is an alternate spelling of Neckarios (Greek): in Greek mythology
Nectarius, Name, Nectar, Neckarios
8. Our venerable father Nectarius (Tikhonov) of Optina was a Hieroschemamonk among the group of monastics of Optina Monastery in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries who were known as the Optina Elders
Nectarius, Nineteenth
9. The Elder Nectarius is venerated on April 29 …
10. When Gregory resigned, Nectarius was praetor of Constantinople
11. Kontakion of Nectarius the Wonderworker Plagal of the Fourth Tone
12. Saints Jonah and Nectarius of Kazan were called John and Nestor Zastolsky before they received monastic tonsure
Nectarius, Nestor
13. The last of the famous elders of Optina, Nectarius, was born in the town of Yeltz of poor parents, Basil and Helena Tikhonov, in 1857 or 1858
14. Saint Nectarius, the great wonderworker of modern times, was born Anastasius Kephalas in Selebria, Thrace on October 1, 1846
15. When Gregory resigned, Nectarius was praetor of Constantinople
16. Author and Publisher - Catholic Online Printable Catholic Saints PDFs Shop St. Nectarius
17. From nectar + -ian, perhaps after classical Latin Nectarius or Middle French nectarien composed of …
Nectar, Nectarius, Nectarien
18. The emperor read the list of those inscribed and stopped at the name of Nectarius at the end of the document, on which he placed his finger, and seemed for some time lost in reflection; ran it up to the beginning, and again went through the whole, and chose Nectarius
Name, Nectarius
19. Nectarius is the co-patron of Saint-Nectaire along with Saint Auditor, although Saint Auditor is the principal patron saint of that town, for reasons unknown
Nectarius, Nectaire
20. Archimandrite Nectarius showed much zeal both for preaching the word of God, and for the beauty of Gods house
21. He greatly beautified the Church of Saint Nicholas in Cairo, and years later, when Nectarius was in Athens, Saint Nicholas appeared to him in a dream, embracing him and telling him he was going to exalt him very high.
Nicholas, Nectarius
22. Saint Nectarios (also spelled Nektarios or Nectarius) was from Thrace (in modern northern Turkey)
Nectarios, Nektarios, Nectarius, Northern
23. Nectarius abolished the office due to a scandal that had occurred in connection with it
24. Nectarius died in office on 17 September 397 (Butler says 27 September) and was succeeded by Saint John Chrysostom
25. Nectarius in Vestments [A-451] Saint Nectarius in Vestments
26. The Elder Nectarius was born in the city of Yelets in the Orel province, the son of Basil and Elena Tikhonov
27. Saint Nectarius was born in the city of Elets in the Orel province in 1853, the son of Basil and Elena Tikhonov
28. Saint Nectarius completed the course of his earthly life on April 29, 1928
29. Nectarius preached a sermon about the martyr Theodore still extant (P.G
30. Nectarius in the Orthodox Menaion for 11 October (Nilles, op
Nectarius, Nilles
31. Election of Nectarius to the bishopric of constantinople; his birth-place and education A CERTAIN man of Tarsus in Cilicia, of the order of senator, was at this period residing at Constantinople
32. The last of the famous elders of Optina, Nectarius, was born in the town of Yeltz of poor parents, Basil and Helena Tikhonov, in 1857 or 1858
33. Nectarius: 85 ships destroyed and 40 ships lost
34. 9 St Nectarius of Pentapolis 12 St Martin of Tours 14 St Gregory Palamas 17StHildaofWhitby December 1 St Ph ilaret the Almsgiver 12 St Herma nof Alaska 17 St Dionysius of Zakynthos January 2St Seraphim of Sarov 14 St Sabbas of Serbia 19 St Mark of Ephesus 22–28 All the New Martyrs of Russia 24 St Neophytus of Cyprus 24 St Xenia of St Petersburg
Nectarius, Nof, New, Neophytus
35. He wrote to his successor, the amiable but ineffective Nectarius, and others against the heresy of Apollinaris, who denied the existence of a human soul in Christ
NECTARIUS [nectarous]
Although its etymology refers to the word νέκταρ (néktar, an ancient Greek word similar to ambrosia, the food of Olympian Gods), the name Nectarios was never used in ancient Greece. It is a modern phenomenon made popular by the life of Saint Nectarios of Aegina .
Nectarios or Nektarios or Nectarius ( Greek: Νεκτάριος) (Pronunciation: Nek-tá-ree-os) is a Greek male given name popular in Greece, Cyprus, Russia ( Russian: Нектарий ), Ukraine, Bulgaria, Serbia, and other Greek speaking and Slavic countries, as well as other former Soviet states such as Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan etc. It means "of nectar".
The feminine version of this name is Nectaria or Nektaria. St. Nectarios of Aegina (1846–1920), Metropolitan of Pentapolis, beloved saint and spiritual father of Modern Greece.
Also nectareous, nectarean. Then Love took wing, and from his pinions shed On all the multitude a nectarous dew. This nectarous speech of hers delighted me, and I said, “That altogether depends on you, I am completely at your disposal.”