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See also: Myopia Marketing Hyperopia Cultural High Astigmatism Moral Myopic Myopathy Myopically Myope Myopericarditis Myopathic Myoplasty Myoparesis Myop

1. Myopia can also occur in adults


2. If the Myopia is mild, ophthalmologists call this low Myopia

Myopia, Mild

3. They call severe Myopia high Myopia


4. High Myopia will usually stabilize between the ages of 20-30 years old


5. Usually, you can correct high Myopia with glasses or contact lenses


6. Sometimes, refractive surgery can correct high Myopia.


7. Nearsightedness, or Myopia, is a vision condition in which people can see close objects clearly, but objects farther away appear blurred


8. Myopia occurs if the eyeball is too long or the cornea (the clear front cover of the eye) is too curved


9. Myopia affects nearly 30% of the U.S


10. Myopia, or nearsightedness, is a common eye condition that makes focusing on objects in the distance difficult

Myopia, Makes

11. Myopia definition is - a condition in which the visual images come to a focus in front of the retina of the eye resulting especially in defective vision of distant objects : nearsightedness


12. Myopia Definition Myopia is the medical term for nearsightedness

Myopia, Medical

13. People with Myopia see objects more clearly when they are close to the eye, while distant objects appear blurred or fuzzy

Myopia, More

14. Description To understand Myopia it is necessary to have a basic knowledge of the main parts of

Myopia, Main

15. Myopia (also called nearsightedness) is the most common cause of impaired vision in people under age 40

Myopia, Most

16. Myopia or nearsightedness affects around 1.6 billion individuals worldwide


17. A study predicts that 49.8% of the world’s population is affected by Myopia by 2050 – …


18. Myopia, commonly referred to as near-sightedness, is a common eye condition that affects somewhere around 25% of Americans


19. If you have Myopia, nearby objects will appear clear, but those that are


20. Myopia is a condition where a person cannot see distant objects clearly


21. Myopia affects men and women equally.

Myopia, Men

22. With Myopia, your prescription for glasses or contact lens is a negative number, such as -3.00


23. The most common procedures for Myopia are performed with a laser, including: Photorefractive

Most, Myopia

24. Refractive surgeries for Myopia include: LASIK, Epi-LASIK, PRK, SMILE, and; Refractive lens exchange


25. You may have heard of a process called orthokeratology to treat Myopia

May, Myopia

26. It uses a series of hard contact lenses to slowly flatten the cornea and reduce Myopia


27. Myopia, also known as short-sightedness or near-sightedness, is a very common condition that typically starts in childhood


28. Severe forms of Myopia (pathologic Myopia) are associated with a risk of other associated ophthalmic problems


29. Myopia is a condition that causes nearsightedness


30. Myopia occurs when light cannot be properly focused on the retina


31. Projections for Myopia (2010-2030-2050) Changes of cases between 2000 and 2010 2000 U.S


32. Prevalent cases of Myopia by race/ethnicity


33. High Myopia is a severe form of Myopia


34. When a person is diagnosed with Myopia at a young age then with the growing age this defect becomes worse


35. High Myopia increases the chances of development of other eye problems such as cataract, glaucoma etc


36. This condition is also called as degenerative Myopia.


37. Can Myopia lead to blindness? Usually, Myopia is a minor nuisance that can be corrected with eyeglasses, contact lenses or surgery

Myopia, Minor

38. But in rare cases, a progressive type called degenerative Myopia develops that can be very serious and is a leading cause of legal blindness


39. Degenerative Myopia affects only about 2% of the population.


40. Myopia (nearsightedness) is a vision impairment that causes a person to have difficulty focusing on objects and signs that are far away


41. When it occurs in both eyes, it is called bilateral Myopia.


42. The medical name for short sight is Myopia

Medical, Myopia

43. Eyesight problems, such as Myopia, are also known as refractive errors


44. Short-sightedness, or Myopia, is a very common eye condition that causes distant objects to appear blurred, while close objects can be seen clearly


45. There are 4 common types of refractive errors: Nearsightedness (Myopia) makes far-away objects look blurry Farsightedness (hyperopia) makes nearby objects look blurry Astigmatism can make far-away and nearby objects look blurry or distorted; Presbyopia makes it hard for middle-aged and older adults to see things up close

Myopia, Makes, Make, Middle

46. The Myopia Calculator is a free tool made available through the Global Myopia Centre, compliments of the Brien Holden Vision Institute

Myopia, Made

47. The BHVI Myopia Calculator is designed to bridge the gap between research data and the end user.


48. Nearsightedness (Myopia) is a very common condition in which the light coming into the eye is not focused properly onto the retina, making it difficult to see objects far away

Myopia, Making

49. Purpose: Myopia is a common cause of vision loss, with uncorrected Myopia the leading cause of distance vision impairment globally


50. Individual studies show variations in the prevalence of Myopia and high Myopia between regions and ethnic groups, and there continues to be uncertainty regarding increasing prevalence of Myopia.


