1. Nark definition is - stool pigeon
2. A long time ago Nark (also spelt narc or narq) referred to narcotics officers working undercover
Nark, Narc, Narq, Narcotics
3. When the undercover officer reported his findings to whoever he was working for, he was " Narking " on his druggy friends
4. Nowadays, a Nark is basically a tattle-tale
Nowadays, Nark
5. Mike Narked me out to his mom last night.
Narked, Night
6. Brit and Austral and NZ an informer or spy, esp one working for the police (copper's Nark) 2
Nz, Nark
7. Brit a person who complains irritatingly: an old Nark.
8. Nark® only tests for the possible presence of certain chemical compounds
9. This test must be administered following its specific instructions and may be used in conjunction with other reagents in the Nark® II Sequential Testing System.
10. The Nark II system for the presumptive identification of controlled substances can be a key component to establishing probable cause
11. Definitions of “Nark” If the answer you seek is not in the answers above these definitions may help solving your crossword puzzle
Nark, Not
12. At Nark Running and Strength you can expect nothing but the best! Get the RUNNING and STRENGTH RESULTS that you’ve always been looking for but haven’t achieved
Nark, Nothing
13. After our print story was published, Nark continued his reporting and on December 16 he connected with Rodriguez’s former roommate, who is certain that the hiker known as Mostly Harmless is Rodriguez
14. Nicole Nark and NarkHomes.com are affiliated with Pixel Properties Realty
Nicole, Nark, Narkhomes
15. That the "Nark," with his mean tricks, is a nuisance to wandering beggars is seen in a very short time
Nark, Nuisance
16. (WILLIAM HENRY) DAVIES All true wanderers hate him; even the drunken, domineering grinder is treated with civility in a house where beggars see a "Nark." …
17. Princeton's WordNet (0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Nark, copper's Nark (noun) an informer or spy working for the police narc, Nark, narcotics agent (verb)
Nark, Noun, Narc, Narcotics
18. Nark 'Nark' is a 4 letter word starting with N and ending with K Crossword clues for 'Nark'
19. Nark verb (TELL POLICE) [ I ] US slang to secretly tell the police or someone in authority about something bad or illegal that someone has done SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases
20. Nark is a Python 3 support library for (at least one) journaling, time tracking, and personal relationship management application (s)
21. Nark provides an API for storing, retrieving, and reporting on time interval data, aka timesheet or journal entries.
22. Narkk is a level 30 NPC that can be found in The Cape of Stranglethorn
Narkk, Npc
23. Brit and Austral and NZ an informer or spy, esp one working for the police (copper's Nark) 2
Nz, Nark
24. Brit a person who complains irritatingly: an old Nark.
25. Nark II has the capability of presumptively identifying several families of substances suspected of being drugs
26. Nark (third-person singular simple present Narks, present participle Narking, simple past and past participle Narked) ( transitive , thieves' cant ) To watch ; to observe
Nark, Narks, Narking, Narked
27. Booking/Contact: [email protected]Narkmagazine.com Bottom Forty Records : @bottomforty
28. Stream Tracks and Playlists from Nark on your desktop or mobile device.
29. British, Australian and New Zealand an informer or spy, esp one working for the police (copper's Nark)
New, Nark
30. Nark Name Meaning Historically, surnames evolved as a way to sort people into groups - by occupation, place of origin, clan affiliation, patronage, parentage, adoption, and even physical characteristics (like red hair)
Nark, Name
31. ‘women like her Nark me’ ‘I'd put in eight weeks of training, but the controversy has Narked me a bit.’ ‘This Narked a few people, including his apparently unpaid vet and a group who claimed that the animals on his ranch were being treated cruelly.’
Nark, Narked
32. Ce Nark But God forbid the office Nark ever says I is in the pub
33. Nowt as queer as lingo; The minefield of sexual identity There are some things that really Nark me in the world of the vine and I feel that a lot of the Californian wine widely available tends to be mass-produced anonymous tat that would do injustice to …
Nowt, Nark
34. About Sirchie Nark II Special Opiates Reagent - 10 Test Box A specific field test designed to presumptively identify synthetic opiates like Oxycodone, and Hydro-codone
35. Instagram del Nark: https://www.instagram.com/Nark.014/Instagram Personal: https://www.instagram.com/benja.lm_/-----
36. Nark® is a compact, convenient field test kit offering presumptive identification of the most frequently abused drugs and narcotics
Nark, Narcotics
37. ‘I admit I can be a Nark on the park sometimes but I hate seeing people losing and still looking happy.’ Synonyms irritant , source of irritation, source of vexation, annoyance, source of annoyance, thorn in someone's flesh, thorn in someone's side, pinprick, pest, bother, trial, torment, plague, inconvenience, nuisance, bugbear, menace
Nark, Nuisance
38. Definition of Nark noun in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary
Nark, Noun
39. A Nark is a Non Athletic Retrded Kid
Nark, Non
40. Nark's cannot control themselves and act like retards a majority of the time
41. If you are a Nark it is incurable.
42. Nark is a graduate of the Army’s Command and General Staff College and retired from the military in 1995 as a Lieutenant Colonel, with 26 years of service behind her
43. Nark_ECOLI Accession i: P10903 Primary (citable) accession number: P10903: Entry history i: Integrated into UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot: July 1, 1989: Last sequence update: January 1, 1990: Last modified: February 10, 2021: This is version 156 of the entry and version 2 of the sequence
Nark, Number
44. Synonyms for Nark in Free Thesaurus
45. 15 synonyms for Nark: copper's Nark, narc, narcotics agent, annoy, devil, gravel, irritate, rile, vex, nettle
Nark, Narc, Narcotics, Nettle
46. The FBI offered to let me avoid jail time if I agreed to be a Nark for them
47. I can't believe you told Mom and Dad! Why do you have to be such a Nark? 2
48. Nark is an independent artist creating amazing designs for great products such as t-shirts, stickers, posters, and phone cases.
49. 1 definition found From WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006) [wn]: Nark n 1: an informer or spy working for the police [syn: {Nark}, {copper's Nark}] 2: a lawman concerned with
50. For booking email: Nark[email protected] // @Narkmusic
Narkbooking, Narkmusic
51. Sirchie Nark20023 Nark-II Synthetic Cannabinoids Reagent has the capability of presumptively identifying several families of substances suspected of being drugs
52. Hallion Nark was a nervous male Neimoidian who was a spy for Kragan Gorr's pirate gang during the era of the New Republic
Nark, Nervous, Neimoidian, New
53. Nark was a male Neimoidian with brown eyes and green skin
Nark, Neimoidian
54. 1 Biography 2 Personality and traits 3 Behind the scenes 4 Appearances 5 Sources 6 Notes and references Hallion Nark3 was a member of Kragan Gorr's pirate Warbird gang during the New Republic era
Notes, New
55. Nark boldly shared her testimony, and has since taken us through a journey of the deeper layers of storytelling, honoring and history
56. Another word for Nark: annoy, bother, provoke, bug, irritate Collins English Thesaurus
NARK [närk]
Abbreviation | Meaning |
NARK | Informer |
NARK | to annoy or upset someone; a spoilsport |
NARK | Nyi Arkhiv Respubliki Kareliia |
REAL NARK | see 'Nark' |
nark(Noun) A police spy or informer. nark(Noun) (US, slang) (or narc) A narcotics law enforcement officer. nark(Verb) To annoy or irritate. It really narks me when people smoke in restaurants. nark(Verb) To stop.
nark (plural narks) (Britain, slang) A police spy or informer. (Australia, slang) An unpleasant person, especially one who makes things difficult for others; a spoilsport.