Use Lodger in a sentence

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See also: Lodger Logger Lodged Lodgement Ledger Lodges Loggerhead Lodge Lodging Lodgment Logic

1. How to use Lodger in a sentence.


2. Lodger synonyms, Lodger pronunciation, Lodger translation, English dictionary definition of Lodger


3. Lodger makes life for young parents and babies Easygoing

Lodger, Life

4. / ˈlɑː.dʒɚ / (US also roomer) someone who pays for a place to sleep, and usually for meals, in someone else's house: She takes in Lodgers to make some extra money.


5. Lodger An occupant of a portion of a dwelling, such as a hotel or boardinghouse, who has mere use of the premises without actual or exclusive possession thereof


6. Lodger is the 13th studio album by English musician David Bowie, released on 25 May 1979 by RCA Records


7. Lodger Login Change your country English (Netherlands) Austria België Belgique Bulgeria Croatia Czech Republic Denmark Deutschland Estonia Finland France Greece Hungary Ireland Italy Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Nederland Norway Poland Portugal Romania Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden Schweiz

Lodger, Login, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg

8. The laws and definitions of tenant and Lodger may vary among states

Laws, Lodger

9. Artful Lodger is Charlottesville's furniture store


10. Lodger [ˈlɒdʒəʳ] N → inquilino/a m/f (de habitación en una casa particular), huésped(a) m/f I was a Lodger there once → hace tiempo me hospedé allí she takes Lodgers → alquila habitaciones en su casa

Lodger, Lodgers

11. The Lodger is spiritually guilty of a murder he is as yet innocent of actually committing - English Only forum Visit the Spanish-English Forum


12. Discussions about 'Lodger' in the English Only forum


13. The Burtons are forced to take in a Lodger due to financial hardship


14. Find 7 ways to say Lodger, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.


15. On the surface, Lodger is the most accessible of the three Berlin-era records David Bowie made with Brian Eno, simply because there are no instrumentals and there are a handful of concise pop songs.Nevertheless, Lodger is still gnarled and twisted avant pop; what makes it different is how it incorporates such experimental tendencies into genuine songs, something that Low and Heroes …

Lodger, Low

16. The first involves an uneasy relationship between a psychologically unstable landlady and her enigmatic Lodger; the second is about a troubled detective engaged in a cat-and-mouse game with the elusive killer, who is imitating the crimes of Jack the Ripper.

Landlady, Lodger

17. 1 review of Lodger "This place is not good


18. 5 synonyms of Lodger from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 10 related words, definitions, and antonyms


19. Lodger: one who rents a room or apartment in another's house


20. This document is a Lodger's agreement which creates a licence for a Lodger to occupy a room (or rooms) within a property

Lodger, Licence

21. It is different to a tenancy agreement in that it does not create the same rights for a Lodger as a tenant would have under a tenancy.


22. The document can be used where a Lodger is to be given the use of a room in a property, but will not be given exclusive possession, and


23. "The Lodger" (1927), based on the hunt for Jack the Ripper, was Hitchcock's second completed film


24. What does Lodger mean? One that lodges, especially one who rents and lives in a furnished room

Lodger, Lodges, Lives

25. Lodger [Blu-ray]: Merle Oberon, George Sanders, Laird Cregar, Sara Allgood, Sir Cedric Hardwicke, 738329207298: Movies & TV

Lodger, Laird

26. The Lodger must leave when the notice period ends

Lodger, Leave

27. For example, if you give a verbal notice to the Lodger to leave in 2 weeks time, then they must leave in 2 weeks time

Lodger, Leave

28. If there is a written agreement (such as a Lodger agreement) it should say how much notice you need to give


29. If there is no Lodger agreement, then you should give 'reasonable


30. Lodger might have been an event, if only as a record we would someday look back on as work that mapped the territory between past and future

Lodger, Look

31. ‘Vicky's Lodger, Henry, helps her efforts as she struggles to present a new stream-lined version of herself to a handsome book buyer.’ ‘Some of the early ledgers show the changing post-war society by denoting whether someone is a house-owner, Lodger or servant.’

