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See also: Narghile Nargile Nargileh

1. Word Origin for narghile C19: from French narguilé, from Persian nārgīleh a pipe having a bowl made of coconut shell, from nārgīl coconut Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital …


2. Narghile definition is - a water pipe for smoking that originated in the Near East.

Narghile, Near

3. ‘Velvet bellows, cushions, muskets, plates, microtonic music plus Narghiles or hookahs for a post-prandial smoke of tobacco sweetened with such agents as rose essence.’


4. Narghile (plural Narghiles) A large Oriental tobacco pipe wherein the smoke is drawn through water to filter and cool it.

Narghile, Narghiles

5. Acest website foloseşte cookie-uri proprii cât şi cookie-uri adăugate de terţi, pentru a furniza vizitatorilor o experienţă mult mai bună de navigare şi servicii adaptate nevoilor şi interesului fiecăruia.

Narghile, Navigare, Nevoilor

6. The Invention of Hookah (Shisha, Narghile) «Passive Smoking» through Repeated Scientific Misconduct and Fraud (A Necessary Step for the Tobacco-Free Earth Geo-Political Agenda)

Narghile, Necessary

7. Communiqué (March 26, 2008) “ Hookah (shisha, Narghile) “Passive Smoking” is a Fraud [Le «tabagisme passif» du narguilé est un leurre].

Narghile, Narguil

8. Narghile Hookah Art, Rome: See 77 unbiased reviews of Narghile Hookah Art, rated 4.5 of 5 on Tripadvisor and ranked #7,813 of 12,584 restaurants in Rome.


9. We found 7 answers for the crossword clue Narghile


10. If you haven't solved the crossword clue Narghile yet try to search our Crossword Dictionary by entering the letters you already know! (Enter a dot for each missing letters, e.g


11. Definition of Narghile in the dictionary

Narghile, Net

12. What does Narghile mean? Information and translations of Narghile in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on …


13. What does Narghile mean? A kind of water pipe for smoking


14. A Narghile is a water-pipe used to smoke a tobacco preparation


15. Narghile, or water-pipe smoking (WPS), has been practiced extensively for ∼400 years


16. Narghile smoking has significant associations with diseases of the respiratory system (including lung cancer) and low birth weight, and it has possible associations with bladder, nasopharyngeal, and esophageal cancers and oral epithelial dysplasia

Narghile, Nasopharyngeal

17. Narghile smoking is becoming a fashion among youth, but it is not a recent form of tobacco

Narghile, Not

18. Narghile definition: a kind of water pipe for smoking Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples


19. Narghile (n.) "oriental water pipe for smoking," by 1820, from French Narghileh, from Persian nargileh, from nargil "cocoa-nut," of which the bowl was originally made

Narghile, Narghileh, Nargileh, Nargil, Nut

20. Although these are probably the most common terms used, an examination of a more exhaustive list of hookah-related terms (eg, Narghile, waterpipe) over a longer period of time could provide a more detailed analysis of attitudes and themes about hookah over time.


21. {2} The Narghile is a water-pipe upon the plan of the hookah, but more gracefully fashioned; the smoke is drawn by a very long flexible tube, that winds its snake-like way from the vase to the lips of the beatified smoker


22. Background - As dentists are certain to encounter Narghile-smokers amongst their patients, it is important to inform them of the possible detrimental impacts of Narghile-use on oral-health


23. Objective - To review the literature on the oral-health effects of Narghile-use


24. Copper Hookah, Hand Carved Pure Copper Shisha, Diamond Series Narghile, 100% Handmade Nargile, Total Height: 24.5" ( X-Large ) CopperConceptTR

Narghile, Nargile

25. WPS called Narghile in Turkish has becoming widespread worldwide and is also one of the most popular and epidemic forms of tobacco use among Turkish youth


26. Waterpipe (Narghile, hookah) tobacco smoking-induced acute eosinophilic pneumonia Prevalence and characteristics of Narghile smoking among university students in Syria.


