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1. Livedo reticularis is thought to be due to spasms of the blood vessels or an abnormality of the circulation near the skin surface


2. Sometimes Livedo reticularis is simply the result of being chilled.


3. Livedo reticularis results from a disturbance of blood flow to the skin, causing low blood flow and reduced oxygen tension to the skin

Livedo, Low

4. We define Livedo as “a bluish usually patchy discoloration of the skin.” The word comes from the Latin word livēre, meaning “to be blue.”Livedo shares this root with a handful of other English words, including livid (a word which, depending on the context, means either …

Livedo, Latin, Liv, Livid

5. Is a subsidiary company of Livedo Corporation in Japan


6. Since its foundation on April 1, 1965, Livedo Corporation has developed our corporation primarily as "Specialist Manufacturers" of disposable diapers


7. In December 2004, Livedo USA began production in Wilson, NC.


8. Livedo reticularis commonly affects the skin of the legs

Livedo, Legs

9. Lupus is a rare autoimmune and inflammatory condition that may cause Livedo reticularis

Lupus, Livedo

10. Livedo reticularis refers to the mottled discoloration of the skin which can be seen in various conditions


11. Livedo reticularis resembles a lace or net in appearance and is a cyanotic or bluish discoloration which surrounds a pale central skin area

Livedo, Lace

12. Know the causes, symptoms, types, treatment and prognosis of Livedo Reticularis.


13. A rash called “Livedo reticularis” is not often associated with RA in medical literature

Livedo, Literature

14. Livedo reticularis (LR) is a skin symptom

Livedo, Lr

15. Livedoid vasculopathy is a blood vessel disorder that causes painful ulcers and scarring (atrophie blanche) on the feet and lower legs.These symptoms can persist for months to years and the ulcers often recur

Livedoid, Lower, Legs

16. Livedoid vasculopathy lesions appear as painful red or purple marks and spots that may progress to small, tender, irregular ulcers.

Livedoid, Lesions

17. Livedo: [ lĭ-ve´do ] a discolored patch on the skin, usually associated with cold weather


18. Livedo racemo´sa ( Livedo reticula´ris ) reddish blue, netlike mottling of the skin; it …


19. Livedo reticularis causes a mottled pattern on the skin


20. Livedo - skin disorder characterized by patchy bluish discolorations on the skin


21. It is primarily characterized by Livedo reticularis (net-like patterns of discoloration on the skin) and neurological abnormalities

Livedo, Like

22. What is Livedo Reticularis? This is a vascular condition that will usually affect your superficial capillaries and blood vessel


23. Livedo reticularis: A mottled purplish discoloration of the skin


24. Livedo reticularis can be a normal condition that is simply more obvious when a person is exposed to the cold.It can also be an indicator of impaired circulation.


25. Livedo reticularis is derived from the Latin words livere which means bluish and reticular which means a net-like appearance

Livedo, Latin, Livere, Like

26. Medical definition of Livedo: a bluish usually patchy discoloration of the skin.


27. Livedo refers to a form of skin discoloration


28. Livedo reticularis; Livedo racemosa; Livedoid dermatitis; Livedoid vasculitis; References

Livedo, Livedoid

29. Livedo reticularis and cerebrovascular accidents (CVA) in patients with SLE have appeared for more than 20 years23-26


30. Frances, et alreported a statistically significant association between the presence of Livedo racemosa and cerebral or ocu-lar ischemic arterial events, seizures, all arterial events, heart

Livedo, Lar

31. Livedo reticularis (LR) is a cutaneous physical sign characterized by transient or persistent, blotchy, reddish-blue to purple, net-like cyanotic pattern

Livedo, Lr, Like

32. LR is a benign disorder affecting mainly middle-aged females, whereas Livedo racemosa (LRC) is pathologic, commonly associated with antiphospholi …

Lr, Livedo, Lrc

33. Livedo reticularis is a lacy, purple skin discoloration that may be associated with a variety of conditions that cause circulatory abnormalities

Livedo, Lacy

34. In other cases, underlying autoimmune diseases may be responsible for Livedo reticularis.


35. Livedo reticularis (LR) es un síntoma de la piel

Livedo, Lr, La

36. Livedo reticularis is commonly seen and, in the correct clinical setting, is indicative of APLS


37. Livedo reticularis has a dusky, ill‐defined violaceous reticular pattern that is seen primarily on the legs and occasionally on the arms (Fig

Livedo, Legs

38. Livedo reticularis is a Livedoid discoloration of the skin in a reticular pattern

Livedo, Livedoid

39. Broadly speaking, Livedo is divided into physiological and pathological Livedo


40. Physiological Livedo (cutis marmorata) is commonly seen on the legs of infants and young women in cold weather and improves on rewarming

