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1. Lollard, in late medieval England, a follower, after about 1382, of John Wycliffe, a University of Oxford philosopher and theologian whose unorthodox religious and social doctrines in some ways anticipated those of the 16th-century Protestant Reformation.

Lollard, Late

2. The Lollard story opens with the disputes between the crown and the see of Rome on the presentation to English benefices


3. Answer: The term Lollard is a pejorative from the Middle Dutch lollaert, which meant “mumbler.” The term was used to refer to someone who had pious but heretical beliefs

Lollard, Lollaert

4. There was no 'Head Lollard' or organizational hierarchy of Lollards. Rather, Lollards were simply people tied together by a set of beliefs

Lollard, Lollards

5. Those beliefs varied in focus and intensity from one person to the next, so it is a mistake to think of Lollards as having unified beliefs or set of principals


6. Wycliffe developed a strong following and those who shared his beliefs became known as Lollards. They got their name from the word "lollen", which signifies to sing with a low voice.

Lollards, Lollen, Low

7. The Lollard Society invites proposals for the two sessions it will co-sponsor at the 2020 International Medieval Conference in Kalamazoo, MI


8. 1414), is the name conventionally given to a close-knit group of influential courtiers, accused by contemporary chroniclers of promoting heretical Lollard doctrines during the reigns of Richard II and Henry IV.The Leicester chronicler Henry Knighton (writing during the 1380s) names Sir Reynald Hilton (fl

Lollard, Leicester

9. Lollard definition is - one of the followers of Wycliffe who traveled in the 14th and 15th centuries as lay preachers throughout England and Scotland.

Lollard, Lay

10. Lollards From the Catholic Encyclopedia The name given to the followers of John Wyclif, an heretical body numerous in England in the latter part of the fourteenth and the first half of the fifteenth century.

Lollards, Latter

11. John Wyclif and his Lollard followers were the first recognised critics of the established church since the fifth century


12. The Lollards believed that the Church should help people to live a life of evangelical poverty and imitate Christ

Lollards, Live, Life

13. Lollard name for certain heretics, late 14c., also Loller, from Middle Dutch lollaerd, a word applied pejoratively to members of semi-monastic reforming sects active in the Low Countries from c

Lollard, Late, Loller, Lollaerd, Low

14. Lollard heretics are opposed to percieved corruption with the Catholic Church


15. John Wycliffe and The Lollards John Wyclif (c.1330-1384), an Oxford professor, developed a number of doctrines -- that the Bible is the supreme authority, that the clergy should hold no property, that there is no basis for the


16. After the Lollard movement lost the support of the king and nobility, it began to take on many of the characteristics of the medieval kingdom movements

Lollard, Lost

17. The movement led by Wycliffe was known as the “Lollards,” a pejorative term derived from the Latin lolium, which meant “a wild weed or vetch (often translated as ‘tares’) which can choke out wheat, as in the parable from Matthew 13:24-30.”(The Lollard Society) “Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in his

Led, Lollards, Latin, Lolium, Lollard, Likened

18. Lollard Influence – and the Consequences! Although the Lollard’s influence spread to Lincolnshire to the north and to both the midlands and Wales to the west, the greatest concentration was in the south and East Anglia with Norfolk as an influential hub

Lollard, Lincolnshire

19. ‘The Lollard name is of unknown origin and meaning, but signified a return to a simpler creed.’ ‘The Lollards were the most significant heretical group in England before the Reformation.’ ‘After Wycliffe's death, nearly thirty years passed before the authorities persecuted the Lollards with any severity.’

Lollard, Lollards

20. What does Lollard mean? A member of a sect of religious reformers in England who were followers of John Wycliffe in the 1300s and 1400s


21. What is a Lollard? Generations of historians and propagandists, bishops and inquisitors, theologians and polemicists have asked this question about the dissenters who began to trouble the English church in the late fourteenth century; indeed, many interpretations of …

Lollard, Late

22. The Lollards offers a brief but insightful guide to the entire history of England's only native medieval heretical movement


23. Beginning with its fourteenth century origins in the theology of the Oxford professor, John Wyclif, Richard Rex examines the spread of Lollardy across much of England until its eventual dissolution amidst the ecclesiastical and doctrinal upheavals of the sixteenth


24. The term 'Lollard' was a derogatory term given to the group by the established Church


25. Wiclif and the Lollard Bible, about 1380


26. Wyclif says of himself and the Lollards: “Verily, the life of Christ is an example and a mirror to us, which we must imitate as far as lies in our strength.”[ix] This paints a humble, Christ-like picture of sacrifice and commitment.

