See also: Lophophore Lopho Lophodont Lophotrichous Lophotrochozoa
1. Lophophore definition is - a circular or horseshoe-shaped organ about the mouth especially of a brachiopod or bryozoan that bears tentacles and functions especially in food-getting.
2. …to the filaments of the Lophophore, a horseshoe-shaped organ that filters food particles from the seawater
3. Cilia in Lophophore grooves bring food particles, often trapped in mucus, to the mouth
4. The Lophophore is a characteristic feeding organ possessed by three major groups of animals: the Brachiopoda, the Bryozoa, and the Phoronida
5. The Lophophore can most easily be described as a ring of tentacles, but it is often horseshoe-shaped or coiled.
6. Lophophore In invertebrates (e.g
7. The cilia drive a current of water through the Lophophore, and plankton is collected in the process.
8. The Lophophore is the characteristic feeding organ of four major groups of animals: the Brachiopoda, Bryozoa, Entoprocta, and Phoronida. All Lophophores are found in aquatic organisms
Lophophore, Lophophores
9. Introduction to the Lophotrochozoa Of molluscs, worms, and Lophophores
Lophotrochozoa, Lophophores
10. Lophophorate, any of three phyla of aquatic invertebrate animals that possess a Lophophore, a fan of ciliated tentacles around the mouth. Movements of the cilia create currents of water that carry food particles toward the mouth
Lophophorate, Lophophore
11. Learn Lophophore with free interactive flashcards
Learn, Lophophore
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13. The organ that brachiopods use for both feeding and respiration is called the Lophophore
14. The Lophophore is lined with tiny hair-like cilia which generate a water current through the shell, transporting both oxygen and food particles
Lophophore, Lined, Like
15. Some species have a calcified support structure for the Lophophore called a brachidium
16. As lophotrochozoans, the organisms in this superphylum possess either a Lophophore or trochophore larvae
Lophotrochozoans, Lophophore, Larvae
17. The Lophophores include groups that are united by the presence of the Lophophore, a set of ciliated tentacles surrounding the mouth
Lophophores, Lophophore
18. By Lophophore on Friday December 06, 2019 @03:39PM Attached to: Bernie Sanders Unveils $150 Billion Plan To Expand High-Speed Internet Access How much is $150,000,000,000 per taxpayer? How much is the $500,000,000 _per year_ for "digital inclusiveness" per taxpayer?
19. The Lophophore captures food particles, especially phytoplankton (tiny photosynthetic organisms), and deliver them to the mouth via the brachial grooves along the bases of the tentacles
20. The Lophophore is simple and oval in shape, with 11 to 28 tentacles
21. The Lophophore shape differs widely among brachiopods: from round and horseshoe shaped to a complex spiral
22. The presence of the Lophophore is a …
23. A Lophophore is a unique arrangement of ciliated tentacles borne on a ridge (a fold of the body wall), which surrounds the mouth but not the anus
24. The Lophophore with its crown of tentacles contains within it an extension of the coelom, and the thin, ciliated walls of the tentacles are not only an efficient feeding device but also serve as a
25. As lophotrochozoans, the organisms in this superphylum possess either a Lophophore or trochophore larvae
Lophotrochozoans, Lophophore, Larvae
26. The Lophophores include groups that are united by the presence of the Lophophore, a set of ciliated tentacles surrounding the mouth
Lophophores, Lophophore
27. The characteristic features of the group lophotrochozoa are the presence of a trochophore larvae and a feeding structure called Lophophore
Lophotrochozoa, Larvae, Lophophore
28. ‘The brachidium is a structure which supports the Lophophore, the feeding organ of brachiopods.’
29. ‘The Lophophore, a ciliated, tentacular organ for feeding, of varying three-dimensional morphology, is suspended
30. The Lophophore is associated with the brachial valve and may be supported by a brachidium projecting from it
31. ‘The brachidium is a structure which supports the Lophophore, the feeding organ of brachiopods.’
