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See also: Longevity Longer Longed Longevous Longest Longe Longeron Longevidad Longeval Lingerie Longitude Long Longing Longitudinal Long-term Longsuffering Long-winded Long-lasting Longstanding Long-standing

1. Longe definition is - a long rein or strap used to lead or guide a horse in training —called also Longeing rein.

Longe, Long, Lead, Longeing

2. Verb (used with object), Longed, Longe·ing

Longed, Longe

3. To train or exercise (a horse) by use of a Longe.


4. A long rope or flat web line, more commonly referred to as a Longe line, approximately 20-30 feet long, attached to the bridle, Longeing cavesson, or halter of a horse and used to control the animal while Longeing

Long, Line, Longe, Longeing

5. T The English Longe family is descended from a Norman noble of Preux in Normandy


6. With five convenient Longe Optical eye care store locations, we help you to find the store for the excellent eye care you deserve.

Longe, Locations

7. The Longe Law Firm is dedicated to providing high quality legal representation to people in Rolling Meadows, Chicago, and the surrounding areas who have been accused of crimes

Longe, Law, Legal

8. Attorney Longe understands that there is a lot at stake in any given criminal matter and she works closely with each client to ensure that she understands what their

Longe, Lot

9. The definition of a Longe is a long rein for a horse that lets the horse move around the trainer

Longe, Long, Lets

10. A long rein for a horse is an example of a Longe.

Long, Longe

11. A horse in training for equestrian vaulting at the halt on a Longe line. Longeing / ˈlʌndʒɪŋ / (US English, classical spelling) or lungeing (UK English, informal US) is a technique for training and exercising horses

Longe, Line, Longeing, Lungeing

12. Longe specializes in Cancer Treatment


13. Longe currently has a rating of 4.6 stars out of 5 with over 100 reviews


14. Longe - Translation to Spanish, pronunciation, and forum discussions


15. Inflections of 'Longe' (v): (⇒ conjugate) Longes v 3rd person singular Longeing v pres p verb, present participle: -ing verb used descriptively or to form progressive verb--for example, "a singing bird," "It is singing." Longed v past verb, past simple: Past tense--for example, "He saw the man."

Longe, Longes, Longeing, Longed

16. Longe definition: a long rope used to guide a horse during training or exercise Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

Longe, Long

17. Longe white sage smudge stick, long white sage, long smudge stick, sage bundle, long sage bundles, big sage stick, sage, white sage stick YouCollectionLLC

Longe, Long

18. Die Longe is binne-in die borskas geleë en word deur die benerige struktuur van die ribbekas beskerm en omvou deur 'n dubbelwandige longvlies wat die pleura genoem word

Longe, Longvlies

19. Die binneste laag van die vlies kleef aan die buitekant van die Longe en die buitenste laag is aan die muur van die borskas verbind.

Laag, Longe

20. Une promenade boisée Longe l'extérieur des douves.: A wooded walk runs along the outside of the moat.: La large et magnifiquement paysagé Avenida Atlântica Longe toute la longueur de la plage.: The broad and beautifully landscaped Avenida Atlântica runs along the beach's entire length.: RIP Longe de thon congelée autre non - conformité - décomposition 2017-09-15 Concord Premium Meats Ltd.

Longe, La, Large, Longueur, Landscaped, Length, Ltd

21. The Longe family name was found in the USA, the UK, Canada, and Scotland between 1840 and 1920


22. The most Longe families were found in the USA in 1920


23. In 1840 there were 5 Longe families living in Pennsylvania

Longe, Living

24. This was about 23% of all the recorded Longe's in the USA


25. Pennsylvania had the highest population of Longe families in 1840.


26. Wanneer die Longe nie genoeg koolstofdioksied kan uitasem nie, is daar ’n opbouing van toksisiteit, wat al die selle in die liggaam vergiftig

Longe, Liggaam

27. Enige faktor wat die lugweë laat saamtrek of vernou, of wat die die Longe minder elasties laat word, sal ’n mens swaarder laat asemhaal.

