Use Multifacetedness in a sentence

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See also: Multifacetedness Multifaceted Multiplex Multitude Multitudinous Multiplication Multiverse Multiracial Multipurpose Mult Multiplet Multaq Multon Multics Multipla Multiply Multiples Multiplexed Multimedia Multimodal Multiplicity Multifarious Multicellular Multinational Multicultural

1. Multifacetedness meaning The state or condition of being multifaceted.

Multifacetedness, Meaning, Multifaceted

2. Multifacetedness (Noun) The state or condition of being multifaceted. How to pronounce Multifacetedness?

Multifacetedness, Multifaceted

3. Multifacetedness (uncountable) The state or condition of being multifaceted.

Multifacetedness, Multifaceted

4. Multifacetedness of Thriving: Its Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Dimensions


5. In and of itself, the SBW seems harmless enough, but this kind of lazy portrayal of Black women is not only insulting but contributes to a harmful cultural narrative which diminishes our Multifacetedness


6. Seventy “faces” of the Torah: The Midrash tells us that due to the profoundness and Multifacetedness of G‑d’s Torah, there are 70 valid ways or perspectives of understanding the Torah (which is one reason given for the 70 members of the Sanhedrin).5

Midrash, Multifacetedness, Members

7. Another way to say Multifacetedness? Synonyms for Multifacetedness (other words and phrases for Multifacetedness).


8. We've got 0 anagrams for Multifacetedness » Any good anagrams for Multifacetedness? This page list all the various possible anagrams for the word Multifacetedness.Use it for solving word puzzles, scrambles and for writing poetry, lyrics for your song or coming up with rap verses.


9. Ellwood, an American Sociologist brings out the Multifacetedness of culture when he encapsulates it to mean: “a collective name for all behavior patterns socially acquired and socially transmitted by means of symbols; hence a name for distinctive achievements of human groups,

Multifacetedness, Mean, Means

10. The drama is expected to dig into the reality of power and closely follow the story of human Multifacetedness hidden in it as well as discuss what is right and wrong


11. This simulation is designed for delegates to understand how international cooperation works and the Multifacetedness of the foreign policy decision making process.

Multifacetedness, Making

12. We've got 0 rhyming words for Multifacetedness » What rhymes with Multifacetedness? This page is about the various possible words that rhymes or sounds like Multifacetedness.Use it for writing poetry, composing lyrics for your song or coming up with rap verses.


13. Multifacetedness, multifaceted, multi- + facets

Multifacetedness, Multifaceted, Multi

14. The OED even found a few examples of the cumbersome noun "Multifacetedness," the earliest coming in a 1979 article that talked about "the intensity and multi-facetedness of …

Multifacetedness, Multi

15. Constraints and Meaning-Making: Dealing With the Multifacetedness of Social Studies in Audited Teaching Practices - This article discusses how the implementation of outcome-focused reforms in Sweden were experienced, enacted and handled by ten experienced social studies teachers

Meaning, Making, Multifacetedness

16. The Multifacetedness o Risk Taking f 11 estimating risks is doubtful (Haight, 1986)


17. We envision an inclusive world where people’s Multifacetedness is embraced and celebrated


18. We wish to showcase the beauty, the power, the fragility, and the Multifacetedness of Blackness


19. Objects underscore the Multifacetedness of the history, revealing surprising meanings when you have a closer look

Multifacetedness, Meanings

20. They give us a good picture not only of the complexity and Multifacetedness of Girard’s ideas, but also of the process through which a young professor of French literature originally operating in a rather narrow field turned into a visionary thinker of global renown, as revered as he was contested


21. The Multifacetedness of life makes the category ever-expanding, and we at Statista are constantly striving to cover all its various diverse and colorful aspects

Multifacetedness, Makes

22. Creating Multifacetedness as a basic social hypothesis expects taking


23. Multifacetedness and diversity – a framework conception


24. 2 days ago · The University’s Student Advocacy Coalition, a bipartisan student organization on campus that dedicates itself to advocating for higher education, student rights and policy changes, held a panel over Zoom this past Friday to recognize women in leadership roles, while also discussing the Multifacetedness to being a female leader in society.


25. 1 day ago · It's been eye-opening, heart-opening, encouraging, and it has put me in a position to really feel all the feels and to really lean into my intersectionality, the Multifacetedness as a woman, as a

Me, My, Multifacetedness

26. In the new episode, Faust & Copper, @[352536638547427:274:Miriam Suter Journalistin] and I talk about the oldest business in the world, about why it's a stupid phrase and the Multifacetedness of an industry that seems to culminate all the points of feminism.

Miriam, Multifacetedness

27. These acts of worship, in all its Multifacetedness and beauty, are a fundamental part of the Islamic religion for Muslims and fulfill those who perform them with knowledge and care, with well-being and fear of God

Multifacetedness, Muslims



  • › What does multifaceted mean
  • › Synonym for multifaceted
  • › Multifaceted approach meaning
  • › Multifaceted definition synonym
  • › Definition of multifaceted

Frequently Asked Questions

What does multifacetedness mean?

Multifacetedness. definitions. (0) The state or condition of being multifaceted. noun.

What is the definition of multifaceted?

Use multifaceted in a sentence. adjective. The definition of multifaceted is someone or something with many features or perspectives to consider. A person who has many different talents in all kinds of fields and subject areas is an example of someone who would be described as multifaceted. YourDictionary definition and usage example.

What does it mean when someone is multifaceted?

Use multifaceted in a sentence. adjective. The definition of multifaceted is someone or something with many features or perspectives to consider. A person who has many different talents in all kinds of fields and subject areas is an example of someone who would be described as multifaceted.

Is Salmonellosis multifaceted?

The broad range of serotypes identified in many countries reflects the multifaceted challenge of salmonellosis and its control. Philopassianism, with its multifaceted cultural manifestations and its attendant professional developments, was the formulation and expression of these processes.

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