See also: Misfortune Misfit Misfire Misfed Misform Misfield Misfile Misfiled Misfiring Misfitted Misfeed Misfocus Misfortunate Misfiling Misfitting Misfeasor Misfocused Misfounded Misfortunately Misfeature Misfeasance
misfire (verb) · misfires (third person present) · misfired (past tense) · misfired (past participle) · misfiring (present participle)
misfire (noun) · misfires (plural noun)
The definition of a misfire is a failure of a gun to fire or discharge correctly, or a failure of an engine to start. When a gun is fired and no bullet comes out, this is an example of a misfire.
1. (Firearms, Gunnery, Ordnance & Artillery) (of a firearm or its projectile) to fail to fire, explode, or ignite as or when expected 2. (Automotive Engineering) (of a motor engine or vehicle, etc) to fail to fire at the appropriate time, often causing a backfire
— Brian Mahoney, ajc, 1 June 2021 Another is small-fiber neuropathy, a condition in which the body’s nerves begin to misfire and can die off, causing pain, fatigue and disruption to basic bodily functions like breathing.
[ verb mis-fiuh r; noun mis-fahyuh r ] / verb mɪsˈfɪər; noun ˈmɪsˌfaɪər /. (of a rifle or gun or of a bullet or shell) to fail to fire or explode. (of an internal-combustion engine) to fail to ignite properly or when expected.