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See also: Minimize Minimised Minimis Minimising De Minion Minimal Minister Miniscule Ministry Minimum Miniature Mining Mini Minimalist Minimalism Ministerial Ministrations

1. Minimis, since 2008 has been a recognized pioneer in the world of illumination. In 2021, we raised the bar in minuscule illumination, by developing the groundbreaking MP Series of Minimis illumination.

Minimis, Minuscule, Mp

2. At first, the shortened phrase was simply used to refer to the legal doctrine itself ("the de Minimis rule")


3. Then it came to be used more broadly as an adjective ("de Minimis contacts with the defendant")

More, Minimis

4. Finally, de Minimis leaked out of the courtroom and into the world at large


5. Minimis is contained in 2 matches in Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Minimis, Matches, Merriam

6. Learn definitions, uses, and phrases with Minimis


7. De Minimis From Latin, meaning "trifling," a legal principle asserting that trivial matters are not worthy of judicial scrutiny. A shortening of the Latin maxim de Minimis non curat lex, meaning "the law does not care about the smallest things."

Minimis, Meaning, Matters, Maxim

8. De Minimis means so small or inconsequential as to not be worthy of attention. De Minimis is typically used in a legal context in regard to things that are not important or significant enough to be bound by rules or regulations

Minimis, Means

9. It is often used in phrases like de Minimis rule or de Minimis exemption.


10. Updated December 13, 2019 The term "de Minimis" describes something that's too small or insignificant to be of importance. It derives from the Latin phrase "de Minimis non curat lex," which translates to "about minimal things." A $10 error …

Minimis, Minimal

11. In general, a de Minimis benefit is one for which, considering its value and the frequency with which it is provided, is so small as to make accounting for it unreasonable or impractical.

Minimis, Make

12. The de Minimis safe harbor is simply an administrative convenience that generally allows you to elect to deduct small-dollar expenditures for the acquisition or production of property that otherwise must be capitalized under the general rules.

Minimis, Must

13. IF ABOVE DE Minimis THRESHOLD OR INELIGIBLE FOR DE Minimis Classify the non-U.S.-made product (self-classification vs BIS classification), see § 748.3 Determine license requirements of the non-U.S

Minimis, Made

14. De Minimis employee benefits are insignificant and infrequent non-cash perks offered by employers


15. The De Minimis Value, as the threshold is known, varies from country to country


16. De Minimis Value - Express Shipment Exemptions You may avoid paying duties when shipping to particular country if the value of your shipment does not exceed the De Minimis value

Minimis, May

17. De Minimis Value as the threshold is known, varies from country to country


18. What is the De Minimis Tax Rule? The de Minimis tax rule is a law that governs the treatment and accounting of small market discounts

Minimis, Market

19. Translated “about minimal things,” the de Minimis amount determines whether the market discount on a bond is taxed as capital gain Capital Gain A capital gain is an increase in the value of an asset or investment resulting from the price appreciation of the

Minimal, Minimis, Market

20. De Minimis Requiring that all non-originating materials meet a tariff change rule (TCR) is a simple principle

Minimis, Materials, Meet

21. However, through the application of de Minimis, we can disregard a very small percentage of non-originating materials that do not meet the TCR.

Minimis, Materials, Meet

22. The de Minimis safe harbor allows you to elect immediate expensing of small-asset purchases provided that: the asset costs $2,500 or less ($5,000 if the business has an applicable financial statement), you reflect the asset cost as an expense on your company’s books of account, and


23. In international shipping, de Minimis is the threshold set by countries under which no customs duties or taxes are applied to goods


24. The de Minimis tax rule defines when a municipal bond redemption is a capital gain rather than ordinary income

Minimis, Municipal

25. No de Minimis – 0 H: Honduras


26. Specifically, the new law limits the de Minimis contribution of a public entity to an amount less than $600,000 and less than 2% of the total project cost


27. An abbreviated form of the Latin Maxim de Minimis non curat lex, "the law cares not for small things." A legal doctrine by which a court refuses to consider trifling matters

Maxim, Minimis, Matters

28. In a lawsuit, a court applies the de Minimis doctrine to avoid the resolution of trivial matters that are not worthy of judicial scrutiny

Minimis, Matters

29. FTA Provisions for De Minimis Rule In general, the de Minimis Rule allows up to 10 percent of adjusted value (Australia, Chile, Colombia, DR-CAFTA, Panama, Peru, S


30. A taxpayer makes a de Minimis safe harbor election annually by attaching a statement to its timely filed original federal tax return (including extensions)

Makes, Minimis

31. Notice 2015-82, issued on November 24,2015, increases from $500 to $2,500 the de Minimis safe harbor threshold for taxpayers without an AFS


32. A filer qualifies for de Minimis status for a given calendar year when the revenue reported on its corresponding FCC Form 499-A is such that the calculated annual contribution to the federal Universal Service Fund is less than $10,000


33. A filer that demonstrates de Minimis status is exempt from directly contributing to the Universal Service Fund for a given calendar year, but may indirectly

