Use Metacommentary in a sentence

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See also: Metacommentary Metaphor Meta Metaverse Metabolism Metaphysics Metaphysical Metadata Metastasis Metamorphosis Metal Metastatic Metacognition Metastasize Metaphorical Metabolic Metamorphic Metabolismo Is

1. Jameson says that the Metacommentary implies a model not unlike Sigmund Freud's conception of the relationship between the symptom and its underpinning, but repressed idea (

Metacommentary, Model

2. Metacommentary: Adding further explanation to your paragraphs Use the concepts and templates below to enhance the explanation of your ideas in your essay. When we are speaking with someone, especially when we are debating a controversial issue, we often stop and clarify our meaning.

Metacommentary, Meaning

3. Metacommentary meaning A commentary on a commentary.

Metacommentary, Meaning

4. A Metacommentary is the term used to describe a narrative which directs the reader’s attention to the text’s purpose and positioning.


5. Metacommentary is a way of commenting on your claims and telling readers how and how not to think about them. As a writer, you need Metacommentary to tell readers what you mean and to guide them through your text

Metacommentary, Mean

6. When you use Metacommentary, you will develop your ideas and generate more text and depth to your writing.

Metacommentary, More

7. "The term 'Metacommentary' is used to refer to an art practice which continuously de-mythicises and de-automates prevailing discourses and applications of interactivity 'from the inside'." (Huhtamo

Metacommentary, Mythicises

8. Chapter 10: they say/i say “but don’t get me wrong” the art of Metacommentary Metacommentary is way of commenting on your claims and telling others how and how

Me, Metacommentary

9. A Metacommentary is the term used to depict a story which guides the peruser's focus toward the content's motivation and situating

Metacommentary, Motivation

10. We use Metacommentary instinctually in discussion since we can view the full answer: 12


11.Metacommentary is especially useful …


12. Metacommentary is mostly used when an author gives a more in depth explanation to a statement or quote

Metacommentary, Mostly, More

13. Use Metacommentary to clarify No matter how clear your writing is, people will still misunderstand what you are trying to say. Helps readers process what you are really saying

Metacommentary, Matter, Misunderstand

14. Metacommentary is the way in which an author is able to explain what they have said or written by instructing the audenice about how what has been said should be to interpreted


15. Metacommentary should be distingished from the main points in the main texts or “metatext”, for which it is interpreting and clarifying.

Metacommentary, Main, Metatext

16. Metacommentary Source: A Dictionary of Critical Theory Author(s): Ian Buchanan


17. This article introduces “ethnographic Metacommentary,” an experiential, processual, and protracted approach to ethnography. My proposed method goes beyond stating complexity as the defining characteristic of an anthropological project, visual or otherwise.

Metacommentary, My, Method

18. Self-reflexivity manifests as Metacommentary in Bioshock Infinite, which critiques the narrative limitations inherent to an interactive medium and the and Sisyphean pursuit of “player agency”

Manifests, Metacommentary, Medium

19. What is Metacommentary IGI Global To Support Customers in Easily and Affordably Obtaining the Latest Peer-Reviewed Research, Receive a 20% Discount on ALL Publications and Free Worldwide Shipping on Orders Over US$ 295 Additionally, Enjoy an Additional 5% Pre-Publication Discount on all Forthcoming Reference Books Browse Titles


20. Metacommentary is a vital form of explaining to the reader what you're trying to prove; furthermore, this helps the reader fully grasp the significance of your argument


21. In implementing Metacommentary as a vital part your writing will; consequently, allow you to format your ideas and give length to your text.


22. Metacommentary great concept / iffy example


23. Metacommentary can be used to elaborate or clarify what you are trying to say


24. The Typewriter as a Manifesto, Medium and Metacommentary of the Cultural Changes in the Twentieth Century While the followers of Pastafarianism claim to take the religion seriously, many others view it as an invented religion that serves as humorous Metacommentary on organized religions, their traditions, rituals, and attire

Manifesto, Medium, Metacommentary, Many

25. Aspect Metacommentary First a clarification


26. 61 TSIS WORKSHEET ON Metacommentary ENGL 108 / SEC B1&B2/ SUMMER LEAP 2012 / OLDHAM & WACHTER-GRENE / HERNANDEZ & SCHAUMBERG The Art of Metacommentary At this point in our course, you are learning to make your own claims and back those claims up with evidence.