32. The Lophophore is a highly derived, specialized feeding structure that is unlikely to have evolved more than once
33. So it would seem likely that all animals with a Lophophore should be related to each other more closely than those without.
Likely, Lophophore
34. The Lophophorata are united by the presence of a Lophophore, a fan of ciliated tentacles surrounding the mouth
Lophophorata, Lophophore
35. Lophophore the ring of ciliated tentacles around the mouth in polyzoans and brachiopods
36. The type of Lophophore usually depends on body size 15,25
37. The simplest is the oval Lophophore, which is typical for the very small Phoronis ovalis and for juveniles of …
38. Lophophore the ring of ciliated tentacles around the mouth in polyzoans and brachiopods.
39. Lophophore definition: a circle or horseshoe of ciliated tentacles surrounding the mouth and used for the Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples
40. Lophophore (a characteristic of all Lophophorates): NOT a simple ring of tentacles of the sort cnidarians have; NO nematocysts - Bryozoans are NOT cnidarians! Lophophore is typically a horseshoe-shaped ring of ciliated tentacles
Lophophore, Lophophorates
41. Beating cilia create water currents; Lophophore filters food from water
42. A Lophophore is an upstream collecting system for suspension feedin g
43. Lophophore in American English (ˈloʊfəˌfɔr ; ˈlɑfəˌfɔr)
Lophophore, Lo
44. Lophophore: A circular or horseshoe-shaped structure of ciliated tentacles located around the mouth of brachiopods, bryozoans, and phoronids that is used to gather food.
Lophophore, Located
45. A Lophophore is a feeding mechanism found in some aquatic organisms
46. These have a Lophophore, a crown of tentacles whose cilia create a water current that enables them to filter food particles out of the water.
47. The tentacles of the Lophophore of the bryozoan, Plumatella punctata, are examined in this video
48. The Lophophore surrounds the mouth and is an upstream collecting system for suspension feeding
49. The gut is U-shaped with the anterior mouth at the center of the Lophophore
50. The cerebral ganglion gives rise to five groups of main neurite bundles of the Lophophore and the tentacle sheath: the circum-oral nerve ring, the lophophoral dorso-lateral nerves, the pharyngeal and visceral neurite bundles, the outer nerve ring, and the tentacle sheath nerves
Lophophore, Lophophoral, Lateral
51. They all have a similar structure surrounding the mouth - ciliated tentacles called a “Lophophore”.
52. Lophophore Compagnie-Théâtre, Paris, France
53. Le Lophophore Cie Théâtrale réunit des artistes qui rêvent et rient un théâtre poétique
Le, Lophophore
54. Lophophore Compagnie-Théâtre, Paris, France
55. Le Lophophore Cie Théâtrale réunit des artistes qui rêvent et rient un théâtre poétique
Le, Lophophore
LOPHOPHORE [ˈläfəfôr, ˈlōfəˌfô(ə)r]
Definition of lophophore. : a circular or horseshoe-shaped organ about the mouth especially of a brachiopod or bryozoan that bears tentacles and functions especially in food-getting. People also ask, what is the Lophophore used for?
The lophophore can most easily be described as a ring of tentacles, but it is often horseshoe-shaped or coiled. Phoronids have their lophophores in plain view, as shown above, but brachiopods like the one below must be opened widein order to get a good view of their lophophore. Why do we call these tentacles a lophophore?
Through this exercise we have suggested that the lophophore is a synapomorphythat groups these three taxa together. This is how evolutionary biologists accomplish the important task of organizing the biological world into systematic groupings.
Of molluscs, worms, and lophophores. . . The Lophotrochozoa comprise one of the major groups within the animal kingdom, In turn, the Lophotrochozoa belongs to a larger group within the Animalia called the Bilateria, because they are bilaterally symmetrical with a left and a right side to their bodies.