See also: Memorials Memorial Memorialize Memorialized Memorializing Memorialization Memorialism Memoir Memory Memorandum Memo Memorable Memorabilia Memoriam Memorize
1. We offer the largest selections available worldwide of Memorials, urns, headstones, grave markers in bronze and granite, cremation urns, caskets, cremation jewelry, flag cases, memorial rocks, keepsakes, statues, cremation art as well as pet Memorials, pet urns, pet cremation jewelry, pet keepsakes, pet grave markers and pet caskets and many other memorial and funeral related products for humans …
Memorials, Markers, Memorial, Many
2. 32 rows · Memorials need not be located on a site directly related to the subject, and many, such as …
Memorials, Many
3. Findgift has Memorials that will help them remember the person who meant so much to them
Memorials, Meant, Much
4. West Memorials, the internet company, was born and we became the primary monument artists
Memorials, Monument
5. The thought of selling cemetery monuments, headstones, and grave site Memorials online scared me at first
Monuments, Memorials, Me
6. Memorials4u, a one stop online store source for every type of urn, keepsakes
7. We create Memorials of enduring granite colors that are symbolic of life, family and faith.
8. Affordable online memorial headstone dealer, offering flat granite and bronze grave markers,cemetery monuments and Memorials
Memorial, Markers, Monuments, Memorials
9. Memorials are custom crafted to express the uniqueness of the individual.
10. We understand the importance of family, and we work to create unique Memorials that are not only pleasing to the eye but that lovingly tell stories in stone
11. Popular forms of Memorials include landmark objects or works of art such as sculptures, statues or fountains and parks.
12. You might also be interested in: FAQs - memorial donations Take a look at these frequently asked questions to learn more about memorial donations and gifts
Memorials, Might, Memorial, More
13. Brandon Maupin with Memorials Forever was professional and compassionate and responded quickly to my questions regarding the order
Maupin, Memorials, My
14. Many thanks to Brandon and Memorials Forever.
Many, Memorials
15. Memorials Across the country and around the world, U.S
16. War, military and veterans Memorials stand to honor those who served in uniform and the battles they fought to protect our nation’s freedoms.
Military, Memorials
17. Flat Grass Cemetery Headstones for Graves & Memorials in Bronze & Granite For centuries granite headstones have been utilized to mark the final resting place of our dearly departed
Memorials, Mark
18. As the years past and as modern technology advanced, the manufacturing process, materials, and style of these beautiful Memorials have changed drastically.
Modern, Manufacturing, Materials, Memorials
19. Makes a Personalized Gift for Pet Lovers and Memorials 4.6 out of 5 stars 1,006
Makes, Memorials
20. At Northcoast Memorials, we design, carve, and letter our Memorials right on our premises, assuring us the ability to maintain the highest levels of quality and service at the most reasonable price
Memorials, Maintain, Most
21. Stardust Memorials: Where Families Find Beautiful Cremation Urns, Cremation Jewelry, and Memorial Items
Memorials, Memorial
22. This represents who we are, what we represent, and our comitment to our customers; providing custom Memorials at an incredibly affordible price
23. Why We Need Monuments and Memorials
Monuments, Memorials
24. Monuments and Memorials ultimately tell stories, the tales important to their human creators
Monuments, Memorials
25. Architecture, including Memorials and monuments, is an expressive tool
Memorials, Monuments
26., Corpus Christi, Texas
27. Guidance with Funeral Urns, Headstones, Cremation Jewelry, Caskets & Pet Memorials - Tips & Help from Experts at
28. On Memorial Day journey to America’s greatest national Memorials and monuments
Memorial, Memorials, Monuments
29. The Jefferson Memorial, the Lincoln Memorial, the Washington Monument – let’s face it, Washington, DC’s famous monuments and Memorials are why you’re here
Memorial, Monument, Monuments, Memorials
30. 1-24 of 790 results for "Cat Memorials" Price and other details may vary based on size and color Let's Make Memories Personalized Memorial Garden Stone - Pet Memorial - Sympathy Garden Stone -Cat Memorial - Cat Garden Stone - Engraved with Your Pet’s Name - 9 1/2”L x 11 1/2”W x 1/2”D
Memorials, May, Make, Memories, Memorial
31. Burials and Memorials VA burial benefits and memorial items
Memorials, Memorial
32. Please respectfully visit the following suicide Memorials by clicking on the names below: Nasima Akhter
33. Please follow the links below for a selection of the Memorials that we have available
34. Memorials play an integral role in marking significant people, moments, or events
Memorials, Marking, Moments
35. We offer the best selection in central Ohio, including single Memorials, companion Memorials, headstones or memorial markers, memorial benches, military Memorials, dedication plaques, cremation Memorials, private mausoleums, pet Memorials and more
Memorials, Memorial, Markers, Military, Mausoleums, More
36. Hannigan Memorials provides the …
37. Since 1929, Romberger Memorials has been helping people to commemorate their family members, friends and other loved ones with one-of-a-kind custom Memorials, monuments, engraved benches and more! Whether you are interested in upright, horizontal or slanted Memorials …
Memorials, Members, Monuments, More
38. Cherry Valley Memorials Inc., Gloversville, New York
39. Serving the community for over 160 years ; Cherry Valley Memorials is a family owned and operated business that caters
40. Memorials and Burials MDVA is committed to providing dignified and compassionate burial options for Veterans, often one of the only benefits they request
Memorials, Mdva
41. Impromptu Memorials were set up in Atlanta, and residents of other cities, including Seattle and Minneapolis, lit candles and observed moments of silence
Memorials, Minneapolis, Moments
42. Memorials synonyms, Memorials pronunciation, Memorials translation, English dictionary definition of Memorials
43. Contemporary Memorials can be powerful tools for resetting historical narratives around racism in our country
44. Monuments and Memorials Throughout the 639 acres of Arlington National Cemetery, several dozen monuments and Memorials commemorate individuals, military units, wars and battles
Monuments, Memorials, Military
45. These pet Memorials can be installed into the ground at a gravesite or in your backyard
46. At Perfect Memorials, we also have a number of stone plaques that can be attached to a wall or fence outside your home as a special pet memorial
Memorials, Memorial
47. Memorials The New York City Police Department recognizes and honors those members of the service who died, either in the line of duty or while serving this nation
Memorials, Members
MEMORIALS [məˈmôrēəl]
memorial(Noun) A structure, such as a monument, intended to celebrate the memory of a person or event. memorial(Noun) A service of remembrance or commemoration. memorial(Noun) a statement of facts set out in the form of a petition to a person in authority, a court or tribunal, a government, etc.
Antonyms for memorializing include dishonouring, dishonoring, forgetful, neglectful, neglecting, abusive, dishonourable, dishonorable, forgetfulness and forgetting ...
Definition of memorial service. : a commemorative service of worship held for a dead person.
Time immemorial ( French: temps immémorial) is a phrase meaning time extending beyond the reach of memory, record, or tradition, indefinitely ancient, "ancient beyond memory or record". In law, it means that a property or benefit has been enjoyed for so long that its owner does not have to prove how they came to own it.