51. Myopia definition, a condition of the eye in which parallel rays are focused in front of the retina, objects being seen distinctly only when near to the eye; nearsightedness (opposed to hyperopia)


52. The easiest and most common way to correct Myopia, especially with children, is with eyeglasses

Most, Myopia

53. Myopia, or short-sightedness, causes your vision in the distance to be blurry, but your vision up close remains clear


54. About half of the UK population is short-sighted, and Myopia is becoming increasingly common throughout the world


55. Most people with Myopia have healthy eyes, but are unable to focus on objects in the distance.

Most, Myopia

56. Myopia: short-sightedness in children and adolescents on the rise


57. When it comes to the spread of Myopia some studies already speak of an epidemic


58. The well-known Brien Holden Vision Institute has forecast that by the year 2050 one out of two individuals could be affected by Myopia


59. Myopia (or short-sightedness) is a global health and social problem


60. Researchers have estimated that in China, Myopia caused a 244 billion United States dollars loss in productivity in 2015


61. 1 China’s approach to its burden of childhood Myopia illustrates the problem’s magnitude, but also outlines solutions that could be potentially

Myopia, Magnitude

62. Because common Myopia is a complex condition involving hundreds of genes, the condition does not have a clear pattern of inheritance


63. Myopia: 1 n (ophthalmology) eyesight abnormality resulting from the eye's faulty refractive ability; distant objects appear blurred Synonyms: nearsightedness , shortsightedness Antonyms: farsightedness , hypermetropia , hypermetropy , hyperopia , longsightedness abnormal condition in which vision for distant objects is better than for near


64. Myopia is a common cause of correctable vision loss, with uncorrected Myopia remaining the leading cause of distance vision impairment globally


65. Individual studies show variations in the prevalence of Myopia and high Myopia across regions and ethnic groups


66. ‘The Romans considered Myopia a permanent defect that reduced the market value of a slave.’ ‘The medical name for short-sightedness is Myopia.’ ‘And so we found an association between this opacity at the back of the lens and short-sightedness, or Myopia.’

Myopia, Market, Medical

67. Myopia, or nearsighted- ness, is a common vision problem that often begins between the ages of 6 and 14


68. Children are more likely to develop Myopia if their parents are nearsighted

More, Myopia

69. However, Myopia is on the rise overall, especially in kids.


70. Although Myopia is generally a mild and manageable condition, severe Myopia can trigger much more serious eye problems and can potentially lead to blindness

Myopia, Mild, Manageable, Much, More

71. Learn more about Myopia by reading the sections below

More, Myopia

72. Myopia treatment has come a long way with the advent of refractive surgery.


73. Hereditary is one of the natural factors for a person to have the defect of Myopia


74. Mostly the young folks suffer from Myopia that occurs due to elongation of the eyeball or bulging of the cornea.

Mostly, Myopia

75. A Historical Perspective on Myopia “Control” By Paul Harris, OD


76. The impact of Myopia and high Myopia: report of the Joint World Health Organization–Brien Holden Vision Institute Global Scientific Meeting on Myopia, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, 16–18 March 2015

Myopia, Meeting, March

77. Myopia eye having excessive refractive power for its axial length


78. Myopia Far point of the eye closer to retina than infinity 5.


79. By 2050, reports have estimated there will be 4758 million people with Myopia (49.8% of the world population), and vision loss among almost 1 billion with high Myopia.(1) The COVID-19 pandemic may indirectly promote the prevalence of Myopia

Million, Myopia, May

80. Myopia represents the most common cause of vision impairment worldwide, and many attempts have been made with spectacles, rigid lenses, therapeutics and …

Myopia, Most, Many, Made

81. Myopia is more commonly referred to as nearsightedness, or the inability to see objects clearly at a distance Myopia can worsen as your child's eyes continue to grow

Myopia, More



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  • › What causes myopia in the eye
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