See also: Nebulous Nebulously Nebulousness Nabe Nebula Nebulizer Naber Nebbish Nebulae Nebular Nebuchadnezzar Nabeyaki Nebby
1. Check out Nebelous by Watchback on Amazon Music
2. At 3/11/2014 1:59:28 PM, Nebelous wrote: At 3/11/2014 1:55:53 PM, Nebelous wrote: At 3/11/2014 1:26:22 PM, whiteflame wrote: Once we understand all that, yes, we'll have a good idea of an individual's most likely behavior
3. Nebelous has posted to 58 forums
4. At 3/9/2014 11:41:43 AM, 000ike wrote: At 3/9/2014 10:24:04 AM, Nebelous wrote:
5. Nebelous has posted to 58 forums
6. Nebelous has posted to 58 forums
7. At 5/2/2014 4:31:28 PM, tBoonePickens wrote: At 5/2/2014 3:20:39 PM, Nebelous wrote: The reason humans have rights is because we take them.
NEBELOUS [ˈnebyələs]
Kids Definition of nebulous. : not clear : vague. Comments on nebulous. What made you want to look up nebulous?
Nebulous is defined as something that has to do with a cloud of gas or dust in space. An example of nebulous is a star cluster.
English Language Learners Definition of nebula : a cloud of gas or dust in space that can sometimes be seen at night : a group of stars that are very far away and look like a bright cloud at night See the full definition for nebula in the English Language Learners Dictionary
The definition of nebulous is someone or something that is vague or unclear. An example of nebulous is a plan that doesn't describe the intended outcome. Of, relating to, or characteristic of a nebula.