Use Lonern in a sentence

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1. Lonern (Mindstar Technology) lost their Procurer in D-PNP9 (Esoteria)

Lonern, Lost

2. Lauren Eden Jennings, Lonern Jennings

Lauren, Lonern

3. Der unvermittelbare David flieht schließlich aus dem Hotel zu den Lonern, einer Gruppe von Gesetzlosen, die im Wald leben und sich geschworen haben, sich nie zu verlieben

Lich, Lonern, Leben

4. Lonern Favorites Update Last updated: 2020-12-08 14:56:37

Lonern, Last

5. AstymSpwnza anlegem tha the, olvnat-tywo Lonern ofered by Ausztean Laundrzy ad Amtck canncnt met the speeitationsa

Lonern, Laundrzy

6. Who has worked With S Lonern to for historic ana approaches color


7. Australian urban and suburban society has become an environment shaped by the scientific and technological method in which God is not only apparently absent but is functionally no Lonern of communication which is carried into practical ministry.


8. Der unvermittelbare David flieht schließlich aus dem Hotel zu den Lonern, einer Gruppe von Gesetzlosen, die im Wald leben und sich geschworen haben, sich nie zu verlieben

Lich, Lonern, Leben

9. Lonern Turism; Lindas SPA & Friskvard; Outdoor Activities in Mullsjo

Lonern, Lindas

10. IHJ In IMS, tool Thu i Lonern unfurled lIHl tlmtlUg to the In i to In 1817

Lonern, Lihl

11. Lapis lydivs das ist: probierstein vnnd gegeneinandersetzung der wahren evangelischen, vnd dann der falschen papistischen vnnd caluinischen Lehr, nach den sechs heuptstücken des Catechismi Gestellet durch Josua Lonern Eine Leich vnd Trostpredigt

Lapis, Lydivs, Lehr, Lonern, Leich

12. Der unvermittelbare David flieht schließlich aus dem Hotel zu den Lonern, einer Gruppe von Gesetzlosen, die im Wald leben und sich geschworen haben, sich nie zu verlieben

Lich, Lonern, Leben


LONERN [ˈlōnər]

loner (noun) · loners (plural noun)

  • a person who prefers not to associate with others.
Synonyms: recluse . introvert . lone wolf . hermit . solitary . misanthrope . outsider . maverick . nonconformist . individual . hikikomori . eremite . cenobite . anchorite . stylite . solitudinarian .

Frequently Asked Questions

How would you describe a loner?

A loner is a person who does not seek out, or may actively avoid, interaction or relationships with other people. There are many reasons for their solitude, intentional or otherwise; intentional reasons include being introverted, spiritual, mystic, having religious considerations, or personal philosophies.

What does loner mean?

Freebase(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: A loner is a person who avoids or does not actively seek human interaction or prefers to be alone. There are many reasons for solitude, intentional or otherwise, and "loner" does not imply a specific cause. Intentional reasons include spiritual and religious considerations or personal philosophies.

Does being a loner mean you failed at life?

Being a loner does not mean you failed at life. It means you enjoy your company, that you don't depend on others to have fun and be happy, that you can be you without minding what others think about you.

What is a loner person?

Person lacking or avoiding the company of others. A loner is a person who avoids or does not actively seek human interaction, also known as a quiet person who has no to very few friends. Some loners are people who appear or behave oddly to others.