See also: Matrilineal Matrilineally Matrilineality Matrix Matriarch Matriculate Matron Matrimonial Matriarchy Matriarchal Matriculated Matronly Matriculation Matrimony Matricide Matryoshka Matriculating Matrices Matrics Matrimonially Matrixed Matriculants Matriculators
1. Matrilineality is an important concept in anthropology; among other things, it usually determines who will inherit property on a person's death. Though families that follow the European model take …
Matrilineality, Model
2. Matrilineal society, also called matriliny, group adhering to a kinship system in which ancestral descent is traced through maternal instead of paternal lines (the latter being termed patrilineage or patriliny).
Matrilineal, Matriliny, Maternal
3. Matrilineal adjective Referring to the inheritance of a trait or gene only from the mother. Segen's Medical Dictionary
Matrilineal, Mother, Medical
4. Matrilineal synonyms, Matrilineal pronunciation, Matrilineal translation, English dictionary definition of Matrilineal
5. Examples of how to use “Matrilineal” in a sentence from the Cambridge Dictionary Labs
6. Matrilineal definition: relating to descent or kinship through the female line Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples
Matrilineal, Meaning
7. Matrilineal Succession In Matrilineal succession, women inherited titles and names from their mothers, and passed them down to their daughters
Matrilineal, Mothers
8. Matrilineal succession did not necessarily mean that women held the power and property and titles.
Matrilineal, Mean
9. 50 rows · "Matrilineal" means property is passed down through the maternal line on the death of …
Matrilineal, Means, Maternal
10. Matrilineal refers to familial relationships that can be traced through a female. To follow the Matrilineal line in your family, start with your mom
Matrilineal, Mom
11. Matrilineality in Judaism or Matrilineal descent in Judaism is the tracing of Jewish descent through the maternal line
Matrilineality, Matrilineal, Maternal
12. Jewish communities have practiced Matrilineal descent from at least early Tannaitic (c
13. The origins and date-of-origin of Matrilineal …
14. Historical views of kinship and Matrilineal societies According to some scholars, matriliny has historically existed in different parts of the world, although it was mostly restricted to isolated communities within the non-Western world.
Matrilineal, Matriliny, Mostly
15. Kinship and descent may have been organized around Matrilineal clans, a common pattern in Micronesia
May, Matrilineal, Micronesia
16. Some clans were Matrilineal, and children were affiliated with their mother's clan
Matrilineal, Mother
17. ‘A kinship system based on Matrilineal clans was the source of Cherokee identity and the sinew of society.’ ‘Many of Indonesia's ethnic groups have strong kinship groupings based upon patrilineal, Matrilineal, or bilateral descent.’
Matrilineal, Many
18. This society is also Matrilineal, meaning property is handed down the same female line
Matrilineal, Meaning
19. Matrilineal societies are different than matriarchal societies
Matrilineal, Matriarchal
20. In Matrilineal societies, by contrast, the outward-facing office does not determine which gender is socially dominant.
21. Matrilineal systems are not symmetric with patrilineal systems
22. First, in both Matrilineal and patrilineal kinship systems, men often retain positions of power and authority within the kin group
Matrilineal, Men
23. Cohen found that Matrilineal descent evolved from an original policy of patrilineal descent.
24. Măt'rə-lĭn'ē-əl The definition of Matrilineal is a relative, behavior or other characteristic that is traced through a mother's lineage
Matrilineal, Mother
25. An example of Matrilineal is someone being half …
26. Associated with the female line of the family Examples of Matrilineal in a sentence
27. Since my mother and two of my sisters have died from cancer, I can only assume the disease is Matrilineal
My, Mother, Matrilineal
28. 🔊 My father believed wisdom came from his Matrilineal influences, and as such, he always sought advice from women in his
My, Matrilineal
29. See authoritative translations of Matrilineal in English with example sentences and audio pronunciations.
30. Matrilineal, a sperm-specific phospholipase, triggers maize haploid induction Nature
Matrilineal, Maize
31. The main difference between patrilineal and Matrilineal descent is that patrilineal descent is established by tracing descent through males from a founding male ancestor.But, on the other hand, Matrilineal descent is established by tracing descent through females from a founding female ancestor
