See also: Malediction Maledicted Malefaction Maledictory Malevolent Male Malevolence Maleficent Malefactor Maleficence Malleable Malevolently Malewife Malefactors Maleabilidad Sigma Alpha Beta Cis Omega
1. Maledictive definition is - marked by cursing : invoking evil.
Maledictive, Marked
2. Maledictive synonyms, Maledictive pronunciation, Maledictive translation, English dictionary definition of Maledictive
3. While Maledictive naming would be difficult to assess in terms of harm caused (largely due to these same terms being used by these groups themselves), I would argue that the consistent presence of the other two themes--dirt/ disease and elimination--could mark a legislative line …
Maledictive, Mark
4. Search Maledictive and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso
5. You can complete the definition of Maledictive given by the English Definition dictionary with other English dictionaries: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Oxford, Cambridge, Chambers Harrap, Wordreference, Collins Lexibase dictionaries, Merriam Webster
Maledictive, Merriam
6. Vendingmachine commented on the word Maledictive "No need to dwell on the legendary beauty of the cornerpieces, the acme of art, wherein one can distinctly discern each of the four evangelists in turn presenting to each of the four masters his evangelical symbol, a bog oak sceptre, a North American puma (a far nobler king of beasts than the British article, be it said in passing), a Kerry calf
Maledictive, Masters
7. Synonyms for Maledictive include defamatory, slanderous, calumnious, insulting, abusive, derogatory, disparaging, injurious, libellous and vilifying
8. Cursing and swearing constitute a special genre of linguistic and cultural performance that may fall under the general heading of Maledictive language
May, Maledictive
9. Maledictive Pigs discography (main) Reborn (2000) Soul Surgery (2005) > Maledictive Pigs discography (all) Maledictive Pigs / Skinless (2001) Soul Surgery (2005) > Bloodshed Maledictive Pigs
Maledictive, Main
10. Synonyms for Maledictive in Free Thesaurus
11. What are synonyms for Maledictive…
12. ‘Typically, a hereditary or Maledictive were-king cobra will simply flee at the sound of such music, returning at a later time when its prey is unaware.’ ‘Although he is a Maledictive lycanthrope, and his bite does not create progeny werebeasts, the weregorilla phenotype is included here.’
Maledictive, Music
13. Cursing and swearing constitute a special genre of linguistic and cultural performance that may fall under the general heading of Maledictive language
May, Maledictive
14. Explore releases from Maledictive Pigs at Discogs
15. Shop for Vinyl, CDs and more from Maledictive Pigs at the Discogs Marketplace.
More, Maledictive, Marketplace
16. Maledictive PIGS- Bloodshed Maledictive PIGS- Funeral Sermon MALEFACTOR- The Darkest Throne MALEFICARUM- Across The Heavens (CDR) MALEFICARUM- At The Gates Of His Kingdom (CDR) MALEVOLENCE- Martyrialized MALEVOLENT CREATION- Envenomed MALEVOLENT CREATION- The Fine Art Of Murder MALEVOLENT CREATION- In Cold Blood (CDR) MALEVOLENT CREATION- Eternal
Maledictive, Malefactor, Maleficarum, Malevolence, Martyrialized, Malevolent, Murder
17. Cursing and swearing constitute a special genre of linguistic and cultural performance that may fall under the general heading of Maledictive language
May, Maledictive
18. Get Maledictive Pigs setlists - view them, share them, discuss them with other Maledictive Pigs fans for free on!
19. Read writing from The Maledictive Engineer on Medium
Maledictive, Medium
20. Every day, The Maledictive Engineer and thousands of other voices read
21. Maledictive (ˌmaleˈdictive) or maledictory (ˌmaleˈdictory) adjective
Maledictive, Male, Maledictory
22. Two poetic snippets: row me o’er the ferry (U 6.447-8) and Maledictive stones (U 12.144) 1) row me o’er the ferry In Ulysses 6.438-452 the funeral cortege of Paddy Dignam passes over the Royal Canal at Crossguns Bridge.Bloom reflects (447-8) on “Developing waterways
Me, Maledictive
23. Band - Maledictive Pigs Album - Funeral SermonYear - 1995 Origin - Germany Track List: 1
24. Maledictive Spells Spells which use negative energy to cause harm to one's target are known as Maledictive spells
25. Notable Maledictive spells include blasphemy and sleep
26. Find album reviews, stream songs, credits and award information for Soul Surgery - Maledictive Pigs on AllMusic - 2005
27. It offers a choice of adjectives, maledictory or Maledictive, each with an adverb created by adding -ly: maledictorily and Maledictively.
Maledictory, Maledictive, Maledictorily, Maledictively
MALEDICTIVE [maledictive]
1. a. The calling down of a curse. b. A curse. 2. Slander. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved. n. a curse; imprecation.
Improve your vocabulary with English Vocabulary in Use from Cambridge. Learn the words you need to communicate with confidence. The dog, disgusted and disappointed beyond expression, sits down and howls maledictions on thieves in general and ravens in particular, to the remotest of their generations. They saw the girl raise her hand in malediction.
malediction - the act of calling down a curse that invokes evil (and usually serves as an insult); "he suffered the imprecations of the mob". imprecation. curse, execration, condemnation - an appeal to some supernatural power to inflict evil on someone or some group.
She echoed the maledictions that the occupants of the gallery showered on this individual when his lines compelled him to expose his extreme selfishness. He telleth it always in the third person, making believe he is too modest to glorify himself -- maledictions light upon him, misfortune be his dole!