Lugwe, Laat, Longe

28. If the Longe line is attached just to the inside bit ring, the outside ring can slide through the mouth when the line is pulled and damage the horse's mouth.

Longe, Line

29. Definition of Longe in the dictionary


30. What does Longe mean? Information and translations of Longe in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on …


31. Synonyms for Longe in Free Thesaurus


32. Longe - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums


33. English Translation of “Longe” The official Collins Portuguese-English Dictionary online


34. Dr. Jamie Longe, MD is a Sports Medicine Specialist in Salt Lake City, UT and has over 36 years of experience in the medical field

Longe, Lake

35. - Uptime Status


36. Longe enjoys caring for patients of all ages and with all conditions, however she has a particular interest in diabetes and women’s health


37. Longe earned a bachelor of science in human biology with a concentration in genetics and biotechnology from the University of Texas at Austin in Austin, Texas.


38. Cum iam non Longe a castris Scipionis abesset, quae eum necesse erat praetergredi, Labienus Afraniusque cum omni equitatu levique armatura ex insidiis adorti agmini eius extremo se offerunt atque ex collibus proximis exsistunt

Longe, Labienus, Levique

39. Susan H Longe is a Family Medicine Specialist in Fenton, Michigan


40. Susan H Longe affiliates with Genesys Regional Medical Center - Health Park, cooperates with many other


41. Dr. Harold Longe, MD is a Hematology Specialist in Indianapolis, IN and has over 33 years of experience in the medical field


42. Longe has more experience with Blood Disorders than other specialists in his area


43. Fisayo Longe, Founder of Kai Collective


44. Longe graduated from the Wake Forest School of Medicine in 1985


45. Longe is affiliated with St Mark's Hospital and Intermountain Medical Center.


46. What is the definition of Longe? What is the meaning of Longe? How do you use Longe in a sentence? What are synonyms for Longe?


47. Here is Candace Longe’s obituary


48. We are sad to announce that on February 16, 2021 we had to say goodbye to Candace Longe of Forest Grove, Oregon, born in Hillsboro, Oregon


49. Pataluch is an Indiana University School of Optometry graduate and has been practicing at Longe Optical since 1996


50. UKN) and Alice (MNU) Longe, of Basse's Choyce Plantation


51. 242.] Possibly related to the Longe family of Wiltshire, England


52. Longe adv far, far away adj distant ao Longe in the distance de Longe from far away, (sem dúvida) by a long way Longe dos olhos, Longe do coração out of sight, out of mind Longe de a long way ou far from Longe disso far from it ir Longe demais (fig) to go too far

Longe, Long

53. George Longe was a New Orleans educator and a community and Masonic leader

Longe, Leader

54. And Eugenie Gardier Longe, George Longe was born in New Orleans in July 1898


55. Longe is a Oncologist in Indianapolis, IN


56. Longe's phone number, address, insurance information, hospital affiliations and more.


57. Adewole C Longe, MD is a doctor primarily located in Baton Rouge, LA, with other offices in Thomasville, GA and Covington, LA(and 3 other …

Longe, Located, La


LONGE [lənj]

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Frequently Asked Questions

What does longed mean?

a long rope used to guide a horse during training or exercise. verb (used with object), longed, longe·ing. to train or exercise (a horse) by use of a longe.

What does long look mean?

the longer of two or the longest of several: the long way home; a brick with the long side exposed. taking a long time; slow: He's certainly long getting here. forward-looking or considering all aspects; broad: to take a long view of life. intense, thorough, or critical; seriously appraising: a long look at one's past mistakes.

What does Longe mean?

variants: or lunge. longed or lunged; longed or lunged; longeing or lunging; longes or lunges. Definition of longe (Entry 2 of 3) : to guide or exercise (a horse) by means of a longe.

What is the definition of long?

Definition of long (Entry 2 of 9) 1 : for or during a long time long a popular hangout. 2 : at or to a long distance : far long-traveled. 3 : for the duration of a specified period month-long all summer long. 4 : at a point of time far before or after a specified moment or event was excited long before the big day.

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