See also: Name Namesake Namely Named Namespace Name-calling Nameless Maiden Domain To And Define Pen
1. Name dropping is used to inflate one's stature in a conversation by linking oneself to a famous person or situation
2. Name dropping occurs just as much in the online context as offline; it can be seen on Facebook, Twitter and other social networking sites and forums
Name, Networking
3. Think of ways to bat off the Name dropping before it even begins.
4. Name dropping is never a team sport, it’s all about individual stats They don’t want to play with you, they just want to use you
Name, Never
5. Name dropping is an influencing technique that seeks to boost an individual's status or authority by mentioning their association with high status people or institutions
6. As a result, Name dropping is usually done in a way that makes it appear casual or incidental.
7. 20 hours ago · Tell Name dropping
Nbsp, Name
8. Name dropping is published Sundays and Mondays in the Sentinel
9. Synonyms for Name dropping in Free Thesaurus
10. What are synonyms for Name dropping?
11. Watch the official music video for BandGang Paid Will, Masoe, Lonnie Bands "Name dropping" shot by @JerryPHD Subscribe and Follow "Jerry Production" For More
12. Name dropping is published Sundays and Mondays in the Sentinel.
13. ― Jane Heller, Name dropping This book is a laugh a minute
14. Name dropping Native Daughters parlor awards scholarships
Name, Native
15. Name dropping is published Sundays and Mondays in the Sentinel
16. Finally, it is safe to say that Name dropping passed the borders of Hip-Hop, Rap, and R&B, becoming …
17. Name dropping Podcast - Geschichten vom Schaffen und Scheitern von und mit Adrian und Jacob
NAME DROPPING [nām ˈdräpiNG]
name-dropping - the practice of casually mentioning important people in order to impress your listener; "the hard thing about name-dropping is to avoid being too obvious about it".
n. the mention of famous or important people as friends or associates in order to impress others. name′-drop`, v.i. -dropped, -drop•ping. name′-drop`per, n. Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved. 1. Want to thank TFD for its existence?
name dropping. Referring to someone who is popular or famous in order to let the other person know that you yourself are popular and actually have friends. The event being described is usually a lie, or the story was exaggerated. Most of the time name dropping is used by people who think they are cool, but are not.
Name-dropping can also be used to identify people with a common bond. By indicating the names of people one knows, one makes known their social circle, providing an opportunity for others with similar connections to relate.