See also: Malefaction Maleficent Maleficence Maleficium Maleficial Maleficarum Maleficus Malicious Maliciously Maliciousness Malevolent Male Malevolence Malediction Malefactor Malleable Malevolently Malewife Maleabilidad Malefactors Sigma Alpha Beta Cis Omega
1. El Maleficio se deshará cuando la princesa encuentre el amor verdadero
2. Los infortunios que han perseguido al caballero todos estos años se deben a un Maleficio
3. Maleficio is contained in 1 match in Merriam-Webster Dictionary
Maleficio, Match, Merriam
4. Learn definitions, uses, and phrases with Maleficio.
5. Maleficio nm nombre masculino: Sustantivo de género exclusivamente masculino, que lleva los artículos el o un en singular, y los o unos en plural
Maleficio, Masculino
6. E allora il Maleficio finirà con la tua generazione.: And then the curse will end with your generation.: Ebbe così una morte vera e il Maleficio fu allontanato da lei e dalle sue vittime.: She then died a true death, and the curse that had lain upon herself and her victims was broken.: Scaglierò un Maleficio su di voi.: Maybe I cast a spell on you.: Anche mia figlia è sotto il suo Maleficio.
Maleficio, Morte, Maybe, Mia
7. Maleficio translation in Spanish - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'maléfico',maleficiar',malecón',maldición', examples, definition, conjugation
Maleficio, Mal, Maleficiar, Malec, Maldici
8. English words for Maleficio include hex and witchcraft
9. Maleficio Font English Français Español Deutsch Italiano Português
10. Size Maleficio by Alberto Mafficini
Maleficio, Mafficini
11. Legal definition of ex Maleficio: arising from wrongdoing : created by law in response to a wrongdoing.
12. Hechizo empleado para causar un mal o un daño: deshacer un Maleficio
Mal, Maleficio
13. 'Maleficio' aparece también en las siguientes entradas:
14. El Maleficio (English: The Curse) is a Mexican telenovela directed by Raúl Araiza produced by Ernesto Alonso for Televisa in 1983
Maleficio, Mexican
15. The telenovela was so successful in 1983 that a sequel was made under the title of El Maleficio 2: Los enviados del infierno in 1986.
Made, Maleficio
16. Maleficio appeared on the VOD Records compilation from 2000 called "Voices Of Death (Part III) - In Death We Trust" with the song "Path To Desecration" (04:23)
17. Maleficio is for Spanish ''Hex'.
18. Maleficio - translate into English with the Italian-English Dictionary - Cambridge Dictionary
19. How to say Maleficio In English - Translation of Maleficio to English by Nglish, on-line comprehensive Spanish – English and English – Spanish Dictionary, Translation and English learning by Britannica, Including: Translation of words and sentences, English synonyms, example sentences, related phrases, audio pronunciation, personal word lists and more
Maleficio, More
20. Translate Maleficio into English masculine noun 1 Conjunto de brebajes, remedios, fórmulas y acciones de magia o hechicería que se dan, se dicen o se realizan para causar un daño.
Maleficio, Masculine, Magia
21. Started playing melodic Blackened Death Metal in the vein of Dissection, Sacramentum, Unanimated, The Moaningin fact an Archangel member is involved in Maleficio.
Melodic, Metal, Moaningin, Member, Maleficio
22. English Translation of “Maleficio” The official Collins Spanish-English Dictionary online
23. Maleficio (Spell) Maleficio (2020) .avi iTALiAN BDRip XviD CYBER USA, 2020 Genere: Horror durata 91' Regia di Mark Tonderai Con Omari Hardwick, Loretta Devine, Lorraine Burroughs, John Beasley, Andre Jacobs, Tumisho Masha, Peter Butler, Ri-Karlo Handy.
Maleficio, Mark, Masha
24. Ex Maleficio non oritur contractus is a Latin maxim which means ‘a contract cannot arise out of an act radically vicious and illegal’
Maleficio, Maxim, Means
25. Trustee Ex Maleficio is a trustee from wrongdoing
26. El Maleficio originally aired in 1983-84 with 320 episodes to become one of Mexico’s most successful telenovelas
Maleficio, Mexico, Most
27. Grupo Dulzura con la voz de Emiliano Que después cantó en Karicia,Maleficio, La pituquita, Amor Ven y Noche Azul son algunos temas de este CD de los años 90'
28. Maleficio (Spell) Maleficio (2020) .mkv iTA-ENG Bluray 1080p HEVC x265 CYBER USA, 2020 Genere: Horror durata 91' Regia di Mark Tonderai Con Omari Hardwick, Loretta Devine, Lorraine Burroughs, John Beasley, Andre Jacobs, Tumisho Masha, Peter Butler, Ri-Karlo Handy.
Maleficio, Mkv, Mark, Masha
29. Maleficio / Thinner (Spanish Edition) [King, Stephen] on
30. Maleficio / Thinner (Spanish Edition)
31. Legal definition for EX Maleficio: Growing out of, or founded upon, misdoing or tort
Maleficio, Misdoing
32. English Translation of “Maleficio” The official Collins Spanish-English Dictionary online
33. Watch Maleficio (Season 2, Episode 83) of Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraíso or get episode details on
34. Maleficio es una canción popular de Ofelia Ortodoxa Crea tus propios videos en TikTok con la canción Maleficio y descubre los 0 videos grabados por creadores nuevos y populares.
35. Maleficio roto Lorenzo Insigne puso fin a su Maleficio en el cobro de penal contra la Juventus para ayudar a que el Napoli se impusiera por la mínima y vengara su derrota en la Copa Italia.
36. MILÁN (AP) — Lorenzo Insigne puso fin a su Maleficio en el cobro de penal contra la Juventus para ayudar a que el Napoli superara el sábado 1 …
Mil, Maleficio
37. Trust Ex Maleficio trust ex Maleficio see trust
38. Listen to Maleficio (Luciano Farelli Remix) - Single by Carajo on Apple Music
Maleficio, Music
39. Stream songs including "Maleficio (Luciano Farelli Remix)".