Use Medicamentum in a sentence

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See also: Medicamento Medicamentosa Medicaments Medication Median Medium Mediocre Medical Mediate Medicare Meditation Mediator Medicine Mediation Medial Meditate Medicaid Medieval Mediocrity Medio Mediana Social Mass Define Is Global

1. Medicamentum was created in response to a growing demand for medical and biological based blog content

Medicamentum, Medical

2. See screenshots, read the latest customer reviews, and compare ratings for Medicamentum.


3. English words for Medicamentum include drug, medicine, remedy, beautification, medicament, ornament, ornamentation, widget, pinking and cosmetic

Medicamentum, Medicine, Medicament

4. Compania „Medicamentum” SRL datează din anul 1976 cu numele inițial “Întreprinderea Gestionară Intergospodarească” de producere a preparatelor de uz veterinar


5. În anul 1995 a suferit o restructurare, moment în care și-a schimbat denumirea sub numele actual, Medicamentum.

Moment, Medicamentum

6. Medicamentum ne remplace pas les profesionnels de santé


7. L'objectif de Medicamentum n'est pas de se substituer aux médecins et pharmaciens ; mais d’offrir un libre accès au données des médicaments afin d'être informé des risques de vos traitements et de ceux de vos proches.

Medicamentum, Mais

8. "Medicamentum Authentica" Welcome to the concept of Authentic Medicine, the way nature intended for you to heal

Medicamentum, Medicine

9. Medicamentum SRL was founded in 1976


10. Here is the Medicamentum project on track


11. Entries with "Medicamentum" medico: see also médico, medicó, medicò, medico-‎ medico (English) Noun medico (pl

Medicamentum, Medico, Medic

12. Medicamentum The healing art of plants By the ancient Romans whom’s medicine was influenced by both Egyptian and Greek practices, the word Medicamentum had various meanings – cosmetic, perfume, magic potion, spell or incantation, poison, drug and remedy

Medicamentum, Medicine, Meanings, Magic

13. Hello Medicamentum Authentica community, This was a tough Thanksgiving


14. Affer Medicamentum eius et poculum aquae


15. Medicamentum a pour objectif d’aider vos proches et vous à mieux connaître vos médicaments, de prendre vos médicaments avec confiance et d’être informé sur les interactions médicamenteuses, les

Medicamentum, Mieux

16. Medicamentum vel medicamen est, verbis paucissimis, materia quae, in corpus ingesta, corporis mentisve munera naturalia ad sanationem vel conservationem valetudinis mutat, sicut opium, morphinum, alcohol et tabacum.

Medicamentum, Medicamen, Materia, Mentisve, Munera, Mutat, Morphinum

17. Medicamentum is a popular song by Andy the Doorbum Create your own TikTok videos with the Medicamentum song and explore 0 videos made by new and popular creators.

Medicamentum, Made

18. Thiopental Medicamentum 1 g is a medicine available in a number of countries worldwide

Medicamentum, Medicine

19. A list of US medications equivalent to Thiopental Medicamentum 1 g is available on the website.

Medications, Medicamentum

20. Milrinon Medicamentum 10mg is a medicine available in a number of countries worldwide

Milrinon, Medicamentum, Medicine

21. A list of US medications equivalent to Milrinon Medicamentum 10mg is available on the website.

Medications, Milrinon, Medicamentum

22. Medicamentum is a popular song by KARL KRONIC Create your own TikTok videos with the Medicamentum song and explore 0 videos made by new and popular creators.

Medicamentum, Made

23. Urtica Medicamentum Est Installation, Print, TV & Radio ad, CD-ROM, Website, Brochure 1999-2000: click to artWork


24. Medicamentum Given the COVID-19 pandemic, call ahead to verify hours, and remember to practice social distancing See what your friends are saying about Medicamentum.


25. All, Medicamentum; Balm of Gilead; DKK 420


26. Medicamentum Given the COVID-19 pandemic, call ahead to verify hours, and remember to practice social distancing See what your friends are saying about Medicamentum.


27. Urtica’s statement: Urtica Medicamentum Est originated during the NATO bombing of FR Yugoslavia in 1999


28. Amitraz product made by local Moldovan company Medicamentum

Made, Moldovan, Medicamentum

29. Medicamentum, la notice interactive et responsable Health, Wellness and Fitness Lyon, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes 280 followers 💊 Aidez vos proches à mieux connaitre leur médication, prenez vos

Medicamentum, Mieux

30. World Freedom Alliance, The Solari Report and Medicamentum Authentica Register to watch this content By submitting this form, I consent to receive email from …


31. Farmácia de Manipulação Medicamentum, Joinville

Manipula, Medicamentum



Frequently Asked Questions

What does medicamentum mean in Latin?

1535–45; < Latin medicāmentum remedy, physic, equivalent to medicā (rī) to cure + -mentum -ment. See medicate Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 For many things are swallowed by Animals, rather for condiment, gust or medicament, then any substantial nutriment.

What does medicament mean?

Definition of medicament : a substance used in therapy Other Words from medicament Synonyms Example Sentences Learn More about medicament Other Words from medicament

What does Medicare mean in Latin?

Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Encyclopedia . n. An agent that promotes recovery from injury or ailment; a medicine. [Latin medicāmentum, from medicāre, to cure; see medicate .] American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.

What does Medicis mean in Latin?

(Medicine) a medicine or remedy in a specified formulation [C16: via French from Latin medicāmentum, from medicāre to cure] medicamental, ˌmedicaˈmentary, ˌmedicaˈmentous adj Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014

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