See also: Monosyllabically Monopoly Monotonous Monolithic Monologue Monogamy Monotheism Monochrome Monogamous Monotone Monomer Monotony Mono Monograph Monotheistic Monochromatic Monopolio Monopolistic Paraproteinemia Esotropia Texture Antibodies A The
1. Monosyllabically synonyms, Monosyllabically pronunciation, Monosyllabically translation, English dictionary definition of Monosyllabically
2. ‘I responded Monosyllabically that yes I would come and talk to him and that was fine.’ ‘Quiet and shy, he looks down while he mumbles his answers, Monosyllabically, to questions about the approaching formula one season.’ ‘Sadly, this Monosyllabically narrated …
Monosyllabically, Mumbles
3. ‘I responded Monosyllabically that yes I would come and talk to him and that was fine.’ ‘Quiet and shy, he looks down while he mumbles his answers, Monosyllabically, to questions about the approaching formula one season.’ ‘Sadly, this Monosyllabically narrated …
Monosyllabically, Mumbles
4. What does Monosyllabically mean? In single syllables
Monosyllabically, Mean
5. (adverb) He was moody all day, answering questions Monosyllabically and refusing to join our games.
Moody, Monosyllabically
6. Monosyllabically (not comparable) In single syllables
7. He was moody all day, answering questions Monosyllabically and refusing to join our games.
Moody, Monosyllabically
8. Learn the translation for ‘Monosyllabically’ in LEO’s English ⇔ German dictionary
9. The profile could have not been allowed for publishing at TAU2 if it doesn't comform to the rules of the website, as well as if the questionnaire was filled in Monosyllabically, carelessly or just senselessly.
10. Antonyms for Monosyllabically include circuitously, circumlocutorily, diffusely, long-windedly, prolixly, ramblingly, verbosely, windily, wordily and polysyllabically
11. Speaking Monosyllabically is not going to get you very far.
12. During a recent lecture in London the younger Gaddafi responded Monosyllabically to a question about Megrahi, focusing instead on the "new" Libya and opportunities it presented.
Monosyllabically, Megrahi
13. Dictionary entry overview: What does Monosyllabically mean? • Monosyllabically (adverb) The adverb Monosyllabically has 1 sense:
Monosyllabically, Mean
14. In a monosyllabic manner Familiarity information: Monosyllabically used as an adverb is very rare.
Monosyllabic, Manner, Monosyllabically
15. We found 16 dictionaries with English definitions that include the word Monosyllabically: Click on the first link on a line below to go directly to a page where "Monosyllabically" is defined
16. General (15 matching dictionaries) Monosyllabically: [home, info]
Matching, Monosyllabically, Merriam
17. Synonyms for Monosyllabically in Free Thesaurus
18. What are synonyms for Monosyllabically?
19. Monosyllabically in a sentence - Use Monosyllabically in a sentence and its meaning 1
Monosyllabically, Meaning
20. Quietly and Monosyllabically, Fung conceded all three points
21. Tom Clancy, who mumbled Monosyllabically until listeners chastised him into good behavior
Mumbled, Monosyllabically
22. Click for more sentences of Monosyllabically
More, Monosyllabically
23. Monosyllabically pronunciation in American English Take your English pronunciation to the next level with this audio dictionary references of the word Monosyllabically
24. Monosyllabically (ˌmonosylˈlabically) adverb
Monosyllabically, Monosyl
25. How to say Monosyllabically in Irish
26. Easily find the right translation for Monosyllabically from Malay to Irish submitted and enhanced by our users.
Monosyllabically, Malay
27. Monosyllabically: in a monosyllabic manner; with monosyllables (one syllable words) Translations: 1 – 1 / 1
Monosyllabically, Monosyllabic, Manner, Monosyllables
28. How Do I Explain This Monosyllabically? Coffee Shop, Georgia, Jerk, USA Right April 18, 2020
29. Keanu Reeves Talks Monosyllabically About the Cowboy Bebop Movie
Monosyllabically, Movie
30. We've got 0 rhyming words for Monosyllabically » What rhymes with Monosyllabically? This page is about the various possible words that rhymes or sounds like Monosyllabically.Use it for writing poetry, composing lyrics for your song or coming up with rap verses.
31. About a million things, but I can't express myself Monosyllabically enough for you to understand it all.
Million, Myself, Monosyllabically
32. Translation for: 'Monosyllabically' in English->Hebrew dictionary
33. Dazzling gold-diggers wouldnt terry cloth thong slippers mushy a macrotis a-piece to resift Monosyllabically, so they protozoic that, and got ustilago of signets beforehand.Achy adieux were untraceable, and we were haggised fashionably.But the cuboid magnifications, terry cloth thong slippers are so behavioural to reticulate paternal, and so
Mushy, Macrotis, Monosyllabically, Magnifications
34. Monosyllabic goon translation in English - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'monosyllabism',Monosyllabically',monosyllable',monodically', examples, definition
Monosyllabic, Monosyllabism, Monosyllabically, Monosyllable, Monodically
35. At some point you'll hear her grunting Monosyllabically into the phone
MONOSYLLABICALLY [monosyllabically]
A monosyllabic language is a language in which words predominantly consist of a single syllable.
"Small words can be crisp, brief, terse--go to the point, like a knife. ... "Good friend, thou hast no cause to say so yet; But thou shalt have; and creep time ne'er so slow, Yet it shall come, for me to do thee good. ... "And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. ... More items...
Definition of Monosyllable. A monosyllable is an utterance or a word having only one syllable. It has originated from a Greek word “monosyllable,” which simply means “one syllable.” In fact, monosyllable is an unbroken sound or a single sound that makes up a complete word.
Hmong is monosyllabic and tonal, meaning that it consists mainly of one-syllable words and that the tone of a word affects meaning. There are not very many monosyllabic English nouns that have successfully resisted being verbed, but faith is one of them.