1. A locule (plural Locules) or loculus (plural loculi) (meaning "little place" in Latin) is a small cavity or compartment within an organ or part of an organism (animal, plant, or fungus)
Locule, Locules, Loculus, Loculi, Little, Latin
2. Such apertures occur in a conspicuous basal whorl in some genera (e.g., Antrocaryon, Choerospondias, Poupartia, Sclerocarya) and in these instances, they alternate with the Locules …
3. In a general sense, ovaries may be unilocular, with a single locule, or plurilocular, having two or more Locules.
Locule, Locules
4. There are normally three Locules, but polymerous daylilies have four or more
5. Cross-section of an immature ovary showing the three Locules, or chambers, containing the ovules that will become seeds.
6. You can help! Fruits are dehiscent capsules that consist of a red central core with one to six Locules; each locule contains one arillate seed protected by a reddish-purple valve
Locules, Locule
7. A locule (plural Locules) or loculus (plural loculi) (meaning "little place" in Latin) is a small cavity or compartment within an organ or part of an organism (animal, plant, or fungus)
Locule, Locules, Loculus, Loculi, Little, Latin
8. Definition of Locules in the Definitions.net dictionary
9. What does Locules mean? Information and translations of Locules in the most comprehensive …
10. Locules are the chambers within a fruit that contain the seeds
11. Some peppers have as many as four Locules while others have only one
12. The Locules in hot peppers are separated by placental walls.
13. High by 3 mm wide and have three Locules, a central one with a germination valve that contains a single seed and two lateral, bladder-like chambers
Locules, Lateral, Like
14. Cavernous sinus gas Locules can be seen in several settings. iatrogenic pneumocephalus secondary to gas embolism (especially venous gas embolism) from IV access (can be a relatively common finding in the absence of direct trauma and does not require treatment)
15. Depending on the number of Locules in the ovary, fruit can be classified as uni-locular (unilocular), bi-locular, tri-locular or multi-locular
Locules, Locular
16. The number of Locules present in a gynoecium may be …
17. Locule (plural Locules) A little hollow; a loculus
Locule, Locules, Little, Loculus
18. It differs from Citrus: (1) in having an isomerous or hypomerous ovary normally with three to five, rarely six or seven, Locules (not polymerous with 8 to 15 or more Locules); (2) in having two collateral ovules in each locule (not 4 to 12); (3) in having a cavernous stigma containing a few large, deeply immersed, lysigenous oil glands, usually
Locules, Locule, Large, Lysigenous
19. Locules is an accepted word in Word with Friends having 13 points
20. Locules is a 7 letter medium Word starting with L and ending with S
Locules, Letter
21. Locules 9 is a valid Scrabble Word in NWL, formerly TWL (USA, Thailand, Canada) Locules 9 is a valid Scrabble Word in CSW, formerly SOWPODS (Other Countries) Locules 13 is a valid word in WWF
22. Definitions for the word, Locules
23. Number of Locules and determine the number of carpels this flower has
24. "B, much en- called locule, which contains many showing the Locules and Point out the Locules and pollen grains
Locule, Locules
25. Notice that two of the Locules have " 4
26. The Encyclopedia Americana: A Library of Universal Knowledge (1919) "Pistil inferior, composed of three or sometimes more, united pistils; with one or sometimes several Locules
Library, Locules
27. Lumbar epidural gas is a rare phenomenon where gas Locules are observed within the central canal of the lumbar spine
Lumbar, Locules
28. An inadequate attempt to show the three Locules [compartments] that contain the seeds
29. Ascogenous hyphae develop in Locules of the pipillae and an opening or pseudoostiole forms in the second spring
30. The gynoecium consists of a single compound pistil of 2 carpels, a single style, and a superior ovary with 2 Locules, each containing one (or more frequently) numerous axile ovules
31. The gynoecium consists of a single compound pistil of 2 carpels, a single, often gynobasic style, and a superior, often deeply 4-lobed ovary with 4 Locules, each containing a single basal-axile ovule.
Lobed, Locules
32. There are three Locules in the fruit Fruit cross-section the fruit is round in cross-section Fruit length 6–10 mm Fruit stalk orientation the fruits curve or droop downwards Fruit type (general) the fruit is fleshy
Locules, Length
33. The Locules of the filtration beds appear sealed off from the blood by branches of activated reticular cells
34. Another characteristic is the multiplicity of Locules, the chambers of the ovary containing seeds, each locule having a single ovule
Locules, Locule
35. A septum (= "wall") is an interior wall which separates the Locules when two or more chambers occur
36. The placentation is axile when there are septa which divide the ovary into two or more Locules
37. Erect chest x-rays are better than abdominal films, but are insensitive to small Locules of gas measuring 1 mm and only around 33% sensitive to Locules measuring 1–13 mm.10 11 Another major advantage is that the site can often be identified or inferred
38. Pima cotton has 3Locules per boll
39. What does Locules mean? Plural form of locule
Locules, Locule
40. However, the right hemithorax remained partially opacified on imaging due to non‐drainable fluid Locules (Fig
41. The Locules contain the ovules or seeds
42. CT of abdomen confirmed that some liver lesions were made up of asymmetric Locules of varying sizes (honeycomb sign), while others had hypodense centre with small symmetric peripheral Locules in radial fashion (necklace sign).
Liver, Lesions, Locules
43. The microcysts and Locules were lined by one or two layers of normal-appearing acinar cells
Locules, Lined, Layers
44. In some Locules there were clusters of acinar structures containing eosinophilic material
45. The cuboidal cells lining the Locules had morphologic and immunohistochemical features of acinar cells.
Lining, Locules
LOCULES [ˈläkyo͞ol]
A small cavity or compartment within an organ or part of an animal or plant, as any of the cavities within a plant ovary in which the ovules develop. "Locule." YourDictionary.
a person who dances professionally, as on the stage. an example of writing or speech consisting of or containing meaningless words. a petty gangster or ruffian. . First recorded in 1775–85, locular is from the New Latin word loculāris kept in boxes. See loculus, -ar 1
loc·ules, or loc·u·li. A small cavity or compartment within an organ or part of an animal or plant, as any of the cavities within a plant ovary. Origin of locule.