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1. Definition of Lourds in the dictionary


2. What does Lourds mean? Information and translations of Lourds in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on …


3. Lourd ( feminine singular lourde, masculine plural Lourds, feminine plural lourdes ) heavy

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LOURDS [lo͝o(ə)rd]


  • a town in southwestern France, at the foot of the Pyrenees; population 15,698 (2006). It has been a major place of Roman Catholic pilgrimage since 1858 when a young peasant girl, Marie Bernarde Soubirous (St. Bernadette), claimed to have had a series of visions of the Virgin Mary.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the meaning of the word Lourd?

History and Etymology for lourd. Noun. obsolete lourd, adjective, dull, stupid, from Middle English lourde, from Middle French lourd, from Latin luridus pale yellow, sallow . Adverb. alteration (influenced by -ed entry 1) of Scots loor, lour, alteration of English dialect liever

What is the meaning of the town of Lourdes?

Lourdes. ( French lurd) n. (Placename) a town in SW France: a leading place of pilgrimage for Roman Catholics after a peasant girl, Bernadette Soubirous, had visions of the Virgin Mary in 1858. Pop: 15 698 (2006)

Is the name Lourdes a boy or girl name?

Pronounce. Lourdes. [ 1 syll. lou-(r)des, lo-urd-es ] The baby girl name Lourdes is also used as a boy name, though it is far more popular for girls. It is pronounced LAORDZ (English), LUHRD (French), or LUWR-DehS (Spanish) †. Lourdes has its origins in the French language.

What does Lour mean in Merriam-Webster Dictionary?

“Lour.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 19 Apr. 2020. What made you want to look up lour? Please tell us where you read or heard it (including the quote, if possible). Capricious is derived in part from the Italian word for hedgehog. What does capricious mean?