See also: Majority Majority-minority Moral Silent Age Tyranny Absolute Major Majordomo Majorly Majoritarianism To Democracy
1. Majority definition is - a number or percentage equaling more than half of a total
Majority, More
2. How to use Majority in a sentence.
3. Majority synonyms, Majority pronunciation, Majority translation, English dictionary definition of Majority
4. Majority definition, the greater part or number; the number larger than half the total (opposed to minority): the Majority of the population
Majority, Minority
5. 17 synonyms of Majority from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 46 related words, definitions, and antonyms
Majority, Merriam
6. Majority: the largest part or quantity of something
7. Find 36 ways to say Majority, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.
Majority, Most
8. “Majority” is one of those words that can be either singular or plural
9. If you mean the word to describe a collection of individuals, then the word should be treated as plural: “The Majority of e-mail users are upset about the increase in spam.”
Mean, Majority, Mail
10. Majority began in 2012 as a classic start-up story: two guys, one garage, and an idea
11. Majority Hunter is a free, one-of-a-kind Republican operative staffing agency committed to matching the most talented operatives with the right political campaigns, elected official’s offices, and organizations nationwide
Majority, Matching, Most
12. Synonyms for Majority in Free Thesaurus
13. 20 synonyms for Majority: most, more, mass, bulk, best part, better part, lion's share, preponderance
Majority, Most, More, Mass
14. The age of Majority may sometimes grant other rights, like the ability to buy cigarettes, consent to medical treatment, or get insurance
Majority, May, Medical
15. Every state sets their own age of Majority and the specific restrictions as to what the adult cannot do until they reach that age
16. The age of Majority is 18 in most places, except three states.
Majority, Most
17. Majority Arms teaches self defense firearm skills serving Anchorage, Soldotna, Fairbanks, Juneau and Idaho
18. Majority Leader and Minority Leader are two United States senators and members of the party leadership of the United States Senate.They serve as the chief spokespersons for their respective political parties holding the Majority and the minority in the United States Senate.They also manage and schedule the legislative and executive business of the Senate.
Majority, Minority, Members, Manage
19. A system of government carefully balanced to safeguard the rights of both the Majority and the minority
Majority, Minority
20. As nouns the difference between most and Majority is that most is (uncountable) the greatest amount while Majority is more than half (50%) of some group
Most, Majority, More
21. The age of Majority also differs from other legal ages, including voting age, driving age, and marriage age
Majority, Marriage
22. In most states in the United States, the age of Majority is 18 years old
Most, Majority
23. A total of 47 states plus Washington, D.C., have laws that set the age of Majority at 18 years old
24. The Majority of courts have upheld the right of privacy found in Roe v
25. The Majority TETON sound quality: The clarity of sound out of this bar is frankly surprising and definitely surpassing of my expectations
Majority, My
26. Majority Media is a digital agency that specializes in establishing & growing businesses
Majority, Media
27. The Majority Report with Sam Seder The main show, which is available to everyone live and via podcast, is 40 minutes packed full of news, insightful commentary and intelligent interviews with some of the most respected minds in politics and world affairs.
Majority, Main, Minutes, Most, Minds
28. The House of Representatives, with its large membership, has relied on Majority Leaders since the late-19th century to expedite legislative business and to keep their parties united
Membership, Majority
29. In the three decades following the Civil War, when America’s current two-party system crystalized, the concept of the Majority Leader was far more informal than it is today
Majority, More
30. At the time, the Majority party
31. = The age when you reach your Majority in the U.S
32. [+] more examples [-] hide examples [+] Example sentences [-] Hide examples — compare minority 4 — Majority adjective, always used before a noun
More, Minority, Majority
33. The Majority opinion [=the opinion of most
Majority, Most
34. A superMajority vote is a vote that must exceed the number of votes comprising a simple Majority
Must, Majority
35. For example, a simple Majority in the 100-member Senate is 51 votes and a 2/3 superMajority vote requires 67 votes
Majority, Member
36. In the 435-member House of Representatives, a simple Majority is 218 votes and a 2/3 superMajority requires 290 votes.