Lollards, Life, Lies, Like

27. Lollard (plural Lollards) One of a sect of early reformers in Germany

Lollard, Lollards

28. She was what they call a Lollard


29. Lollard gatherings were typified by a man or a woman reading scripture aloud followed by a discussion concerning contrary doctrines or practices by the orthodoxy (McSheffrey 2005:68)


30. The Lollards of Coventry were know to read a passage from the Gospel Luke 12:32-3 about giving alms to the poor, followed by discussions of its virtue versus

Lollards, Luke

31. In 1414 a Lollard rising led by Sir John Oldcastle was quickly defeated by Henry V

Lollard, Led

32. The rebellion brought severe reprisals and marked the end of the Lollards’ overt political influence


33. What is a Lollard? Generations of historians and propagandists, bishops and inquisitors, theologians and polemicists have asked this question about the dissenters who began to trouble the English church in the late fourteenth century; indeed, many interpretations of …

Lollard, Late

34. An Apology for Lollard Doctrines - Ebook written by John Wycliffe, Camden Society (Great Britain)


35. Download for offline reading, highlight, bookmark or take notes while you read An Apology for Lollard Doctrines.


36. What is a Lollard? Generations of historians and propagandists, bishops and inquisitors, theologians and polemicists have asked this question about the dissenters who began to trouble the English church in the late fourteenth century; indeed, much of the contested historiography of the English Reformation has turned on its answer

Lollard, Late

37. This is a book not only about Lollards but about the terms and


38. Lindberg StN 42 70 Mss & versions of Wycliffite bibleAnne Hudson MAE 40 71 A Lollard Sermon CycleAnne Hudson RES 22 71 A Lollard Quire [with knight & clerk discussing q

Lindberg, Lollard

39. MISS CAREY: Oh, a Lollard is a disappointment of the hair.


40. In "The Lollard," when Miss Carey wants to disillusionize Angela, she does not sit down and argue her out of her insane infatuation for Fred; nor does she tell Angela that Fred is a "Lollard" and weakly unmask him by describing his "Lollard" points.Writing for Vaudeville


41. Lollard Street is an innovative social housing scheme that provides 89 affordable homes, a nursery and children’s centre, communal gardens, and public realm improvements


42. In this dissertation, I examine the various ways in which medieval authors used the term "Lollard" to mean something other than "Wycliffite." In the case of William Langland's Piers Plowman, I trace the usage of the Lollard-trope through the C-text and link it to Langland's dependence on the Parable of the Wheat and the Tares

Lollard, Langland, Link

43. Lollards were a heretical group following the theological teaching of John Wycliffe


44. This is the most complete account yet of Lollardy, the medieval English heretical movement derived from the ideas of John Wyclif that anticipated many of the ideas and demands of sixteenth- and seventeenth-century reformers and Puritans.


45. The Lollard literature was very widely circulated—books by Wycliffe and Hereford and tracts and broadsides—in spite of many edicts proscribing it

Lollard, Literature

46. In 1395 the Lollards grew so strong that they petitioned parliament through Sir Thomas Latimer and Sir R

Lollards, Latimer

47. Stury to reform the church on Lollardist methods.



LOLLARD [ˈlälərd]

Lollard (noun) · Lollards (plural noun)

  • a follower of the 14th century English religious reformerJohn Wycliffe. The Lollards believed that the church should aid people to live a life of evangelical poverty and imitate Jesus Christ. Their ideas influenced the thought of John Huss, who in turn influenced Martin Luther.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does the name Lollard mean?

to change (letters, words, etc.), into corresponding characters of another alphabet or language. to explain in terms that can be more easily understood. When news of this reached England the clergy were incited to still more vigorous proceedings against Lollard preachers and books.

Who are the Lollards and what do they do?

The word is much older than its English use; there were Lollards in the Netherlands at the beginning of the 14th century who were akin to the Fraticelli, Beghards, and other sectaries similar to the recusant Franciscans.

What does ol lard mean?


Who was the leader of the Lollard movement?

Lollardy (Lollardism, Lollard movement) was a pre-Protestant Christian religious movement that existed from the mid-14th century to the English Reformation. It was initially led by John Wycliffe, a Roman Catholic theologian who was dismissed from the University of Oxford in 1381 for criticism of the Roman Catholic Church.