Main, Matrilineal, Males, Male
32. Matrilineal adjective Referring to the inheritance of a trait or gene only from the mother.
Matrilineal, Mother
33. Actually the Matrilineal criteria in Judaism didn’t come about because of Religion, but Political and Territorial Claims
34. Http:// What is MatrilinealITY? What does MatrilinealITY mean? MatrilinealITY meaning - MatrilinealITY pronunciation - MATRI
Matrilineality, Mean, Meaning, Matri
35. The view of Matrilineal descent as originating at the time of Yavneh is openly held by scholars affiliated with the Conservative movement
Matrilineal, Movement
36. At the same time, Matrilineal descent is the norm in Conservative halakha; if a Conservative synagogue accepts patrilineal descent ritually, it …
37. Synonyms for Matrilineal in Free Thesaurus
38. 1 synonym for Matrilineal: matrilinear
Matrilineal, Matrilinear
39. What are synonyms for Matrilineal?
40. Matrilineal adalah suatu adat masyarakat yang mengatur alur keturunan berasal dari pihak ibu
Matrilineal, Masyarakat, Mengatur
41. Kata ini sering kali disamakan dengan matriarkhat atau matriarki, meskipun pada dasarnya artinya berbeda.Matrilineal berasal dari dua kata bahasa Latin, yaitu mater yang berarti ibu, dan linea yang berarti garis
Matriarkhat, Matriarki, Meskipun, Matrilineal, Mater
42. Jadi, Matrilineal berarti mengikuti garis keturunan yang ditarik dari pihak ibu.
Matrilineal, Mengikuti
43. The second major unilineal descent form is Matrilineal.Fewer cultures have Matrilineal descent than patrilineal.Almost all societies that have Matrilineal descent were or are horticultural, although the majority of horticultural societies are patrilineal.In Matrilineal descent, remember, kinship can only be traced "through" females.
Major, Matrilineal, Majority
44. In 'ordinary' marriages, which follow the principles of Matrilineality and uxorilocality, the bride's house receives a nominal bridewealth: a horse, a pig, or a little money.
Marriages, Matrilineality, Money
45. Matrilineal societies differ from both patrilineal and bilateral societies in that the institution of marriage tends to be, relatively weak (Schneider and Gough 1961, Goode 1963)
Matrilineal, Marriage
46. In a gerontocratic Matrilineal society, women's influence and prestige tended to increase with age and were usually expressed in informal settings, although there
47. Matrilineal DOES NOT mean Matriarchal(ie, female lead)
Matrilineal, Mean, Matriarchal
48. Matrilineal means your familial lines are measured by your mother’s line
Matrilineal, Means, Measured, Mother
49. For instance We Lakotas are “Matrilineal”, but, We were/are a Patriarchal Society.
50. Definition of Matrilineal adjective in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary
51. Minangkabau society is the biggest Matrilineal society in the world
Minangkabau, Matrilineal
52. Plural: Matrilineal descents In Matrilineal societies the mother’s brother or uncle typically has responsibilities related to the sons ; a kinship pattern called avunculate
Matrilineal, Mother
53. Dictionary entry overview: What does Matrilineal mean? • Matrilineal (adjective) The adjective Matrilineal has 1 sense:
Matrilineal, Mean
54. Based on or tracing descent through the female line Familiarity information: Matrilineal used as an adjective is very rare.
55. Elangwe says Matrilineal inheritance puts women at a greater disadvantage than patrilineal inheritance because wealth leaves the immediate family
56. Matrilineal societies are generally viewed as those where households are headed by women and lineage is traced through the mother
Matrilineal, Mother
57. As an adjective Matrilineal is tracing descent only through female lines.
MATRILINEAL [ˌmatrəˈlinēəl, ˌmātrəˈlinēəl]
matrilineal (adjective)
Definition of matrilineal. : relating to, based on, or tracing descent through the maternal line matrilineal society.
Synonyms for matrilineal. Synonyms for (adjective) matrilineal. Synonyms: matrilineal, matrilinear. Definition: based on or tracing descent through the female line. Usage: matrilineal inheritance. Similar words: direct, lineal.
matrilineal advantage: the likelihood that children will have a closer relationship to their maternal grandparents - and especially to their maternal grandmother - than to their paternal grandparents.
Patrilineal and matrilineal families "Descent groups, which are composed of people claiming common ancestry, are basic units in the social organization of nonindustrial food producers" (Kottak 241). "Two common rules serve to admit certain people as descent-group members while excluding others.