See also: Locavores Local Location Locate Located Locale Locally Locality Localized Locating Localist Localization Locater Locanto Locationally Locavore
1. Locavores serves fresh, inspired food at our fast-casual restaurant and market in Alamosa, Colorado
2. What Do Locavores Eat? Most Locavores …
Lt, Locavores
4. Locavores are people who actively seek vegetables, fruits, dairy products, eggs and meats that are produced locally
Locavores, Locally
5. Top Reviews of Locavores 5.0 stars - Based on 6 reviews
6. Locavores is a fast casual restaurant serving fresh, real foods.
7. They call themselves Locavores or localvores and they limit their food supply to what is grown and produced within a restricted radius. You'll notice that the word locavore sounds similar to carnivore or herbivore.
Locavores, Localvores, Limit, Ll, Locavore
8. Curbside Pick-Up and Take Out services make it quick and convenient to enjoy Locavores with no wait and limited social contact
Locavores, Limited
9. But as organic food has evolved from an artisanal rural endeavor to a multibillion-dollar industry, Locavores have detached themselves.
10. Locavores are people who have decided to eat locally grown or produced products as much as possible
Locavores, Locally
11. Locavores, Alamosa: See 90 unbiased reviews of Locavores, rated 4.5 of 5 on Tripadvisor and ranked #6 of 58 restaurants in Alamosa.
12. So I do think that there is a wonderful opportunity for us to find a carbon-neutral energy source where it is not only a beneficial model environmentally but we are sort of becoming forest and energy Locavores, if you will, and so that is what we are trying to establish through this idea of a community wood energy program where we would be using, you know, town forests to actually supply town
13. Locavores vary in their orthodoxy, from the ultrastrict (who might eschew ingredients like salt, sugar and vinegar that aren’t locally produced) to adherents of the "Marco Polo rule" (who deem
Locavores, Like, Locally
14. We are the Lopez Locavores, a not-for-profit organization passionately dedicated to cultivating community through the support and celebration of local food, farm and education
Lopez, Locavores, Local
15. Delivery & Pickup Options - 131 reviews of Locavores "Just what the valley needed! It's great to eat delicious fresh food while knowing that you are supporting local farmers and ranchers
Locavores, Local
16. Locavores argue that buying local food supports an area's farmers and, in turn, strengthens the community
Locavores, Local
17. Locavores serves fresh, inspired food at our fast-casual restaurant in Alamosa, Colorado
18. After launching their own Locavores website, the original creators went on to extend the concept in various ways
Launching, Locavores
19. 14; radical Locavores should make a note to secure a turkey permit for next fall.’ ‘They drew up a plan for a year living as "Locavores" - eating food that they had either grown themselves or had bought from the surrounding area.’
Locavores, Living
20. Lady Locavores: unparalleled food and drink and a celebration of the womxn* folk in the Atlanta food world
Lady, Locavores
21. Starting in May, our Lynchburg is for Locavores Cooking Series will continue to feature a local chef every Saturday morning, who will be preparing a variety of recipes using our spotlighted produce item of the week
Lynchburg, Locavores, Local
22. Food localism is becoming a movement, and its adherents have a name: “Locavores.” Some are liberal environmentalists, others conservative or libertarian-leaning farmers.
Localism, Locavores, Liberal, Libertarian, Leaning
23. Locavores does an remarkable job of showcasing the farms that provide the food for their menu
24. The first thing that catches your eye when entering Locavores is a large map of the region that takes up the entire Eastern wall
Locavores, Large
25. A sticker marks local farms that contribute to the Locavores meu.
Local, Locavores
26. Locavores is known for being an outstanding American restaurant
27. In comparison to other American restaurants, Locavores is inexpensive.
28. In The Locavore's Dilemma, they explain the history, science, and economics of food supply to reveal what Locavores miss or misunderstand: the real environmental impacts of agricultural production; the drudgery of subsistence farming; and the essential role large-scale, industrial producers play in making food more available, varied, affordable
Locavore, Locavores, Large
29. Large differences were found between Locavores and non‐Locavores on marketing relevant criteria, such as price sensitivity, outlet preferences, and media characteristics., – The major limitation was the use of only Pennsylvania residents in the study and produce other than apples might have been used as well.
Large, Locavores, Limitation
30. Many Locavores, upon hearing the term local, associate it with other labels, such as organic, non-GMO, no pesticides, etc
Locavores, Local, Labels
31. Service at Locavores is something one can name fabulous
32. All these are strong claims that Locavores like to brag about and show off about in order to attract people into becoming one
Locavores, Like
33. By combining healthy eating and a high standard of environmental stewardship, these Locavores think, we can also
34. Locavores’ increased tendency to call a farm to express gratitude for ingredients in a restaurant meal makes deceit difficult to sustain
a person who makes an effort to eat food that is grown, raised, or produced locally, usually within 100 miles of home. Nearby words. Origin of locavore.
Most locavores define local as anything within 100 miles of their homes. Locavores who live in more remote areas sometimes expand their definition of locally grown food to include meat, fish, fruits, vegetables, honey and other food products that come from farms and other food producers within a 250-mile radius.
The locavore movement has been criticized by Dr. Vasile Stănescu, the co-senior editor of the Critical Animal Studies book series, as being idealistic and for not actually achieving the environmental benefits of the claim that the reduced food miles decreases the amount of gasses emitted.
Locavorism, however, favors food grown only a few miles from your home. In some instances that means hyper-local food – corn from the farm down County Route Whatever.