Member, Majority
37. Majority definition: The Majority of people or things in a group is more than half of them
Majority, More
38. The age of Majority is the age at which an individual can sign contracts (i.e., no more “defense of infancy”)
Majority, More
39. The age of termination is not the same as the age of Majority
40. (The age of Majority for signing contracts is 18 in most states, except Alabama and Nebraska, where it is 19, and
Majority, Most
41. The Majority leader also has the power to file for the superMajority cloture vote needed to end debate during a filibuster
42. As the political leader of his or her party in the Senate, the Majority leader has great power in crafting the contents of legislation sponsored by the Majority party.
43. Get THE Majority's articles straight into your inbox! Popular
44. The age of Majority is the threshold of adulthood as recognized or declared in law
45. Most countries set the age of Majority at 18, but some jurisdictions have a higher age and
Most, Majority
46. Majority Isn't Always Defined by Age: In special cases, factors other than age determine when a child becomes an adult
47. For example, if a judge grants emancipation to a minor, that person also receives Majority and is considered responsible for their actions
Minor, Majority
48. Many regions also give Majority to minors who marry or who join the armed forces.
Many, Majority, Minors, Marry
49. The latest tweets from @theMajorityscot
50. Majority - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums
51. The Senate Majority PAC is a super PAC that describes itself as “solely dedicated to building a Democratic Majority …
52. Claim: A study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that an \u201coverwhelming Majority\u201d of individuals who contracted coronavirus had worn a mask or fac…
Majority, Mask
53. Read concern "Majority" is available for use with or without causally consistent sessions and transactions.
54. You can disable read concern "Majority" for a deployment with a three-member primary-secondary-arbiter (PSA) architecture; however, this has implications for change streams (in MongoDB 4.0 and earlier only) and transactions on sharded clusters.
Majority, Member, Mongodb
55. Majority Vote means the affirmative vote of Members holding (i) 67% or more of the voting power (determined in accordance with Section 3.3(i) hereof) present at any duly called meeting, if the holders of more than 50% of the outstanding voting power of the Company are present or represented by proxy; or (ii) more than 50% of the outstanding voting power of the Company, whichever is less; or
Majority, Means, Members, More, Meeting
56. Ours is the only nation that has yet to join the great Majority of countries standing in solidarity on this issue
57. The Majority Whip is a position in United States (U.S.) politics that's delegated to an elected official belonging to the Majority party in the House of Representatives and the Senate
58. Both the Republican and Democratic parties use a Majority Whip
59. Majority and plurality voting are two legitimate types of elections under a democracy
60. In the United States legislative elections, candidates generally only need a plurality and not Majority to win (but not always—we see you, Georgia, Louisiana)
61. But for the presidential election, both the plurality and Majority of votes are
62. A Majority voting system is an electoral system in which the winner of an election is the candidate that received more than half of the votes cast
Majority, More
63. In the event that no candidate wins an outright Majority, a runoff election is held between the top two vote-getters
64. For this reason, Majority systems are sometimes referred to as two-round systems.
65. ‘The BCC's Majority shareholder is the state, through the Ministry of Finance.’ ‘He recently, for the first time, became the club's Majority shareholder.’ ‘The Austrian company wanted a Majority stake, while Mobiltel offered a minority stake.’ ‘Still, most human rights lawyers read the Majority opinion as a …
Majority, Ministry, Mobiltel, Minority, Most
66. Majority Support COVID-19 Relief Package, But Agree It Benefits ‘Blue’ States More Rasmussen Reports is a media company specializing in the collection, publication and distribution of …
Majority, More, Media
67. The vast Majority live further inland
68. The Majority of people interviewed prefer TV to radio
69. The resolution was passed by a two-thirds Majority
70. They failed to win the requisite twothirds Majority
71. The Majority of children and teen victims know the perpetrator
72. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer on Friday afternoon joined a Majority of New York congressional Democrats, including Sen
73. The tyranny of the Majority (or tyranny of the masses) is an inherent weakness to Majority rule in which the Majority of an electorate pursues exclusively its own objectives at the expense of those of the minority factions
Majority, Masses, Minority
MAJORITY [məˈjôrədē, məˈjärədē]