See also: Manumitting Manumitted Manumission Manufacturing Manufacture Manual Manuscript Manufacturer Manure Manufactured Manually Manumit Manuel Maneuver Manu Manufactura
1. ‘In this period, fewer than 40 percent of Manumitters freed all their slaves.’ ‘Following the gradualist laws and conditional manumissions-which delayed freedom well until adulthood-many Manumitters required their slaves to agree to long-term indentureships as part of the price of freedom, thereby reviving an older system of subordination and providing masters with a profitable exit from
Manumitters, Manumissions, Many, Masters
2. ‘In this period, fewer than 40 percent of Manumitters freed all their slaves.’ ‘Following the gradualist laws and conditional manumissions-which delayed freedom well until adulthood-many Manumitters required their slaves to agree to long-term indentureships as part of the price of freedom, thereby reviving an older system of subordination and providing masters with a profitable exit from
Manumitters, Manumissions, Many, Masters
3. F In hese, while the Manumitters and witnesses bore for the most part Teutonic names of the same character as those in Domesday, and used in like manner, many of the serfs manumitted have names, so peculiar, that they are at once seen to have their origin from another
Manumitters, Most, Manner, Many, Manumitted
4. Manumitter (plural Manumitters) An emancipator from slavery, someone who manumits.
Manumitter, Manumitters, Manumits
5. In manumission petitions, by contrast, Manumitters had to satisfy the Court's anxiety that freed slaves might fall into poverty and become a burden to the colony
Manumission, Manumitters, Might
6. In manumission petitions, by contrast, Manumitters had to satisfy the Court's anxiety that freed slaves might fall into poverty and become a burden to the colony.
Manumission, Manumitters, Might
7. A few manumitted female slaves are the only known women: the male slaves and all the Manumitters and witnesses can also be picked out
Manumitted, Male, Manumitters
8. They can also read short biographies of nearly 100 Manumitters on the NY Manumission Data landing page
Manumitters, Manumission
9. Manumitters reflected a wide swath of society, ranging from skilled tradesmen to clergyman
10. Merchants, esquire/gentlemen, attorneys, and physicians were the most active Manumitters in the data set.
Merchants, Most, Manumitters
11. Prospective Manumitters also freed their enslaved individuals by wills once the state lifted its prohibition against the practice in 1790
12. Slaveowners, Manumitters, free blacks, slaves and local public opinion-makers interacted in one lo‐ cale over time
Manumitters, Makers
13. Manumitters and their freedmen during the Late Republic and the Empire.8 It is important to note as well that in his letters, specifically one to Terentia, Cicero reiterated the very common social construct that before a slave could be given freedom, they had to show that they worked hard to deserve it
14. Much as I enjoy the exchange of e-mails from the Manumitters of later years, I can’t help but feel a little left out
Much, Mails, Manumitters
15. In 1715, while the two houses were hashing out a major new piece of servant and slave legislation, the Upper House wished to include in the bill a requirement that Manumitters of slaves be fined £12 (the same fine to be levied against the estate of masters who manumitted slaves by terms of a will) and that manumitted slaves be slaves "to the
Major, Manumitters, Masters, Manumitted
16. "Every historian working on colonization will want to read and engage this provocative history of the experience of African colonization for the manumitted, the Manumitters, and their proslavery critics."--American Historical Review "One of the most insightful treatments of colonization in years."--Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography "Balanced, accessible, and thorough.
Manumitted, Manumitters, Most, Magazine
17. An index is provided for only those slaves who had a surname, and for Manumitters…
18. Synonyms for Manumitters in Free Thesaurus
19. Female Manumitters, however, seem to have been reluctant to free girls: the data show that women freed half as many girls (11) as boys (22)
Manumitters, Many
20. The least understood Manumitters in the dataset are those of African ancestry.
21. By examining in detail the actions of Manumitters and their slaves, one can distinguish patterns of manumission in Maryland, especially in Balti-more, which may also inform the varying trajectories of slavery in other American cities
Manumitters, Manumission, Maryland, More, May
22. An index is provided for only those slaves who had a surname, and for Manumitters…
23. Corrective taxes english aphorize heralded, and thriftily in kampalas requiring keflex dictatorially the Manumitters, the disdainfully part-time dwellers will patronage saintly.Therefore dicranaceaes therefore can recombine dealt unceremonial to the coral ods but such as baby don t go fabulous lyrics
24. The freed slave belongs to the Manumitters
25. 944 * Social Forces Volume 84, Number 2 * December 2005 Table 1: Slave Manumissions in Brunswick County, Virginia, 1782-1808 Overall Number of Number of Number of Manumitters:
Manumissions, Manumitters
26. Burin's analysis is strongest when examining the “tenacious negotiations” between slaves and their Manumitters, as well as the experiences of African Americans in Liberia
MANUMITTERS [manumitters]