See also: Metamorphosed Metamorphoses Metamorphose Metamorphosis Metaphor Meta Metaverse Metabolism Metaphysics Metadata Metaphysical Metastasis Metal Metastasize Metastatic Metacognition Metabolic Metaphorical Metamorphic Metabolismo Is Does
1. 1. To change into a wholly different form or appearance; transform: "His eyes turned bloodshot, and he was Metamorphosed into a raging fiend" (Jack London)
2. Metamorphosed In English, many past and present participles of verbs can be used as adjectives
Metamorphosed, Many
3. See synonyms for: metamorphose / Metamorphosed / metamorphosing on verb (used with object), met·a·mor·phosed, met·a·mor·phos·ing
Metamorphose, Metamorphosed, Metamorphosing, Met, Mor
4. 8 synonyms of Metamorphosed from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 25 related words, definitions, and antonyms
Metamorphosed, Merriam
5. Find another word for Metamorphosed
6. Metamorphosed: to change in form, appearance, or use.
7. See synonyms for: metamorphose / Metamorphosed / metamorphosing on verb (used with object), met·a·mor·phosed, met·a·mor·phos·ing
Metamorphose, Metamorphosed, Metamorphosing, Met, Mor
8. The hunter himself took a white feather, and with his wife and child was Metamorphosed into a falcon
9. THE SCIENCE OF FAIRY TALES EDWIN SIDNEY HARTLAND With the exception of one recently Metamorphosed juvenile having a snout-vent length of 30.7 mm
Metamorphosed, Mm
10. To change into a wholly different form or appearance; transform: "His eyes turned bloodshot, and he was Metamorphosed into a raging fiend" (Jack London)
11. Metamorphosed comes out of the sessions that produced 2019’s Face Stabber. It may only be five tracks long, but it achieves a full album’s length …
Metamorphosed, May
12. Metamorphosed by Osees, released 16 October 2020 1
13. Definition of Metamorphosed in the dictionary
14. What does Metamorphosed mean? Information and translations of Metamorphosed in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.
Metamorphosed, Mean, Most
15. The Curia, once so corrupt, was completely Metamorphosed, and once more became a rallying point for men of stainless character, so that it produced a profound impression even on non-Catholics; while …
Metamorphosed, More, Men
16. To change into a wholly different form or appearance; transform: "His eyes turned bloodshot, and he was Metamorphosed into a raging fiend" (Jack London)
17. The American psychedelic-punk rock band, Osees, also known as Oh Sees, Thee Oh Sees and a few other names, is all set to drop their 24th studio album in October titled ‘Metamorphosed.’ This will be their second album after they changed their name to Osees a few months ago.
Metamorphosed, Months
18. Definition of Metamorphosed into in the Idioms Dictionary
19. What does Metamorphosed into expression mean? Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary.
Metamorphosed, Mean
20. To change into a completely different form or type: The awkward boy I knew had Metamorphosed into a tall, confident man.
Metamorphosed, Man
21. This short video advertising Kellogg's Raisin Bran Crunch shows a reformed alien sitting at the breakfast table, engaged in a rambling monologue about how he has Metamorphosed from a scary flesh-eating monster into a pilates-practicing, go-with-the-flow type of guy that you might want to sit down and have a bowl of cereal with.
Monologue, Metamorphosed, Monster, Might
22. Synonyms for Metamorphosed in Free Thesaurus
23. 42 reviews of Metamorphosed Hair By Darlene René "I've been coming to Darlene for a year now, and she's absolutely amazing
24. To change into a wholly different form or appearance; transform: "His eyes turned bloodshot, and he was Metamorphosed into a raging fiend" (Jack London)
25. The annulate corpuscle of the spermatozoon is the Metamorphosed nucleus of the cell from which the spermatozoon is developed.: These supracrustal rocks are intruded by dolerite dykes that have been deformed and Metamorphosed together with the country rock.: The auriferous veins there are usually interbedded sandstone mudstone varieties Metamorphosed into greenschist facies.
