Use Navigatore in a sentence

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See also: Navigator Navigational Navigation Navigate Navigable Navigating Naive Naviance Navidad Navigated Navicular Navi

1. In mattinata al Teatro del Mare due presentazioni di libri, entrambe curate dal giornalista Fabio Pozzo: “Il Pacifico a remi” di Alex Bellini, volume edito da Longanesi contenente il racconto della traversata oceanica in solitario del “Navigatore montanaro” e “L’isola delle vele”, di …


2. English Translation of “Navigatore” The official Collins Italian-English Dictionary online


3. View credits, reviews, tracks and shop for the 2001 CD release of "Navigatore" on Discogs.


4. Mappe e Navigatore offline per l’Italia e altri paesi



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Nbsp, Navigatore

6. Navigatore Gratis Italiano con Voce per Android: GPS Navigatore satellitare italiano


7. Facciamo un percorso insieme seguendo lw istruzioni del Navigatore in lingua italiana


8. L’ultima edizione del Navigatore BMW, il Navigator VI, offre molte funzioni aggiuntive che rendono il viaggio in moto più piacevole, completo e meno stressan

Navigatore, Navigator

9. Matteo Sericano - Navigatore, Genova


10. Ambrogio Beccaria (classe 1991) è un Navigatore italiano




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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the noun for navigator?

Noun. navigator ( plural navigators ) A person who navigates, especially an officer with that responsibility on a ship or an aircrew member with that responsibility on an aircraft. A sea explorer. A device that navigates an aircraft, automobile or missile.

What does Navi in Navigator mean?

According to a user from United States, the name Navi is of Japanese origin and means "Navigator". A submission from North Carolina, U.S. says the name Navi means "Fairy" and is of Japanese origin. Search for more names by meaning .

What is the definition of navigate?

Definition of navigate. intransitive verb. 1 : to travel by water : sail navigated down to the mouth of the river. 2 : to steer a course through a medium specifically : to operate an airplane navigate by instrument. 3 : get around, move was well enough to navigate under his own power.

What is the plural of navigator?

The plural form of navigator is navigators.

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