See also: Magistrate Message Magistral Magistracy Magistration Magistrado Maestro Magistrates Messages Magsafe Msg Mgs Messrs Magsman Mssp Magseed Mssa Msg_war
1. Msgid "list.empty" msgid "list.null" Msgstr "There is no any objects yet." It just errors with "missing 'Msgstr'": However, msgid "list.empty" Msgstr "There is no any objects yet." msgid "list.null" Msgstr "There is no any objects yet." Looks and works fine but stupid, because once I change one Msgstr without another, they return different result.
Msgid, Msgstr, Missing
2. Msgstr "os links com os controles foram excluÍdos" msgid "swap image after (secs)" Msgstr "trocar imagem apÓs (seg)" msgid "show game info" Msgstr "mostrar informaÇÃo do jogo" msgid "use marquee as game info" Msgstr "usar letreiro como informaÇÃo do jogo" msgid "decorations" Msgstr "decoraÇÕes" msgid "stretch images" Msgstr "esticar: 2.
Msgstr, Msgid, Mostrar, Marquee
3. Msgstr "Bonjour le monde" The msgid line contains the text actually in the code, and the Msgstr line contains the translated text
Msgstr, Monde, Msgid
4. If the Msgstr is empty, then on the site the source text will be used instead
5. Valid PO files are bilingual, where msgid contains source text and Msgstr contains target text.
Msgid, Msgstr
6. Example: #: src/name.c:36 msgid "My name is %s.\n" Msgstr "Je m'appelle %s.\n" File Types
Msgid, My, Msgstr
7. 03 Vstring-char PIC X, OCCURS 0 TO 256 TIMES DEPENDING ON Vstring-length of Msgstr
8. If, according to the plural formula, Msgstr[0] applies only to n == 1, then you can use the specialized translation without the number placeholder
9. In our case, however, Msgstr[0] also applies to the numbers 21, 31, 41, etc., and therefore you cannot omit the placeholder.
10. Keyboard layout always switched to english when Msgstr editor is opened
11. How to force po-mode to remember last used keyboard layout in Msgstr editor window (or maybe to guess it from po header)?
Mode, Msgstr, Maybe
12. Msgstr: the translated text of the string
13. For example: msgctxt "banner_join_friend" msgid "{} wants to join your game." Msgstr …
Msgctxt, Msgid, Msgstr
14. @@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ Msgstr "Upplösningsinställning för filmer" msgctxt "#30048" msgid "Resolution preference for TV Shows" Msgstr "Upplösningsinställning för serier" Msgstr "Upplösningsinställning för TV-serier" msgctxt "#30049" msgid "Percentage of additional seeders …
Msgstr, Msgctxt, Msgid
15. You'll see msgid and Msgstr repeated throughout the file for every piece of text that appears in your survey.
Msgid, Msgstr
16. To add your translations to the file: For each piece of survey text (msgid) in the file, check the translation (Msgstr) that immediately follows it: If the double quotes are empty, it means that you'll need to provide your own translation for that text in between the double quotes.
Msgid, Msgstr, Means
17. Msgstr "" Msgstr " Dateityp " #, c-format: msgid "Extension" @@ -3962,8 +3962,8 @@ Msgstr "Position und Text wortweise" #, c-format: msgid "Allow only one instance to run" Msgstr "Nur eine Programm-Instanz zulassen" Msgstr "Nur eine Instanz zulassen" msgid "Allow only one instance to run and wait for the instance to terminate" Msgstr ""
Msgstr, Msgid
18. Msgstr[0] "" Msgstr[1] "" In addition to filling in the translation strings, you will also need to describe the way plurals are formed so the library knows how to index into the array for any given count value.
19. The Msgstr string contains text that the client uses to replace the default text in msgid
Msgstr, Msgid
20. Insert your own text between the quotes of the Msgstr
21. Take a look around and subscribe to the " #: header.php:60 msgid "subscribe-by-email" Msgstr "subscribe by email" #: header.php:62 msid "for-updates" Msgstr "for updates." In header.php, from line 58 I have:
Msgid, Msgstr, Msid
22. Msgstr[1] "Les adresses email sont \"{0}\"" This example uses the following syntax: #:: A comment used for editors to understand what the context of the string to translate is, as the same string might be translated differently depending on where it is being used
Msgstr, Might
23. The Msgstr that follows msgid provides the translation
Msgstr, Msgid
24. To create a translation, enter the translated text between the quotes of the Msgstr string
25. Msgstr "Les mains des ombres sortent pour attraper ton offrande et un trou noir vous engloutit lentement, pour vous amenez à négaverse." #: msgid "{author} enters the negaverse and meets {negachar}."
