See also: Monocline Monoclinic Monocles Monopoly Monotonous Monolithic Monologue Monogamy Monotheism Monochrome Monogamous Monotone Monomer Monotony Mono Monograph Monotheistic Monochromatic Monopolio Monopolistic Paraproteinemia Esotropia Texture Antibodies A The
1. Monoclines are folds consisting of two horizontal (or nearly so) limbs connected by a shorter inclined limb. They can be compared to anticlines, which consist of two inclined limbs dipping away from each other, and synclines, which consist of two inclined limbs dipping towards each other.
2. Anticlines, Synclines, Monoclines, Domes and Basins
3. Other Monoclines rumple the Colorado Plateau--the Waterpocket Fold in Capitol Reef, Comb Ridge near Bluff, the Circle Cliffs, and the Defiance Uplift
4. ‘The Triassic limestones are stacked along Monoclines of c.1 km thickness gently dipping toward the north.’ ‘Ductile fabrics and tectonic boundaries in the southern part of the Cine massif outline a large-scale monocline, the tectonic significance of which is not known.’
Monoclines, Massif, Monocline
5. Monoclines are single limbed folds which develop by ductile folding, or flexural slip of a layered sequence (Fig
6. Monoclines at Colorado National Monument and Dinosaur National Monument are especially impressive
Monoclines, Monument
7. Monocline (plural Monoclines) A unidirectional dip in strata that is not a part of an anticline or syncline A single flexure in otherwise flat-lying strata; See also
Monocline, Monoclines
8. A Anticlines, synclines, antiforms, synforms, and Monoclines B Kinks: folds with sharp, angular hinge regions C "Tightness" of folds D Classification by orientation of axial plane and plunge of fold axis E Symmetrical folds vs
9. The Monoclines are thought to be tangentially compressive Laramide features, and in places they show pronounced coupling action
10. Features depicted are limited to well documented, significant anticlines, synclines and Monoclines in Illinois
11. Monoclines are especially typical of platforms, where they are confined to the limbs of anteclises and syneclises.
12. Monoclines (see image below) are not as common and usually form as an adjustment in the surface layers to some type of tectonic activity happening deep within the Earth’s surface
13. Monoclines are especially typical of platforms, where they are confined to the limbs of anteclises and syneclises
14. Monoclines are step-like folds, in which flat rocks are upwarped or downwarped, then continue flat
15. Monoclines are relatively common on the Colorado Plateau where they form “reefs,” which are ridges that act as topographic barriers and should not be confused with ocean reefs (see Chapter 5)
16. Monoclines may be formed in several different ways (see diagram) By differential compaction over an underlying structure, particularly a large fault at the edge of a basin due to the greater compactibility of the basin fill, the amplitude of the fold will die out gradually upwards.; By mild reactivation of an earlier extensional fault during a phase of inversion causing folding in the
Monoclines, May, Mild
17. Monoclines flank the hanging wall side of surface-breaking normal faults; however, monocline growth precedes surface rupture
Monoclines, Monocline
18. Monoclines thus act as a proxy for the growth evolution of the underlying fault
19. The producing structures in the fields are simple Monoclines and primary recovery is driven by water
20. Synonyms for Monoclines in Free Thesaurus
21. What are synonyms for Monoclines?
22. Monoclines seen in the Grand Canyon are another expression of the region’s faults
23. Monoclines are folds, or bends, in the otherwise horizontal rock layers that dominate the canyon
24. Monoclines are the simplest types of folds
25. Monoclines occur when horizontal strata are bent upward so that the two limbs of the fold are still horizontal Anticlines Anticlines are folds where the originally horizontal strata has been folded upward, and the two limbs of the fold dip away from the hinge of …
26. Structural Features in Illinois - 1995 - Line Features (Axial or Flexure) of Anticlines, Synclines and Monoclines Abstract: This is a partial representation of Plate 1 from ISGS Bulletin 100 (1993)
27. Features depicted are limited to well documented, significant anticlines, synclines and Monoclines in Illinois.
28. 26th attempt Feedback Which statements are true about Monoclines? Choose one or more: A
Monoclines, More
29. The Waterpocket Fold is one of the longest continuously exposed Monoclines in the world and is the centerpiece geologic structure of Capitol Reef (Morris et al
Monoclines, Morris
30. Anticlines and synclines, Monoclines, domes and basins are all types of folds
31. Anticlines are arch-like, synclines are trough-like, Monoclines resemble the shape of a carpet draped over a stair step, basins are shaped like a bowl, and domes are shaped like an overturned bowl
32. Monoclines are, however, characteristic of regions in which sedimentary rocks have been deformed by dip slip movement along vertical or steeply dipping faults in older and deeper rocks, such as the Colorado Plateau of the southwestern United States
Monoclines, Movement
33. It is actually a complex structure of en echelon folds, asymmetrical anticlines, and Monoclines stretching from Stephenson County in northern Illinois through Lawrence County in southeastern Illinois.
MONOCLINES [ˈmänəˌklīn]
This results in the formation of a Monocline, which is a geological formation in which the rock strata has folds in it. These folds resemble steps because the entire strata leans towards the same direction. The following reasons can cause the formation of Monoclines: Fault propagation – extensional fault or reverse fault.
Monoclines may be formed in several different ways (see diagram) By differential compaction over an underlying structure, particularly a large fault at the edge of a basin due to the greater compactibility of the basin fill, the amplitude of the fold will die out gradually upwards.
Monocline. Monoclines are folds consisting of two horizontal (or nearly so) limbs connected by a shorter inclined limb. They can be compared to anticlines, which consist of two inclined limbs dipping away from each other, and synclines, which consist of two inclined limbs dipping towards each other. Folds such as monoclines, anticlines,...
monocline - a geological formation in which all strata are inclined in the same direction. geological formation, formation - (geology) the geological features of the earth.