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See also: Lustre Lusted Luster Lustreless Lustrate Lusterless Illustrated Lustration Lured Lusterious Lusterware Lustrous Lustily Lustral Lustrum Lustfully Lusteth Lustrously Lustig Lustrousness Lustiness

1. ‘It could not have been Lustred, and the bright polychrome is entirely out of key with the blue and gold of the other tiles.’ ‘The other is the name majolica, applied to Lustred ware at first, and afterwards to all Italian faience.’ ‘The beads are then Lustred all over with …


2. What does Lustred mean? Having a lustre

Lustred, Lustre

3. Definition of Lustred in the dictionary


4. Information and translations of Lustred in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.


5. Lustred is worth 14 points in the game of Scrabble


6. Definitions for the word, Lustred (imp


7. 114 words found in the Scrabble word, Lustred


8. Lustred glass, art glass in the Art Nouveau style


9. Lustred glass was first produced in the United States by Louis Comfort Tiffany during the late 1800s for use as windowpanes

Lustred, Louis, Late

10. The intention of the inventor of Tiffany Lustred glass, Arthur J.


11. Synonyms for Lustred include glimmered, gleamed, twinkled, sparkled, flashed, shimmered, glittered, glinted, glistened and shone


12. Looking for Lustred? Find out information about Lustred

Looking, Lustred

13. Mineralogy the way in which light is reflected from the Explanation of Lustred

Light, Lustred

14. 50 Lustred Clay Brown Baby Bell Flower Beads 5x8mm DIY Czech Glass Beads For Jewelry Making Flower Cup Beads Perles Perlen Perline 捷克玻璃珠 BeadsandmorebyYashma


15. Sale Price $3.89 $ 3.89 $ 4.33 Original Price $4.33" (10% off) Free shipping eligible 50 Dual Yellow/Red Lustred Baby Bell Flower Beads 5x8mm DIY Czech Glass Beads For jewelry


16. Synonyms for Lustred in Free Thesaurus


17. We found 7 dictionaries with English definitions that include the word Lustred: Click on the first link on a line below to go directly to a page where "Lustred" is defined

Lustred, Link, Line

18. General (7 matching dictionaries) Lustred: [home, info] Lustred: Collins English Dictionary [home, info] Lustred


19. View sold price and similar items: Jussis Glas, a Scandinavian Lustred glass Riihimaki bird sculpture, applied from Gildings Auctioneers on May 2, 0118 10:00 AM BST.


20. 200 Gold Bronze Lustred Druk Bead Mix 4mm Czech Glass Beads For Jewelry Making Glass Round Beads Spacer Beads Perles Perlen 1.3.17


21. Purchased item: 200 Gold Bronze Lustred Druk Bead Mix 4mm Czech Glass Beads For Jewelry


22. CB247) Australia 1937 Crown, superb almost uncirculated Lustred coin


23. Adjectives for luster include lusterless, Lustred, lustreless, lustrous, lustered, lustering and lustring

Luster, Lusterless, Lustred, Lustreless, Lustrous, Lustered, Lustering, Lustring

24. CB247) Australia 1937 Crown, superb almost uncirculated Lustred coin


25. Preciosa Czech glass Charlotte seed bead, size 15/0 Clear Lustred glass, approximately 1.4mm Czech glass rocaille bead


26. The following rule will force a resource to move when the Lustred attribute is zero, or undefined: pcs constraint location \ rule score=-INFINITY Lustred lte 0 or not_defined Lustred This rule should be applied to every resource in the …

Lustred, Location, Lt, Lte

27. A GUBBIO OR URBINO MAIOLICA Lustred DATED PLATE 1524, Lustred IN THE GUBBIO WORKSHOP OF MAESTRO GIORGIO ANDREOLI Painted with a bearded man blessing a kneeling figure, a young man standing nearby holding a robe before a classical building, a panel below two windows Lustred 1524, before a river landscape with distant buildings and mountains, the building, …

Lustred, Landscape

28. Deep Dish from Spain, after 1475 Tin-glazed earthenware with Lustred decoration, Victoria and Albert Museum, London

Lustred, London

29. A consideration of the uses of certain backed and "Lustred" stone tools from the late Mesolithic and Natufian levels of Abu Hureyra and Mureybet (Syria)

Lustred, Late, Levels

30. AN UMBRIAN Lustred ARMORIAL STAND CIRCA 1500-1508, POSSIBLY DERUTA Potted slightly off centre, decorated in ruby and gold lustre, the centre with a quartered coat of arms divided by crossed keys below a Papal tiara and within a raised roundel, the well with spirally-moulded gold-Lustred fluting edged with shaded blue foliate motifs tied at the stems and fruiting ruby lustre berries, the narrow

Lustred, Lustre

31. Persian jug, Lustred, dated A.D


32. A 10 inch high vase that has been "Encrusted" with gold and white flowers all around its rim and an elegant Flared shapethe design is "Lustred Stripe" which matches beautifully with its blue interior


33. Lustred provides very large file and space quotas for Conte users, and, when purging begins, will have different parameters than older ITaP clusters

Lustred, Large

34. Rather than purging based on an individual file's creation time, Lustred will be purged based on the last access time of an individual file

Lustred, Last

35. In Lustred glass …known by the trade name Favrile glass, the Stourbridge firm and other Tiffany companies continued to make thousands of Lustred glass articles annually until 1933



LUSTRED [ˈləstərd]


  • (especially of ceramics) having an iridescent surface; shining.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does the name Lustre mean?

Lustre is a British spelling for luster which is defined as a shine, brightness or special quality. An example of lustre is the glow of sterling silver. Luster, luster.

What is the correct spelling for Lustre?

is that luster is shine, polish or sparkle or luster can be a lustrum, quinquennium, a period of five years, originally the interval between roman censuses or luster can be one who lusts while lustre is (british spelling) (shine, etc) or lustre can be (british spelling) (a lustrum).

What is the adverb for Lustre?

What's the adverb for lustre? Here's the word you're looking for. lustrously. In a lustrous manner, glossily. Synonyms: bright, radiantly, luminously, brightly, dazzlingly, glowingly, brilliantly, fulgently, incandescently, lambently, splendidly, shinily, shiningly, gleamingly, glossily, polishedly, refulgently, beamingly, effulgently, sparklingly, lucently, clearly, sleekly, glitteringly, lucidly, smoothly, resplendently, scintillatingly, glassily, blazingly, vividly, intensely, slickly, ...

What does Luster mean in science?

Scientifically speaking, luster refers to the shine a stone gives off when light is reflected off of it. Luster also refers to mineral stones as well, at which point it is divided into metallic and non-metallic. Non-metallic lusters include minerals that are dull, greasy, or resinous, among other things.

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