See also: Mopery Mope Moped Mopey
1. Mopery definition is - an act of moping : dawdling, vagrancy.
Mopery, Moping
2. Mopery is not a real charge or violation of the law, but a descriptive term, stretching the legalities of loitering, which would include staying in one place
3. So you are convicted of Mopery, not loitering
4. Mopery is a vague, informal, and usually humorous name for minor offenses
Mopery, Minor
5. Mopery the act of exposing one's self to a blind person
6. Used (in jest) by police officers in California (at least) when discussing either a) subjects who have flunked the attitude test or, b) victimless crimes He was booked for felony Mopery.
7. Mopery is a vague, informal name for minor offenses
Mopery, Minor
8. Mopery Slang: a trivial, imaginary violation of law (also seen defined as: act of moping; vagrancy, dawdling); “The War must’ve been lean times for crowd control, murder and Mopery was the …
Mopery, Moping, Must, Murder
9. Mopery is a vague and obscure legal term, used in certain jurisdictions to mean “walking down the street with no clear destination or purpose”
Mopery, Mean
10. I don’t know which country still uses that term in summonses or charges anymore, but ‘Mopery’ is a vague and informal descriptive term for a minor or petty infraction or acting suspiciously (“Mopery with intent to gawk” is the classic).
Mopery, Minor
11. What does Mopery mean? (law, US) Violation of an imaginary or trivial law
Mopery, Mean
12. There was Ed Emigrant, the man who went to Minnesota, mistakenly believed Mopery was a crime, and in an act of civil disobedience went out on a public highway and acted depressed and discouraged
Man, Minnesota, Mistakenly, Mopery
13. Synonyms for Mopery include depression, melancholy, despondency, sadness, unhappiness, dejection, misery, despair, gloominess and dolefulness
Mopery, Melancholy, Misery
14. Mopery is a vague and obscure legal term, used in certain jurisdictions to mean "walking down the street with no clear destination or purpose"
Mopery, Mean
15. Mopery / Diamond 3 76LP / 49W 33L Win Ratio 60% / Kai'Sa - 12W 5L Win Ratio 71%, Aphelios - 8W 2L Win Ratio 80%, Jinx - 5W 4L Win Ratio 56%, Ashe - 5W 2L Win Ratio 71%, Twitch - 4W 3L Win Ratio 57%
16. Mopery is a vague, informal, and usually humorous name for minor offenses
Mopery, Minor
17. In 1970, in Columbus, Ohio, Mopery was defined as “loitering
18. Sergeant: Mopery is exposing yourself to a blind person
19. Mopery - a depression monster that wakes you from bed to kill you day by day Scape from routine and make your day better by finding different ways of living, inovating, creating, producing
Mopery, Monster, Make
20. This is a demo version of Mopery, created for the competition "game jaaj" directed by Amdré, however we wish to make this game come greater for all of us
Mopery, Make
21. Mopery is a Chicago based band that plays alternative rock inspired originals and covers an eclectic range of artists from Stevie Wonder to Alice in Chains
22. Mopery - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums
23. Mopery 13 is a valid Scrabble Word in NWL, formerly TWL (USA, Thailand, Canada) Mopery 13 is a valid Scrabble Word in CSW, formerly SOWPODS (Other Countries) Mopery 14 is a valid word in WWF
24. Definitions for the word, Mopery
25. Mopery (noun) — “The action of committing a minor or petty offence, such as loitering, etc.; contravention of a trivial or hypothetical law, esp
Mopery, Minor
26. List shorter words within Mopery, sorted by length
27. Words formed from any letters in Mopery, plus an optional blank or existing letter
28. List all words starting with Mopery, words containing Mopery or words ending with Mopery
29. All words formed from Mopery by changing one letter
30. Mopery (Law) loitering while walking: Translations: 1 – 1 / 1
31. Path of Perfection (M13) / Aggravated Mopery
32. Read Tian Jiao Lianmeng Chapter 6 : Mopery - Tian Jiao Lianmeng, is a mysterious yet popular game
Mopery, Mysterious
33. Mopery is the exploration of my generation and, indeed, the generation that will come and how we metaphysically and non-metaphysically have influence on the world
Mopery, My, Metaphysically
34. Cursitol is an over-the-counter medication used to treat a chronic disease called Mopery
Medication, Mopery
35. Since you are not a doctor, you do not know the symptoms of Mopery, and when you google it you just find out that it is used to describe small petty crimes, so this is probably something different.
36. Mopery is a crime, or used to be
37. If Occupy America continues, we imagine that authorities will dust off criminal law statutes and start charging people with Mopery, including aggravated Mopery
38. The only known instance (at least to us) of a jurisdiction charging people with Mopery was Columbus, Ohio, which pursued hippies
39. Mopery was explained in an episode of the 1975-85 television show Barney Miller as “exposing oneself to a statue or blind person”
Mopery, Miller
40. In Robert Bloch's short story The Unforgivable Sin, Mopery is the titular indiscretion
41. In the 1984 film Revenge of the Nerds, a suspect is arrested for Mopery, defined as “exposing yourself to a blind person”.
42. The press needs to keep nipping at the heels of these folks in the White House and needs to keep documenting the Mopery and Dopery that is being perpetrated by …
43. Words created with Mopery, words starting with Mopery, words start Mopery
MOPERY [ˈmōpərē]
mopery (noun)
Mopery is not a real charge or violation of the law, but a descriptive term, stretching the legalities of loitering, which would include staying in one place. So you are convicted of mopery, not loitering.
In 1970, in Columbus, Ohio, US, mopery was defined as “loitering while walking, or walking down the street with no clear destination or purpose”, and was used by police to stop and interview counterculture "hippies" who were regarded as unsavory.
MOPS - Next →. the act of exposing one's self to a blind person. Used (in jest) by police officers in California (at least) when discussing either a) subjects who have flunked the attitude test or, b) victimless crimes He was booked for felony mopery.
The word mope appears to have first been used in the 16th century, and appears in Shakespeare's works. In 1970, in Columbus, Ohio, US, mopery was defined as “loitering while walking, or walking down the street with no clear destination or purpose”, and was used by police to stop and interview counterculture "hippies" who were regarded as unsavory.