Use Nebbishlike in a sentence

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See also: Nebbish Nebby Nebbie Nebbing Nebbishy

1. What does Nebbishlike mean? Resembling, or characteristic of, a nebbish

Nebbishlike, Nebbish

2. Definition of Nebbishlike in the dictionary

Nebbishlike, Net

3. What does Nebbishlike mean? Information and translations of Nebbishlike in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.


4. Resembling, or characteristic of, a nebbish 2009, January 3, “Elaine Sciolino”, in Make ’em Laugh, and Love Classics‎[1]: Despite his Nebbishlike looks, average height, serious eyeglasses and all-black attire, Mr

Nebbish, Nebbishlike

5. Find all the synonyms and alternative words for Nebbishlike at, the largest free online thesaurus, antonyms, definitions and translations resource on the web.


6. 문장 Nebbishlike Despite his Nebbishlike looks , average height , serious eyeglasses and all- black attire , Mr


7. Despite his Nebbishlike looks, average height, serious eyeglasses and all-black attire, Mr


8. Nebbishlike: nebbishy nebbuk nebbuks nebby nebeck nebecks nebek nebeks nebel nebels: Literary usage of Nebbish

Nebbishlike, Nebbishy, Nebbuk, Nebbuks, Nebby, Nebeck, Nebecks, Nebek, Nebeks, Nebel, Nebels, Nebbish

9. Despite his Nebbishlike looks, average height, serious eyeglasses and all-black attire, Luchini knows how to fill a landmark space with his presence


10. Nebbishlike nebbishy nebbuk nebbuks nebby nebeck (current term) nebecks nebek nebeks nebel: nebels nebenkern nebenkerns nebish nebishes nebivolol nebracetam nebramycin nebris nebrises: Literary usage of Nebeck

Nebbishlike, Nebbishy, Nebbuk, Nebbuks, Nebby, Nebeck, Nebecks, Nebek, Nebeks, Nebel, Nebels, Nebenkern, Nebenkerns, Nebish, Nebishes, Nebivolol, Nebracetam, Nebramycin, Nebris, Nebrises

11. Despite his Nebbishlike looks, average height, serious eyeglasses and all-black attire, Mr


12. He's not a "great" singer, in the sense that he hardly projects at all, and doesn't have tremendous technical range, yet there's an plaintive, affecting attraction to his way of singing a song, an almost Nebbishlike, everyman quality that makes him rather likeable

Not, Nebbishlike

13. Nebbishlikeを解説文に含む見出し語の英和和英辞典の検索結果です。出典:『Wiktionary』 (2010/06/19 01:45 UTC 版) 別の表記nebbish-like 語源nebbish +‎ -like 形容詞Nebbishlike (compara

Nebbishlike, Nebbish

14. Bruce Davison plays the lead, a Nebbishlike loser who uses his army of rodent friends to get back at venal employer Ernest Borgnine


15. 辞書・百科事典カテゴリの索引「NE」13ページ目。例えば、nebbiolo、nebbish、nebbish-like、nebbishe、nebbisher、nebbishers、nebbishes、Nebbishlike、nebbishy、Nebbiuno、などの用語があり …

Ne, Nebbiolo, Nebbish, Nebbishe, Nebbisher, Nebbishers, Nebbishes, Nebbishlike, Nebbishy, Nebbiuno



    Frequently Asked Questions

    What does the name nebbish mean?

    Noun nebbish (plural nebbishes) One who is fearful and timid, especially in making decisions and plans, in discussions, debates, arguments, and confrontations, and in taking responsibility. quotations ▼ Actor Rick Moranis often plays a nebbish.

    What does the Yiddish word nebbish mean in English?

    The unfortunate Pa unwittingly demonstrates much about the etymology of nebbish, which derives from the Yiddish nebekh, meaning "poor" or "unfortunate." As you might expect for a timid word like nebbish, the journey from Yiddish to English wasn't accomplished in a single bold leap of spelling and meaning.

    What is another word for Nebbish?

    other words for nebbish. cipher. nobody. nothing. upstart. TRY nebbish IN A SENTENCE BELOW. MOST RELEVANT. Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

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