Metacommentary, Make

27. Metacommentary templates, english assignment help


28. Just I want to complete sentence following Metacommentary templates in any way that makes sense.

Metacommentary, Makes

29. This Metacommentary was presented as part of a symposium, organized by Gregg Schraw, on "Constructing Metacognitive Knowledge." The papers in the symposium were: John H

Metacommentary, Metacognitive

30. The Metacommentary on and presumed repudiation of his screen persona (in addition to his final vocal performance over the end credits) all mark Gran Torino as an intensely personal film

Metacommentary, Mark

31. Matthew Yglesias » Conservatives’ Bizarre Readings of Gran Torino I agree with you to a certain point about the Metacommentary.

Matthew, Metacommentary

32. A Metacommentary is the term used to depict a story which guides the peruser's focus toward the content's motivation and situating

Metacommentary, Motivation

33. We use Metacommentary instinctually in discussion since we can view the full answer


34. View Metacommentary.ppt from ENGLISH EN102 at Mount Ida College

Metacommentary, Mount

35. The Art of Metacommentary “In Other Words” What is Metacommentary? • Metacommentary is telling someone how …


36. Michael Cohen’s Testimony: Metacommentary February 27, 2019 / 369 Comments / in 2016 Presidential Election , emptywheel , Mueller Probe / by emptywheel Michael Cohen’s statement to the House Oversight Committee is here .

Michael, Metacommentary, Mueller

37. Analyzing Metacommentary (Questions are taken from pages 139-140 of the textbook) Choose an article from the “Readings” section of the book (hint: choose from a topic you may want to expand on for your essay assignments)

Metacommentary, May

38. Using the templates on pages 137-139 as your guide, annotated to indicate the different ways the author uses Metacommentary.


39. I show how ethnographic Metacommentary is a productive thought process that fleshes out ruptures in the filmmaking process that are often concealed from the audience, and even from the filmmakers


40. Metacommentary is a way of commenting on your claims and telling other howand how notto think about them


41. Metacommentary does not give a reader a new point Metacommentary tells a reader how to interpret what has already been said (or is about to be said)


42. Metacommentary in the Essay ‘I am Gay and African American’ An effective writer always wants his readers to understand the purpose and positioning of their text


43. This comprehension is best achieved through Metacommentary, whereby the reader will find it easy keeping track of where the piece of writing is headed


44. Metacommentary is a type of writing that explains what has already been stated


45. Metacommentary is a way of "commenting on your own claims and telling readers how- and how not- to think about them"(123).


46. A Metacommentary is the term used to describe a narrative which directs the reader’s attention to the text’s purpose and positioning


47. According to Graf and Birkenstein (2010), the function of a Metacommentary is akin to that of a Greek Chorus …


48. Metacommentary alone cannot deal with this shift, however, because it is not properly speaking of a meta order; it is not, in other words, an alternate apprehension of Utopia that is at issue, a transcoding or change of codes, but something much more fundamental (in a philosophical sense): what I want to call, a new way of thinking it.(5) For

Metacommentary, Meta, Much, More

49. Analyzing Metacommentary (Questions are taken from pages 139-140 of the textbook) Choose an article from the “Readings” section of the book (hint: choose from a topic you may want to expand on for your essay assignments)

Metacommentary, May

50. Using the templates on pages 137-139 as your guide, annotated to indicate the different ways the author uses Metacommentary.


51. 超级舞蹈;形上舞蹈 metachorue dance 衍生注解;衍生评语 Metacommentary 衍生历史层面 metahistorical dimension 基于1个网页-相关网页

Metachorue, Metacommentary, Metahistorical

52. Deleuzism: A Metacommentary [Ian Buchanan]


53. Add a note to the entry "Metacommentary"


54. Brow Beat Love, Simon Is an Argument for Its Own Necessity The movie adapts the book into a Metacommentary on rom-coms—and the importance of a gay one.

Movie, Metacommentary



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Frequently Asked Questions

What does metacommentary mean?

Metacommentary meaning A commentary on a commentary.

What does Jameson mean by metacommentary?

Jameson says that the metacommentary implies a model not unlike Sigmund Freud's conception of the relationship between the symptom and its underpinning, but repressed idea (minus his theory of the libido, of course).

What is a metacommentary introduction?

The introduction to a chapter or journal article often requires an extended metacommentary. The metacommentary allows the writer tells the reader what they are doing, why and how. It positions the work in the scholarly field, but also often in the wider policy and practice fields.

Why do you need metacommentary?

As a writer, you need metacommentary to tell readers what you mean and to guide them through your text. When you use metacommentary, you will develop your ideas and generate more text and depth to your writing. When you think you’ve said everything there is to possibly say, use a metacommentary template to expand on your writing a little further.

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