See also: Mestizo Metastasize Mestizaje Mestiza Mest Mesta Misty Mesto Mestee Mester Mestinon Mastitis
1. Translation for 'Mestize' in the free German-English dictionary and many other English translations.
Mestize, Many
2. April 1889, Sohn eines Spaniers und einer Mestize schwarzafrikanischer Abstammung.: Vicente Ferreira Pastinha, was born on April 15, 1889, son of a Spanish man and a metis with african roots.: Im Gemeindegebiet von Montilla liegt das Museumshaus von Inca Garcilaso de la Vega.
Mestize, Man, Metis, Montilla, Museumshaus
3. Mestizo Declension Mestize is a masculine noun. Remember that, in German, both the spelling of the word and the article preceding the word can change depending on whether it is in the nominative, accusative, genitive, or dative case
Mestizo, Mestize, Masculine
4. Mestize nace de la fascinación por la síntesis y secuenciación de sonidos a través de hardware y efectos análogos
5. The declension of Mestize as a table with all forms in singular (singular) and plural (plural) and in all four cases nominative (1st case), genitive (2nd case), dative (3rd case) and accusative (4th case)
6. Especially for German learners the correct declension of the word Mestize is crucial
7. The declension of Mestize as a table with all forms in singular (singular) and plural (plural) and in all four cases nominative (1st case), genitive (2nd case), dative (3rd case) and accusative (4th case)
8. Especially for German learners the correct declension of the word Mestize is crucial
9. Dirección, producción, guion y música: Oscar Arturo MendozaInstagram: @MestizeRadicale @BalamcelloTodos los derechos reservados.
Mendozainstagram, Mestizeradicale
10. Brockhaus erwähnt unter 'Mischling' nur Mestize, Mulatte und Zambo
Mischling, Mestize, Mulatte
11. Lastly, I am working on a dramatic sci-fi episodic about a Genderfluid Mestize immigrant from Parral, Mexico who comes to the U.S
Mestize, Mexico
12. Mestize bezeichnet im Deutschen die Nachfahren von Europäern und der indigenen Bevölkerung vor allem Lateinamerikas.
13. Mestizo - der Mestize: Last post 08 Jan 12, 17:58: mes·ti·zo (ms-tz) n
Mestizo, Mestize, Mes, Ms
14. Contrary to what some of you seem to believe, “Mestize” is not a dirty term
15. Some of you need to learn that if you are Mestize, you have certain privileges over Indigenous Mexican populations, especially if you are light
Mestize, Mexican
16. About me• Seblau • 20 years old • Brown Mestize Mexican • I’m genderfluid, multigendered
Me, Mestize, Mexican, Multigendered
17. ′′ Oddly enough, about eighteen pigeons pursued a tiny creek formed by the spilled girl at the foot of the artist s' impromptu tent" Find out more: Mestize.
More, Mestize
18. R i t u a l s I Mestize Starting the mornings off with pieces in shades that stream calm
Mestize, Mornings
MESTIZE [meˈstēzō, məˈstēzō]
Although broadly speaking, mestizo means someone of mixed European/indigenous heritage, the term did not have a fixed meaning in the colonial period. It was a formal label for individuals in official documentation, such as censuses, parish registers, Inquisition trials, and other matters.
Mestizos in the United States. Mestizos in the United States are Latino Americans whose racial and/or ethnic identity is Mestizo, i.e. a mixed ancestry of white European and Native American from Latin America (usually Iberian-Indigenous mixed ancestry).
Basically: -Mestizo: mixed , usually white, black and local American natives, especially in Mexico, Central and South America. -Mulatto: Mixed white and black . -Creole: This something quite different: fully or partially descended from white European colonial settlers.
What Do "Mestizos" Look Like?