See also: Neck Necking Neckbeard Necklace Necktie Neckline Necked Necklet Neckerchief Neckband Crew Cord Femoral Stiff Scoop Crook Albatross
1. The gents need a visual on how to tie their Neckcloths
Need, Neckcloths
2. There were “speckled Neckcloths, lawn and silesia Neckcloths” made of various imported fabrics and also some made of domestic linen….John C
3. However, both agree that the Neckcloths were white and Höglund states that the hats had white lace
4. By the 1830’s silk was used for Neckcloths, as it still is used for today
5. 1710–1800: stocks, solitaires, Neckcloths, cravats In 1715, another kind of neckwear, called " stocks " made its appearance
Neckcloths, Neckwear
6. A VERY stout, puffy man, in buckskins and Hessian boots, with several immense Neckcloths that rose almost to his nose, with a red striped waistcoat and an apple green coat with steel buttons almost as large as crown pieces (it was the morning costume of a dandy or blood of those days) was reading the paper by the fire when the two girls entered
Neckcloths, Nose
7. The Somewhat Mysterious Evolution of Men’s Neckcloths
8. High Neckcloths were abandoned for collars and ties more or less the same as those worn in the 20th and 21st centuries
9. 21st Century and Contemporary Neckcloths
10. What does Neckcloths mean? Plural form of neckcloth
Neckcloths, Neckcloth
11. Neckcloths, Cravats, Stocks, Solitaires, Jabots & Macaronis
12. Thanks to the influence of Beau Brammel, the arbiter of fashion in Regency England, finely-arranged Neckcloths became a must for any fashionable gentlemen
13. ‘‘Gentlemen in dark blue coats with brass buttons and high Neckcloths discussed ‘Horseflesh’ over a glass of wine,’ she writes.’ ‘He strung his neckcloth around his …
Neckcloths, Neckcloth
14. Synonyms for Neckcloths in Free Thesaurus
15. What are synonyms for Neckcloths?
16. Neckcloth (plural Neckcloths) An ornamental cravat, usually white1719, Daniel Defoe, Robinson Crusoe, London: W
Neckcloth, Neckcloths
17. As I promised, today is a followup to my blog last month on The Somewhat Mysterious Evolution of Men’s Neckcloths.Click over to read a very brief history of men’s neckwear over time, particularly the eras immediately leading to the Regency cravat we all …
Neckcloths, Neckwear
18. Shop for unique, rare haute couture, contemporary and vintage Neckcloths from the best fashion boutiques and vintage shops in USA.
19. In the 18th century bandannas became popular in England as Neckcloths and handkerchiefs
20. In the United States they were worn as Neckcloths by cowboys in the West
21. Knotted Neckcloths have been standard attire for professional men for 350 years
22. Hand-knitted Handmade caps and Neckcloths made of organic wool with a mixture of silk with a Gots certificate
23. What may appear to be bow ties in illustrations of Regency-era evening wear were actually large Neckcloths elaborately wrapped around a tall shirt collar and finished in a small bow
24. By the 1860s, the fashion for high collars had subsided and with it the Neckcloths, leaving behind narrow flat bows which were the original bow ties.
Neckcloths, Narrow
25. Some Neckcloths, such as this one, were large squares of printed cotton
26. The decoration was usually concentrated around the edges of the square although some Neckcloths had discreet all-over designs
27. If Neckcloths, T-shirts, cutlasses and rasps can be pressed into service in the kitchen, kitchen products, too, can be called upon for non-culinary purposes.
Neckcloths, Non
28. Nov 12, 2016 - Shop vintage and designer Neckcloths from the world's best fashion stores
Nov, Neckcloths
29. Hand-knitted Handmade caps and Neckcloths made of organic wool with a …
30. Neckcloths & 5 plaine neckhandkcrcheifes 5
Neckcloths, Neckhandkcrcheifes
31. They packed up ae sark, Sunday weascwoat, twee Neckcloths, Wot bannock, cauld dumplin', and top stannin' pye;" Again the voices were lost in the turning of the road, and presently, as they shot out once more, they might be heard singing in full chorus—
Definition of neckcloth. 1a : a large folded ornamental cloth formerly worn loosely about the neck by men.
English Language Learners Definition of eschew formal : to avoid (something) especially because you do not think it is right, proper, etc. See the full definition for eschew in the English Language Learners Dictionary
Choose the Right Synonym for eschew. escape, avoid, evade, elude, shun, eschew mean to get away or keep away from something. escape stresses the fact of getting away or being passed by not necessarily through effort or by conscious intent.
Décollete / dɪˈkɒlətɑːʒ / (or décolleté, its adjectival form, in current French) is a term used in woman's fashion referring to the upper part of a woman's torso, comprising her neck, shoulders, back and upper chest, that is exposed by the neckline of her clothing.