Use Lycopodium in a sentence

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1. At Lycopodium, we see a world of projects, ideas and solutions to explore, so we don’t fit into a box


2. Lycopodium is one of the pivotal remedies of the materia medica, and an intimate acquaintance with its properties and relations is essential to a proper understanding of the materia medica as a whole.


3. Lycopodium is a low creeping perennial plant. It is a spore-bearing, flowerless, vascular, terrestrial, widely branched plant

Lycopodium, Low

4. Lycopodium is an antipsoric, anti-syphilitic and anti-sycotic, and its sphere is broad and deep. Though classed among the inert substances, and thought to be useful only for rolling up allopathic pills, Hahnemann brought it into use and developed its power by attenuation


5. Lycopodium Clavatum, or Lycopodium, is one of the deep-acting and most frequently referred remedies in homeopathy. It has a widespread action, acting upon almost all the parts of the body


6. Lycopodium 30 & Lycopodium 200 are the most commonly used potencies in homeopathy.


7. Introduction and History: Lycopodium is a magical, constitutional, deep acting remedy for chronic diseases. It is also called ‘ Vegetable Sulphur ‘


8. The name Lycopodium is derived from the word ‘lucos’ which means wolf and ‘pes’ meaning the foot, since the shoots appear like wolf’s foot.

Lycopodium, Lucos, Like

9. Lycopodium Clavatum's wonderful medicinal properties are only disclosed by trituration and succussion


10. In nearly all cases where Lycopodium Clavatum is the remedy, some evidence of urinary or digestive disturbance will be found


11. Lycopodium CLAVATUM Club Moss (Lycopodium) This drug is inert until the spores are crushed


12. In nearly all cases where Lycopodium is the remedy, some evidence of urinary or digestive disturbance will be found.


13. Lycopodium is a sporophytic plant and reproduces sexually


14. Boiron Lycopodium Clavatum 30c Homeopathic Medicine for Bloating and Gas Relief, 3 Tubes


15. Boiron Lycopodium clavatum 6c, 80 pellets, homeopathic Medicine for Bloated Abdomen Improved by Passing Gas, 3 …


16. Lycopodium is a great remedy for healing liver and gallbladder problems, and helps all kinds of digestive disorders

Lycopodium, Liver

17. Description About Lycopodium clavatum: Product Category: Digestive Indications: Bloated abdomen improved by passing gas* Directions: Adults & children: At the onset of symptoms, dissolve 5 pellets under the tongue 3 times a day until symptoms are relieved or as directed by a doctor


18. Lycopodium is popularly called the club moss


19. It is not uncommon to find Lycopodium growing in arctic and temperate regions


20. The group is represented today by four genera, Lycopodium (with ∼476 species; sometimes subdivided into two to several genera), Huperzia (∼439 species), Lycopodiella (∼41 species), and Phylloglossum (1 …

Lycopodium, Lycopodiella

21. Distribution and habit: The species of Lycopodium are world-wide in distribution


22. Lycopodium - Organic women perfumes -RHUS MIDORIA - ESSENTIAL Oil perfume - Paraben Free - Gluten Free - Chemicals Free - Mothers day gift RhusMidoria


23. Plant Basics Lycopodium may be used to treat headaches


24. Lycopodium is known scientifically as Lycopodium clavatum, and plants in this class can be known by many names.Club moss, running pine, creeping cedar, and lamb’s tail are among the most common; fox tail and vegetable sulphur are also popular in some places.

Lycopodium, Lamb

25. The Plants Database includes the following 17 species of Lycopodium


26. Lycopodium alpinum alpine clubmoss Lycopodium annotinum stiff clubmoss Lycopodium clavatum running clubmoss


27. In addition to the characters in the identification key, Lycopodium clavatum has trophophylls of lighter color that spread further from the shoot axis, and it releases spores later than L

Lycopodium, Lighter, Later

28. Also known as ground pine or club moss, Lycopodium is a small, creeping or climbing evergreen plant that grows in forests


29. Lycopodium, along with its relatives, the ferns, is a seedless vascular plant that reproduces with spores


30. Native to the Great Lakes area, Lycopodium grows best in a cool, moist environment with

Lakes, Lycopodium

31. Lycopodium – Homeopathic medicine its uses indications and dosage Lycopodium is a deep acting homeopathic remedy which has a wide range of action


32. Boiron Lycopodium Clavatum 200CK, 80 Pellets, Homeopathic Medicine for Bloating and Gas Visit the Boiron Store


33. Lycopodium: ( lī'kō-pō'dē-ŭm ), The spores of Lycopodium clavatum (family Lycopodiaceae) and other species of L.; a yellow, tasteless, and odorless powder; was used as a dusting powder and in pharmacy to prevent the agglutination of pills in a box

Lycopodium, Lycopodiaceae

34. (Lycopodium) This drug is inert until the spores are crushed


35. In nearly all cases where Lycopodium is the remedy, some evidence of urinary or digestive disturbance will be found


36. Lycopodium is an antipsoric, anti-syphilitic and anti-sycotic, and its sphere is broad and deep


37. Effect of homeopathic Lycopodium clavatum on memory functions and cerebral blood flow in memory-impaired rats The above study suggests that Lyc may be used as a drug of choice in condition of memory impairment due to its beneficial effect on CBF.