Metamorphosed, Mudstone
26. To metamorphose or be Metamorphosed means to develop and change into something completely different.
Metamorphose, Metamorphosed, Means
27. From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English metamorphose met‧a‧mor‧phose / ˌmetəˈmɔːfəʊz $ -ˈmɔːrfoʊz / verb [intransitive, transitive] formal to change completely and become something different, or to make something change in this way → transform metamorphose into From an easy-going young girl, she had Metamorphosed into
Metamorphose, Met, Mor, Make, Metamorphosed
28. Below is the slightly Metamorphosed specimen from Rhode Island
29. Metamorphosed, released Oct.16, finds the band continuing with progressive rock and krautrock influences, which manifest as a meaty, mature record
Metamorphosed, Manifest, Meaty, Mature
30. Looking for Metamorphosed? Find out information about Metamorphosed
31. A rock formed from preexisting solid rocks by mineralogical, structural, and chemical changes, in response to extreme changes in temperature, pressure, and Explanation of Metamorphosed
Mineralogical, Metamorphosed
32. 8.70 Metamorphosed mantle in the Lizard Complex, Cornwall, England
Metamorphosed, Mantle
33. When weathered or Metamorphosed at low temperature, the original minerals often react to create low-temperature minerals.
Metamorphosed, Minerals
34. “Ovid’s winning mix of passion and compassion, sex, and terror, love and grotesquerie – all recreated by the storytellers of Ovid Metamorphosed.” –Independent “A rare treat of indulgent erudition.” –Scotland on Sunday
Mix, Metamorphosed
35. Referencing Metamorphosed, LP, Album, Num, Cle, RIP93
36. Reply Notify me 2 Helpful areminder2102 October 31, 2020 Report; referencing Metamorphosed, LP, Album, Num, Cle, RIP93
Me, Metamorphosed
37. Antonyms for Metamorphosed include stagnated, endured, idled, lasted, persisted, prevailed, continued, remained, stalled and stayed
38. The Metamorphosed Moon is a Story Quest in Phantasy Star Online 2
Metamorphosed, Moon
39. Quest Name: The Metamorphosed Moon Quest Type: Event Quest Quest Class: Solo Quests Major Characters Appearing: Hitsugi, Kohri, Xiera, and Enga
Metamorphosed, Moon, Major
40. Metamorphosed is a hand-picked selection of five songs from the sessions that resulted in the band’s third and final release under their “Oh Sees” title, the progressive psych-rock double
41. Metamorphose from/into/to: The skyline Metamorphosed into a sea of lights
Metamorphose, Metamorphosed
42. Top synonyms for Metamorphosed (other words for Metamorphosed) are changed, transformed and transmute.
43. Metamorphosed glossary term at educational reference guide
Metamorphosed, Minerals
44. They occur when sedimentary and igneous rocks become changed, or Metamorphosed, by conditions underground
45. None of the rocks are significantly Metamorphosed (note: you would expect some metamorphism of the surrounding rocks from the intrusion of a batholith into pre-existing rocks)
Metamorphosed, Metamorphism
46. A shale is Metamorphosed under regional metamorphism
Metamorphosed, Metamorphism
METAMORPHOSED [ˌmedəˈmôrˌfōzd, ˌmedəˈmôrˌfōst]
Definition of metamorphosed in English: metamorphosed. adjective. 1(of an insect or amphibian) having undergone metamorphosis, especially into the adult form. ‘the metamorphosed larvae leave the water by climbing plants’. 2Geology. (of rock) subjected to metamorphism. ‘a metamorphosed sandstone’.
Definition of metamorphosize in English: metamorphosize. (also metamorphosise) 1with object To cause to undergo a change of form, nature, or character; to metamorphose (a person or thing).
The study of metamorphic rocks (now exposed at the Earth's surface following erosion and uplift) provides information about the temperatures and pressures that occur at great depths within the Earth's crust. Some examples of metamorphic rocks are gneiss, slate, marble, schist, and quartzite.
Kids Definition of metamorphosis. 1 : a great change in appearance or character. 2 : the process of great and usually rather sudden change in the form and habits of some animals during transformation from an immature stage (as a caterpillar) to an adult stage (as a butterfly) metamorphosis.