Lodger, Lined, Ledgers

32. Lodger, an Album by David Bowie


33. "The Lodger: A Story of the London Fog" is a 1927 Hitchcock movie, considered as the first true Hitchcock film by many and himself.If you want to listen to t

Lodger, London, Listen

34. Lodger definition: A Lodger is a person who pays money to live in someone else's house

Lodger, Live

35. Audience Reviews for The Lodger Dec 07, 2010 a crappy title doesent help a by the numbers film, he copies jack the ripper, in modern day l.a


36. Closing out Northern Stage’s 2020-21 season, Mud Season Mystery: The Lodger will be performed live on Zoom starting April 14 through May 2, 2021

Lodger, Live

37. A Lodger arrives at a ramshackle London boarding house as news of a murderer

Lodger, London

38. A Lodger can end the lodging agreement by giving you notice of their intentions to leave

Lodger, Lodging, Leave

39. The Lodger, Hereford, Herefordshire


40. At The Lodger we offer a takeaway and delivery service


41. The Lodger remains noteworthy today for a number of striking visual touches


42. The most famous effect is undoubtedly the clear glass floor through which we see the Lodger pacing back and forth


43. Synonyms for Lodger include roomer, tenant, boarder, guest, resident, lessee, paying guest, PG, renter and cotenant

Lodger, Lessee

44. The Burtons' niece, Kitty (Merle Oberon), is a music hall singer who initially grows fond of the eccentric Lodger, but, when the Ripper's body count rises, she and a Scotland Yard inspector


45. Lodger wants to make life easygoing for young parents by developing innovative and original products offering mobility both at home and on the go.

Lodger, Life

46. Provided to YouTube by Parlophone UKFantastic Voyage (2017 Remaster) · David BowieLodger℗ 1979, 2017 Jones/Tintoretto Entertainment Company LLC under exclusi


47. Current line up: Teemu Merilä - Singer Hannes Häyhä - Bass Antti Laari - Drums (since 2004) Panu Riikonen - Guitar Ex member: Richard Anderson - Drums (2002 - 2004) Sites:, MySpace

Line, Laari, Lodger

48. When the Lodger is playing a game of chess with Daisy (about 26 minutes into the movie), the chessboard is set up incorrectly


49.… "Single Lodger in a private residence A Lodger is a person who lives in a room in a house where the owner lives

Lodger, Lives

50. The owner can enter all areas occupied by the Lodger and has overall control of the house.9 Most Lodgers have the same rights as tenants.10

Lodger, Lodgers

51. Lodger has 10 songs, all of which are three to four minutes long

Lodger, Long


LODGER [ˈläjər]

  • › Legal definition of a lodger
  • › What is a lodger
  • › What is a lodger felony
  • › Lodgers rights in california

Frequently Asked Questions

What does the name lodger mean?

Legal Definition of lodger : a person who occupies a rented room in another's house specifically : a person who by agreement with the owner of a house acquires no property, interest, or possession therein but only the right to occupy a designated room or area that remains in the owner's legal possession

What does lodger mean?

Legal Definition of lodger. : a person who occupies a rented room in another's house specifically : a person who by agreement with the owner of a house acquires no property, interest, or possession therein but only the right to occupy a designated room or area that remains in the owner's legal possession.

How does the law define a lodger?

While there is no legal definition of "lodger", a lodger is someone who typically rents a room in your home and shares living space (e.g. kitchen, bathroom). Lodgers in England & Wales are typically what is known as a "licencee", which essentially means the lodger can only stay as long as the landlord allows.

What is considered a "single" lodger?

You would be considered a "single lodger". A "lodger" is a person who lives in a room in a house where the owner lives. The owner can enter all areas occupied by the lodger and has overall control of the house. Under California law, most lodgers have the same rights as tenants.

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