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See also: Maltreatment Child Psychological Harm Malt Maltodextrin Malthusian Maltese Maltose Malta Maltreated Malted Malty Malting Single

1. / ˌmælˈtriːt.mənt / the act of treating someone cruelly or violently: They complained about the physical and psychological Maltreatment of prisoners


2. The company is notorious for its Maltreatment of its …


3. Maltreatment Any unreasonable and imbalanced interaction between two or more people, in which one party wields control and is verbally or physical abusive of the other. Segen's Medical Dictionary

Maltreatment, More, Medical

4. Click here for Patient Education Child Maltreatment is behavior toward a child that is outside the norms of conduct and entails substantial risk of causing physical or emotional harm. Four types of Maltreatment are generally recognized: physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse (psychologic abuse), and neglect.


5. Assessing for Maltreatment Factors to Consider in Assessment of Maltreatment: If there is another adult in the home, does the reporter think this adult household member has the ability to protect the child? What was the frequency and duration of the alleged Maltreatment?

Maltreatment, Member

6. Adult Protective Services (APS) investigates adult Maltreatment complaints that includes abuse, exploitation, neglect, or sexual abuse of an adult (See Arkansas Code § 12-12-1703)


7. The cruelty, oppression, or Maltreatment, although not necessarilyphysical, must be measured by an objective standard

Maltreatment, Must, Measured

8. The process to request an Adult Maltreatment Central Registry check is different. Download this form, complete it, and get it notarized


9. Child Maltreatment can be defined as “behavior towards [a child] which (a) is outside the norms of conduct, and (b) entails a substantial risk of causing physical or emotional harm


10. 23 synonyms and near synonyms of Maltreatment from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 4 antonyms and near antonyms

Maltreatment, Merriam

11. Find another word for Maltreatment.


12. Child Maltreatment is a highly successful report, which is relied upon by many users for critical statistics concerning child abuse and neglect in the United States

Maltreatment, Many

13. Maltreatment is when a child protection or adult protection agency decides a child or vulnerable adult you care for was hurt or neglected by you


14. Maltreatment of children includes neglect, physical abuse, sexual abuse, and emotional Maltreatment


15. The abuse or Maltreatment of children is against the law


16. The purpose of the Child Protective Services Act of 1973 is to encourage more complete reporting of child abuse and Maltreatment.

More, Maltreatment

17. Maltreatment involves a significant deviation from the average expected environment, and, as such, has consistently been shown to be detrimental to development.


18. Mandated Reporting of Maltreatment of Minors

Mandated, Maltreatment, Minors

19. Maltreatment report and investigation dashboard


20. Care guide for Child Maltreatment - Neglect


21. Child Maltreatment, in essence, is another term used to describe instances of child abuse


22. Child Maltreatment; however, is a broader term, which encompasses all forms of illegal or inadequate actions directed towards a child


23. Any act of child Maltreatment will ultimately stunt the underlying child’s ability to live a happy and healthy life.


24. Child Maltreatment, particularly neglect and emotional abuse, has serious adverse effects on early adult mental health

Maltreatment, Mental

25. These two warrant the attention given to other forms of child Maltreatment


26. Children experiencing more than one type of Maltreatment are at particular risk.Declaration of interestN …

More, Maltreatment

27.Maltreatment” is the harm that occurred as the result of the maltreating behavior

Maltreatment, Maltreating

28. There are 27 Maltreatments that align with the statutory definitions of abuse, neglect and abandonment


29. 11.Investigation."Investigation" means fact gathering conducted during: (1) a family investigation related to the current safety of a child and the risk of subsequent Maltreatment that determines whether Maltreatment occurred …

Means, Maltreatment

30. Child Maltreatment 2018 Letter ii The Child Maltreatment report series is an important resource relied upon by thousands DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES


31. Child Maltreatment is behavior toward a child that is outside the norms of conduct and entails substantial risk of causing physical or emotional harm


32. Four types of Maltreatment are generally recognized: physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse (psychologic abuse), and neglect.


33. Synonyms for Maltreatment in Free Thesaurus


34. 16 synonyms for Maltreatment: abuse, bullying, mistreatment, injury, harm, ill-treatment, rough handling, ill-usage, abuse, ill-treatment, mishandling

Maltreatment, Mistreatment, Mishandling

35. What are synonyms for Maltreatment?


36. Find 6 ways to say Maltreatment, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.

Maltreatment, Most

37. Maltreatment in general is associated with various negative outcomes for children, including developmental delay, lower school achievement, juvenile delinquency, substance abuse, and …


38. Maltreatment of children or animals makes most people especially angry, because these are creatures that cannot really defend themselves

Maltreatment, Makes, Most

39. Effects of Maltreatment on Brain Development


40. How the brain develops Effects of Maltreatment on brain development Implications for practice and policy Summary Additional resources References


41. In 2017, 122,752 Maltreatment reports were received by Child Protective Services in Georgia, with 72% of reports having enough information to be “screened in,” representing 207,982 children


42. Maltreatment that has occurred in a school, the board or licensing entity must make a report to the Commissioner of Education

Maltreatment, Must, Make

43. Across the studies, findings demonstrated how person-centered methods (i.e., latent class/profile analysis) may facilitate the study of Maltreatment by concurrently addressing several methodological limitations common to the study of Maltreatment, while also addressing heterogeneity in experiences of …

Methods, May, Maltreatment, Methodological

44. Child Maltreatment has serious consequences


45. Victims of child Maltreatment can suer serious injuries — or die


46. Studies show that child Maltreatment has high economic costs — in medical expenses, legal costs, and lost productivity

Maltreatment, Medical

47. Child Maltreatment can actually slow a country’s economic and social development.


48. Learn to recognize the warning signs of possible adult Maltreatment, including self neglect, and report suspicious situations to the police or Adult Protective Services as soon as you’re aware of them.


49. The COVID-19 pandemic poses unprecedented and unique dangers for Maltreatment


50. The Capstone Centers for Child Maltreatment Research promise to identify best practices for prevention and screening, as well as treatment of children affected by abuse.


51. Today’s topic is child abuse and Maltreatment and how to keep children safe in your programs, centers, and family child care homes


52. ‘Child Maltreatment, abuse and victimization refer to the intentional assault of a child by a caretaker.’ ‘Specific chapters examine the effect of Maltreatment on cognitive, linguistic, social, and emotional development in children.’


53. Maltreatment definition: Maltreatment is cruel behaviour , especially involving hurting a person or animal


54. Maltreatment of Children Under Age 2 With Specific Birth Defects: A Population-Based Study (PDF - 750 KB) Van Horne, Moffitt, Canfield, Case, Greeley, Morgan, & Mitchell (2015) Pediatrics, 136(6) Explores the risk and predictors of Maltreatment in children under age 2 who have birth defects compared with young children without disabilities.

Maltreatment, Moffitt, Morgan, Mitchell


MALTREATMENT [malˈtrētmənt]

  • › Definition of child maltreatment
  • › Legal definition of maltreatment
  • › Physical maltreatment definition meaning
  • › 6 basic types of maltreatment

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