Minimis, May

34. Reporting “De Minimis Safe Harbor” Expenses


35. Incidental products included under de Minimis must total less than 5% of the total materials cost for the project

Minimis, Must, Materials

36. Any single de Minimis item cannot be more than 1% of the total materials cost of the project

Minimis, More, Materials

37. De Minimis products should be tracked in a simple spreadsheet and retained with project files


38. De Minimis waiver is for loan recipient use.


39. De Minimis benefits are a particular set of monetary benefits that employers voluntarily give to rank-and-file and managerial employees in the Philippines that are not subject to withholding tax and income tax on compensation income

Minimis, Monetary, Managerial

40. Since they are tax-exempt, de Minimis benefits reduce an employee’s income tax and increase their take-home pay.


41. De Minimis value: A minimum value defined by a country required to apply customs duty and tax rates on imported goods

Minimis, Minimum

42. Many countries have a de Minimis threshold, under which shipments are cleared without incurring customs duties or taxes

Many, Minimis

43. De Minimis Rules Guidelines - § 734.4 and Supplement No


44. 10% De Minimis Indirect Cost Rate The 10% de Minimis indirect cost rate is a Federally-recognized rate that non-Federal entities may use to recover allowable indirect costs€on grants or cooperative agreements

Minimis, May

45. 2 CFR 200.414(f) states that organizations can charge a 10% de Minimis rate of modified total direct costs

Minimis, Modified

46. An award recipient that proposes to use federal grant funds to pay for indirect costs but has never received a federally negotiated indirect cost rate may elect to charge a de Minimis rate of up to 10% of its modified total direct costs (MTDC) which may be used indefinitely

May, Minimis, Modified, Mtdc

47. (2 CFR § 200.414) In order to charge a de Minimis rate of up to 10% of its MTDC, the award recipient

Minimis, Mtdc

48. The de Minimis safe harbor is most often used to deduct the cost of tangible personal property items (units of property) you use in your business

Minimis, Most

49. Components acquired to maintain or repair a unit of tangible property—that is, spare parts—are also deducted under the de Minimis safe harbor if within the de Minimis limit.

Maintain, Minimis

50. “Under EC regulation No 1407/2013 (de Minimis aid regulation), this is a de Minimis aid


51. There is a ceiling of €200,000 for all de Minimis aid provided to any one firm over a three-year period


52. Any de Minimis aid awarded to you under this offer letter will be relevant if you wish to apply, or have applied, for any other de Minimis aid.


53. Dimension Films decision rejected the common law de Minimis (2) exception to copying as applied to sound recordings, and for eleven years, Bridgeport stood unchallenged by the courts of appeals, the Supreme Court, and Congress.


54. 'De Minimis' means an investment adviser is exempt from registration if they have five or fewer clients over a 12-month period with a physical address.

Minimis, Means, Month

55. § 158.243 De Minimis rebates


56. 45 CFR § 158.243 - De Minimis rebates


57. CFR ; prev next § 158.243 De Minimis rebates


58. The de Minimis provisions of the EAR promote U.S


59. Products containing a de Minimis percentage, by value, of sensitive U.S


60. Minimis, The Art of Recycling


61. The de Minimis rate approved will be applied to Modified Total Direct Cost (MTDC)

Minimis, Modified, Mtdc

62. What does de Minimis aid mean? De Minimis aid refers to public funding granted to companies, governed by the Commission Regulation (EU) No 1407/2013.The aid may consist of funding or other benefits, such as tax relief, interest rate subsidies, partially or completely free training, or other service offered to a limited group of companies.

Minimis, Mean, May

63. De Minimis Dilemma 2 Key Terms Market discount arises when a debt instrument purchased in the secondary market has decreased in value since its issue date, generally because of an increase in market interest rates

Minimis, Market

64. In undertaking settlement negotiations with de Minimis parties, EPA regional office should be permitted to impose reasonable limitations on the negotiation process


65. EPA headquarters should: (a) Make further efforts to standardize the general terms of de Minimis settlements and should establish a procedure to determine site-specific terms,

Make, Minimis

66. The CFTC de Minimis exception rules provide that market participants who exceed $8 billion in gross notional swap dealing activity over a twelve-month period are required to register with the Commission

Minimis, Market, Month

67. The threshold will fall to $3 billion in December 2017, unless the Commission takes action to amend the de Minimis exception.




    Frequently Asked Questions

    What does minimis mean in Latin?

    De minimis is a Latin expression meaning "about minimal things", normally in the terms de minimis non curat praetor ("The praetor does not concern himself with trifles") or de minimis non curat lex ("The law does not concern itself with trifles"), a legal doctrine by which a court refuses to consider trifling matters.

    What amount is considered de minimis?

    Definition of De Minimis Amount. De Minimis Amount means a principal amount of Indebtedness that does not exceed $1.0 million.

    What does minimus mean?

    minimus - the fifth digit; the little finger or little toe dactyl, digit - a finger or toe in human beings or corresponding body part in other vertebrates little finger, pinkie, pinky - the finger farthest from the thumb little toe - the fifth smallest outermost toe

    What does minimus mean in Latin?

    Minim derives from the Latin word minimus, meaning "least" or "smallest.". Musicians were the first to note its significance in the 15th century as a word for the half note.

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