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See also: Mulched Mulching Mulches Mulcher Mulchy Mulch Mulct Mulcted Mulcting

1. Mulched, mulch·ing, mulch·es To cover or surround with mulch.

Mulched, Mulch

2. Mulched In English, many past and present participles of verbs can be used as adjectives

Mulched, Many

3. Cosmopolites sordidus density was greatest in the Mulched


4. Mulched, mulch·ing, mulch·es To cover or surround with mulch.

Mulched, Mulch

5. Mulched to destroy another individual or group at sports, fight or just life in general.Also can be used to describe how fucked up you were the night before or how fucked up you will get in the future


6. Dude i got so Mulched last night" or " Wow, you just got totally Mulched by that brick shit house by Weebls Wobble February 16, 2011


7. When Mulched grass clippings decompose, they add nutrients back into the soil


8. Avoid dousing your newly-Mulched area with too much water for at least 24-hours

Mulched, Much

9. The goal is to keep water contained within a newly Mulched area to prevent seepage


10. Find more ways to say Mulched, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.

More, Mulched, Most

11. Neatly Mulched beds improve the appearance of any landscape


12. See 4 authoritative translations of Mulched in Spanish with example sentences, conjugations and audio pronunciations.


13. In China, construction-land must be Mulched by dust-proof nets to prevent and control fine particulate pollution, which may cause MPs pollution and increase ecological risks

Must, Mulched, May, Mps

14. Whole or Mulched leaves (TIP: Mulched leaves break down faster)


15. This means that a Mulched soil in the summer will be cooler than an adjacent unMulched soil; while in the winter, the Mulched soil may not freeze as deeply

Means, Mulched, May

16. However, since mulch acts as an insulating layer, Mulched soils tend to warm up more slowly in the spring and cool down more slowly in the fall than unMulched soils.

Mulch, Mulched, More


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18. Evapotranspiration of a drip‐irrigated, film‐Mulched cotton field in northern Xinjiang, China


19. Mulched leaves also served to control future weed growth by covering up bare spots between turf plants


20. New plantings should be Mulched immediately after planting


21. Mulched Maple and Oak Leaves Associated with a Reduction in Common Dandelion Populations in Established Kentucky Bluegrass Alexander R

Mulched, Maple

22. Grapes are Mulched at their base to reduce weed populations, conserve soil moisture and prevent soil erosion, according to the Ohio State University

Mulched, Moisture

23. In fact, Mulched grapevines benefit when gardeners use a mulch type the contributes nutrients as decaying matter decomposes.

Mulched, Mulch, Matter

24. Mulched to Perfection: Photographer: Vicki Anderson: Soils and Compost: Practice grass-cycling by leaving short grass clippings on lawns after mowing, so that nutrients and organic matter are returned to the soil

Mulched, Mowing, Matter

25. Mulched with shavings which gives the soil a high nitrogen level that plants love


26. Synonyms for Mulched in Free Thesaurus


27. Get Your Christmas Tree Mulched At The First TOH Mulchfest Alex Costello 12/29/2020

Mulched, Mulchfest

28. Mulched Garden: Photographer: GardenSoft: Soils and Compost: Incorporate compost 6" into your soil to retain water, reduce compaction, feed earthworms, and provide valuable nutrients to your plants




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Frequently Asked Questions

What does mulched mean?

Definition of mulch. : a protective covering (as of sawdust, compost, or paper) spread or left on the ground to reduce evaporation, maintain even soil temperature, prevent erosion, control weeds, enrich the soil, or keep fruit (such as strawberries) clean.

What does mulch mean?

(mŭlch) n. A protective covering, as of bark chips, straw, or plastic sheeting, placed on the ground around plants to suppress weed growth, retain soil moisture, or prevent freezing of roots. tr.v. mulched, mulch·ing, mulch·es. To cover or surround with mulch.

What is the definition of mulching?

Definition of mulch. : a protective covering (as of sawdust, compost, or paper) spread or left on the ground to reduce evaporation, maintain even soil temperature, prevent erosion, control weeds, enrich the soil, or keep fruit (such as strawberries) clean.

Can shredded leaves be used as mulch?

On windy days it’s easier to moisten the sheets before you place them down. Cover the newspaper with a one to three-inch layer of another organic mulch and the weed protection should last throughout the growing season. Shredded Leaves are nature's favorite mulch. They can be used as mulch anywhere and have the added bonus of being free.

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