Lycopodium, Lyc

38. Lycopodium is also a remedy of stuffed nose


39. Lycopodium develops the breast in such girls and makes the course appear.


40. Fan Clubmoss is the most common species of the Lycopodium genus in North America


41. Click on a thumbnail to view an image, or see all the Lycopodium thumbnails at the Plants Gallery Britton, N.L., and A


42. Lycopodium 30 Drops is a drop manufactured by Dr Reckeweg & Co


43. Reckeweg Lycopodium Dilution 30 CH uses, side effects, benefits, how to use, composition, Substitution, Price, Dosage etc


44. Popularly searched as Lycopodium 30


45. – running clubmoss, common club moss : Species: Lycopodium complanatum L


46. – Christmas green, creeping jenny, groundcedar : Species: Lycopodium dendroideum Michx


47. – tree groundpine : Species: Lycopodium digitatum Dill


48. Braun – fan clubmoss : Species: Lycopodium X habereri House – Haberer's clubmoss


49. Lycopodium definition is - any of a large genus (Lycopodium) of erect or creeping club mosses with reduced or scalelike evergreen leaves.

Lycopodium, Large, Leaves

50. Lycopodium 200 is a remedy of great value in men’s health


51. When sexual dysfunction accompanies a gastrointestinal problem such as frequent bloating, gas and food intolerances, Lycopodium 200 twice daily can often root out the gastrointestinal condition (usually slowly, over a period of weeks or months) and restore a man to his old masculine self.


52. Lycopodium powder is a yellow-tan dust-like powder, consisting of the dry spores of clubmoss plants, or various fern relatives.When it is mixed with air, the spores are highly flammable and are used to create dust explosions as theatrical special effects

Lycopodium, Like

53. Weleda Lycopodium 30C is ideal for active or acute over the counter use


54. Lycopodium is usually indicated in chronic disease and best prescribed by a professional as it can cause an aggravation if it is repeated too frequently, especially at the beginning of treatment


55. Lycopodium is a great acute remedy for the liver and gastrointestinal tract.

Lycopodium, Liver

56. Lycopodium alkaloids are quinolizine, or pyridine and alpha-pyridone type alkaloids


57. Some Lycopodium alkaloids are potent inhibitors of acetylcholinesterase (AChE)


58. Burning Lycopodium Powder: Simulating a Grain Elevator Explosion


59. Lycopodium powder is a fine yellow powder derived from the spores of Lycopodium clavatum (stag's horn club moss, running ground pine)


60. Lycopodium is common in east Texas, Isoetes occurs on granite outcrops in the hill country; Selaginella occurs throughout the state, although some species are easily mistaken for mosses



LYCOPODIUM [ˌlīkəˈpōdēəm]

lycopodium (noun) · lycopodiums (plural noun) · lycopodium powder (noun) · lycopodium powders (plural noun) · lycopodium seed (noun)

  • a plant of a genus that includes the common club mosses.
  • a fine, flammable powder consisting of club moss spores, formerly used as an absorbent in surgery, in experiments in the physical sciences, and in making fireworks.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the genus and species of Lycopodium?

He placed it in the Musci (mosses) along with genera such as Sphagnum and included species such as Lycopodium selaginoides, now placed in the genus Selaginella in a different order to Lycopodium. Different sources use substantially different circumscriptions of the genus.

What does Lycopodium clavatum mean?

Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. The spores of Lycopodium clavatum (family Lycopodiaceae) and other species of L.; a yellow, tasteless, and odorless powder; was used as a dusting powder and in pharmacy to prevent the agglutination of pills in a box.

Is Lycopodium a fern?

Lycopodium (from Greek lukos, wolf and podion, diminutive of pous, foot) is a genus of clubmosses, also known as ground pines or creeping cedar, in the family Lycopodiaceae, a family of fern-allies (see Pteridophyta).

Is Lycopodium powder hydrophobic?

The powder is also highly hydrophobic; if the surface of a cup of water is coated with lycopodium powder, a finger or other object inserted straight into the cup will come out dusted with the powder but remain perfectly dry. Because of the very small size of its particles, lycopodium powder can be used to demonstrate Brownian motion.