27. Cocktail, gelati, Narghile e dolci della casa


28. Cocktails, ice creams, Narghile and homemade desserts


29. By Redazione Published in Italiano, Narghile, Published in Arabi e Israeliani, English,: Sembra che il tuo Narghilese sia un po' arrugginito.: Sounds like your hookah's a little rusty.: La caratteristica unica dell'hotel è la piscina, il ristorante e narghilè/ terrazza hubbly bubbly situato

Narghile, Narghilese, Narghil

30. Narghile', Mykonos Town: See 50 unbiased reviews of Narghile', rated 5 of 5 on Tripadvisor and ranked #52 of 182 restaurants in Mykonos Town.


31. Narghile’ bar opened in 2011 by Yasmin Ottaviani, a passionate entrepreneur who wanted to bring a ne

Narghile, Ne

32. The Narghile (also known as a shisha, hookah, hubble-bubble) is a type of water pipe


33. Hookah (Narghile, shisha, "water-pipe") smoking is now seen by public health officials as a global tobacco epidemic

Narghile, Now

34. 6 reviews of Narghile Hookah Art "This is the best hookah lounge in all of Italy! The owner, Hovik, is very knowledgable on the different flavor combinations


35. Narghile: 1 n an oriental tobacco pipe with a long flexible tube connected to a container where the smoke is cooled by passing through water Synonyms: calean , chicha , hookah , hubble-bubble , hubbly-bubbly , kalian , nargileh , sheesha , shisha , water pipe Type of: pipe , tobacco pipe a tube with a small bowl at one end; used for smoking tobacco

Narghile, Nargileh

36. AIMS: (i) To determine the percentage of Narghile smokers with obstructive ventilatory defect (OVD) and/or restrictive ventilatory defect (RVD) or static hyperinflation (SHI); (ii) to compare the chronological and estimated lung ages


37. POPULATION AND METHODS: INCLUSION CRITERIA: men aged 20 to 60 years, Narghile smokers (>1 Narghile-year [NY]).

Narghile, Ny

38. This item: GStar 4 Hose Hookah Shisha 22" Sheesha Narghile Hookah Set (Blue) $64.99 ($64.99 / 1 Count) Ships from and sold by Queen-of-Middle-East


39. Al‐Kheraif, Zohaib Akram, Fahim Vohra and Fawad Javed, Peri‐implant soft tissue inflammatory parameters and crestal bone loss among waterpipe (Narghile) smokers and never‐smokers with and without type 2 diabetes mellitus, Journal of Periodontology, 89, 6, (645-652), (2018).

Narghile, Never

40. Narghile (water pipe, hookah, shisha, goza, hubble bubble, argeela) is a traditional method of tobacco use


41. Narghile smoking, compared to cigarette smoking, can result in more smoke exposure and greater levels of carbon monoxide (CO).



NARGHILE [ˈnärɡəlē]

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What does narghile mean?

    narghile - an oriental tobacco pipe with a long flexible tube connected to a container where the smoke is cooled by passing through water; "a bipolar world with the hookah and Turkish coffee versus hamburgers and Coca Cola".

    What are the ingredients in narghile water pipe?

    Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, "tar", and nicotine in the mainstream smoke aerosol of the narghile water pipe. 4207, it is stated that tobacco products and similar products with or without tobacco, such as narghile, will not be sold to people who are under 18 years and will not be offered for consumption [6].

    What is the difference between a radiator and a narghile?

    The amber mouthpiece of a narghile was between her lips and she was enveloped in a cloud of pale smoke. He is sitting on a cushion, leaning against the wall and smoking his narghile. When we found him he was sitting on a divan of velvet, smoking his narghile. What Is The Difference Between A “Respirator” And A “Ventilator”?

    What does narghil mean?

    [French narghilé, obsolete variant of narguilé, from Persian nārgīleh, from nārgīl, coconut (from which the receptacle was made), from Sanskrit nārikelaḥ, nālikeraḥ .] American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.

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