Livedo, Legs

41. Pathological Livedo is a cutaneous manifestation of a number of systemic conditions, most


42. Livedo reticularis is a common cutaneous manifestation of APS and may be a prognostic marker of more severe disease


43. Livedo reticularis – Livedo reticularis refers to a reddish-cyanotic, reticular pattern on the skin of the arms, legs, and torso, particularly with cold exposure In SLE, Livedo reticularis is induced … ›

Livedo, Legs

44. Livedo racemosa describes a reddish-blue mottling of the skin in an irregular, reticular pattern


45. It differs from the more common Livedo reticularis by its shape


46. Livedo racemosa consists of broken circular segments resulting in a seemingly larger pattern, as opposed to the fine, regular, complete network of Livedo reticularis.

Livedo, Larger

47. Livedo Reticularis is an idiopathic and benign disorder


48. Livedo Reticularis is a striking macular violaceous net-like patterned erythema of skin

Livedo, Like

49. Apr 17, 2020 - Explore Starr Hardwick's board "Livedo reticularis" on Pinterest


50. See more ideas about Livedo reticularis, antiphospholipid syndrome, autoimmune disease.


51. Livedoid vasculopathy is a rare, chronic vascular disorder characterised by persistent painful ulceration of the lower extremities

Livedoid, Lower

52. Livedoid vasculopathy was also known as ‘ Livedo vasculitis ’, ‘Livedoid vasculitis’ and ‘Livedo reticularis with summer ulceration’.

Livedoid, Livedo

53. Livedo reticularis (LR) is a skin symptom

Livedo, Lr

54. Livedo, ‘the persistent, not reversible with rewarming, violaceous, red or blue, reticular or mottled pattern of the skin of trunk, arms or legs, consisting of regular unbroken circles (regular Livedo reticularis) or irregular-broken circles (Livedo racemosa)’, is the most frequent dermatologic feature of APS [4].

Livedo, Legs

55. Livedo definition at, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation


56. Definition of Livedo in the dictionary


57. What does Livedo mean? Information and translations of Livedo in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on …


58. What is it? Livedo reticularis is a term referring to the appearance of a “net-like”, red-blue pattern on the skin

Livedo, Like

59. There are a number of different types of Livedo reticularis: Cutis marmorata This term refers to the condition in infants and young children


60. Livedo reticularis is also associated with abnormal superficial circulation and spasms of blood vessels


61. While Livedo reticularis is often harmless and requires no dermatological treatment, it can be an indicator that something is wrong systemically.


62. Livedo racemosa (Picture 2) is a persistent, fixed, purplish discoloration in a broken, branched, irregular fashion


63. Unlike Livedo reticularis, Livedo racemosa does not go away easily with warming of the skin.


64. Livedo Reticularis is a condition that causes mesh-like purple skin patterns

Livedo, Like

65. There are two types of Livedo Reticularis


66. Secondary Livedo Reticularis and Idiopathic Livedo Reticularis, which means the underlying cause of the condition is unknown.


67. Is a subsidiary company of Livedo Corporation in Japan


68. Since it's foundation on April 1, 1965, Livedo Corporation has developed our corporation primarily as "Specialist


69. Livedo racemosa is a persistent variant of Livedo reticularis with a characteristic, large, broken, branching pattern, often on the trunk and proximal limbs

Livedo, Large, Limbs

70. Livedo definition: a reddish discoloured patch on the skin Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples


71. Livedo reticularis (LR) is a common vascular reaction pattern characterized by a reticular (net-like) discoloration on the extremities and trunk

Livedo, Lr, Like



Frequently Asked Questions

What does livoid mean?

Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Wikipedia. a discolored patch on the skin, usually associated with cold weather. adj., adj liv´edoid. livedo racemo´sa ( livedo reticula´ris) reddish blue, netlike mottling of the skin; it is exacerbated by exposure to cold.

What does livedo racemo mean?

livedo racemo´sa ( livedo reticula´ris) reddish blue, netlike mottling of the skin; it is exacerbated by exposure to cold. Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved. ( li-vē'dō ), Do not confuse this word with libido.

What does livedo reticularis mean on the legs?

Livedo reticularis (LR) is a skin symptom. It refers to a netlike pattern of reddish-blue skin discoloration. The legs are often affected. The condition is linked to swollen blood vessels.

What drugs are associated with livedo?

Drug-associated livedo has also been reported with: 1 Minocycline. 2 Gemcitabine. 3 Catecholamines. 4 Non-steroidal anti-inflammatories.