Msgstr, Mains, Msgid, Meets
26. Here, msgid is the string to be translated, and Msgstr is the actual translation
Msgid, Msgstr
27. In the POT file, Msgstr will always be empty
28. Msgstr Plural forms are accepted
29. However, for the untranslated entries, the Msgstr values will be empty so that translators know which are the entries that they need to work on
30. Download for use: All the entries that have not been translated yet will be included in the file containing empty Msgstr values
31. The msgid and Msgstr strings are studied and compared
Msgid, Msgstr
32. Msgstr = "Sub Form:: Error: DataErr " & DataErr If StopUndo = 0 Then MsgBox Msgstr End If Debug.Print Msgstr Response = acDataErrContinue StopUndo = 2
Msgstr, Msgbox
33. Private Sub Form_Undo(Cancel As Integer) Msgstr = "Sub Form:: Undo" 'MsgBox Msgstr Debug.Print Msgstr If StopUndo > 0 Then Msgstr = "Sub Form:: Undo: Cancel = True" 'MsgBox Msgstr Debug
Msgstr, Msgbox
34. Msgctxt context msgid untranslated-string Msgstr translated-string
Msgctxt, Msgid, Msgstr
35. Take note, in Kodi, these are used as follows: msgctxt "#label_id" msgid label_text Msgstr translation
Msgctxt, Msgid, Msgstr
36. # wpml-name: 55984d708646939f32675c38a35132af msgid "Copy & paste the shortcode directly into any WordPress post or page." Msgstr "העתק והדבק את קיצור
Msgid, Msgstr
37. Byte bufnew byte256 DatagramPacket dpnull DatagramSocket dsnull String Msgstr from CS 130706 at Gujarat Technological University
38. Msgcp-> msgctxt + msgid + msgid_plural + Msgstr + msgtrp_plural; The last tab navigation position is conveniently placed on a new line so you can chain quickly
Msgcp, Msgctxt, Msgid, Msgstr
39. #: plugin-name.php:123 msgid "Page Title" Msgstr "" Top ↑ PO (Portable Object) files # PO (Portable Object) files
Msgid, Msgstr
40. Every translator will take the POT file and translate the Msgstr sections in their own language
41. Msgstr "" msgid "non-integer counts in a binomial glm!" Msgstr "" msgid "for the 'binomial' family, y must be a vector of 0 and 1's\nor a 2 column matrix where col 1 is no
Msgstr, Msgid, Must, Matrix
42. Failures" Msgstr "" msgid "cannot simulate from non-integer prior.weights" Msgstr ""
Msgstr, Msgid
43. GCC Bugzilla – Bug 57956 missing 'Msgstr' section errors when building Last modified: 2013-10-21 20:44:34 UTC
Missing, Msgstr, Modified
44. Msgid "Open Technology Fund - $208 800" Msgstr "Open Technology Fund - $208 800" #
Msgid, Msgstr
45. Type: Content of: msgid "$10 000 – $49 999" Msgstr "$10 000 – $49 999" #
Msgid, Msgstr
46. Line 3650: Msgstr "Standartradiergummi" Line 7974: Msgstr "Generiere eine Kurve mit den Standartmathefunktionen wie Sinus und Cosinus" Line 20093: Msgstr "Standarttyp von der Einstellung" Line 23722: Msgstr "Standart" Line 31197: Msgstr "Operator Standarteinstellung wiederherstellen" Line 31796: Msgstr "Standartmäßig geschlossen" Line 38612: Msgstr "Standartinformationen anzeigen" …
Msgstr, Mit
47. The format is basically a hash list consisting of msgid and Msgstr pairs, with the msgid being the original English string and key, and the Msgstr being the translated value of it
Msgid, Msgstr
48. ' dump ROM to A/PRIMARY.BIN ' log to A/CBDUMPER.LOG DIM startaddr=0 DIM os="unk" DIM lcdmsg=0 DIM Msgstr=0 DIM romsize=0 ' detect start address and OS ' order must be from highest to lowest, since accessing outside of ROM may trigger an exception private sub GetStart if memcmp (0 xFFC00004, "gaonisoy", 8) = 0 then startaddr = 0 xFFC00000 os
Msgstr, Must, May, Memcmp
49. Msgstr " --needed älä uudelleenasenna ajan tasalla olevia kohteita" #: pacaur:1385
50. Msgid " --noconfirm do not prompt for any confirmation" Msgstr " --noconfirm älä kysy varmistuksia" #: pacaur:1386
Msgid, Msgstr
51. Msgid " --noedit do not prompt to edit files" Msgstr " --noedit älä kysy haluatko muokata tiedostoja"
Msgid, Msgstr, Muokata